#refusing to do so



While I appreciate that as a character who exits the story immediately, who we know nearly nothing about except through hearsay, Mo Xuanyu has the potential for many possible interpretations.

But I feel like there’s not enough teenage edgelord who was slinking through the halls of Carp Tower all “nO oNe UndErSTANds mE,” like the kind of bullied gay who leans into it super defensively and will snap back at a homophobic slur with “you’re just jealous I suck dick better than you!” and then immediately gets the shit beat out of him, just increasingly stewing in his own anger and isolation until he legitimately loses it, because this is also the guy who summoned the big bad scary grandmaster of demonic cultivation to come and murder his entire family for him.

I think he should be way less hinged and a lot more morally dark, the kind of guy who’d hear Xue Yang’s story and think “hell yeah kill ‘em all for your finger, fuck 'em.” He was willing to have his soul torn apart just to get revenge on people who wronged him.

Imagine a Mo Xuanyu so feral that the real reason JGY kicked him out of Carp Tower is because he was lowkey scared of him.
