#redrose writes



I was going to call this another one of my fantastically horrible AUs, but then I realised that technically, there’s nothing canon that can prove that this did not happen, sooooo who’s gonna tell me i’m wrong?


remember in Red Fox Clan, how both Cassandra and Horace are hinting at Maddie possibly developing romantic feelings for Dimon? what if Maddie acted upon that? she already feels like she’s letting her parents down by training to be a Ranger and never being home, so at least she can give them this, right? right

so she initiates it. seeks out Dimon’s company. and when he tries to go further, and further, she lets him. it’s how these things go, don’t they? she’s heard enough courtiers talk to know that men decide in the bedroom. that’s how it supposed to be. so she lets him. 

they keep it a secret, initially (just like Maddie continues to keep her Ranger training a secret). they need to test the waters. but then Dimon asks Maddie to dance with him, at one of the summer balls, and she accepts, and it’s practically an announcement to the world. that they’re together. 

it’s great. Dimon is great. his protectionness just means he cares, right? her dad and Will were protective when her mom and Alyss wanted to seek out the Kikori in Nihon-Ja. 

and sure, he can get a little rough-handed, but that must be the firey passion the stories talk of. 

and yet-

yet Maddie doesn’t feel the sparks that her parents always talked about. she doesn’t feel that invisible bond that everyone said always drew Will and Alyss together. he doesn’t make her laugh like Gilan always makes Jenny laugh. and when they talk, it’s nowhere as in-sync as Halt and Pauline. she doesn’t feel that magical, delightful, all-encompassing love, no matter what they do. 

she knows she’s supposed to. 

but she doesn’t. 

when Dimon turns out to be a traitor, Maddie’s almost relieved. almost. but not entirely. because he told her it was real. what they had, even if she wasn’t sure of it, even if she didn’t understand it, didn’t yet feel it, was real love. he told her that. so either he lied to her, used her, didn’t care about her. 


or she’s just so despicable that, once he got to know her better, he decided that she wasn’t worthy of him. 

of the crown. 

of life. 


Piece 2 of Perky Prose - At Your Service

In which Maddie finally finds someone who’ll be at her service - forever and always. Requested by @ranger-melany. Idk where the plot went, this is just a collection of the vibes that have kept me up for two nights in a row now.


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Omg, thank you so so so much! I love it!

look i’m not saying that i’m working on a novel-length fanfic revolving around one single Ranger Gathering… 

but i amsaying that if you have any Ranger Gathering headcanons… and if you would be okay with those headcanons being featured in a fic… then maybe… let me know? 
