

as the sky and earth open up again for spring, take a moment to open your windows and shake out your rugs. change out your sheets and curtains and pick up a packet of seeds from the local grocery store. you don’t have to grow them if that feels overwhelming or impossible, but leave them in the kitchen where you’ll see them when you go to make your morning coffee. we’re getting back to growing.

Don’t let your clouds make you forget who you truly are beneath it all. Don’t let it make you forget how bright you can shine…☀️

Don’t give up…

“Allah burdens no soul beyond what it can bare” Quran (2:286)

Be the person who stops the cycle of hate by not passing it on to someone else..Don’t become the person who wrecked you…Don’t be that person to either yourself or to someone else…Be the beautiful result of the ugly process..

Don’t force yourself to feel positive all the time. It’s okay to feel negative emotions sometimes but after experiencing and expressing those emotions, you have to let go.


incase you needed to hear this today:

- you are not lazy!

- you are perfectly capable!

- you can do anything you put your mind to!

- you are motivated!

- you are passionate!

- you deserve a break!

- you are not in a race!

- your hard work is inspiring!

- you are exactly where you need to be!
