#i love this idea











hear me out: a cutthroat kitchen-type contest for fanfic writers. contestants are given a different trope to write each round. sabotages include making an opponent write in first person, requiring them to write in a particular AU, making them incorporate the opening structure of my immortal. alton brown looks over your shoulder while you write the smut.

Oh, god.


A grab bag of horrible euphemisms are on the table, you bid for the privilege of being the only author allowed to use “cock”

  • You only get to use the character’s names and/or their pronouns once for every 1000 words. Beyond that, you must say “the taller one,” “the detective,” etc.

  • [fifteen seconds before you’re eliminated] “So this is a, sort of a, rustic, deconstructed high school bodyswap fake relationship fic…”

  • “I was so psyched to write my Fuck Or Die fic! I immediately picked up symbolic flowers, a prostate massager, and the dog they would adopt together…and then I realized – I totally forgot the aliens to make them do it.”

  • The most brutally sabotaged contestant ends up writing something so bad it becomes the most famous fic in all of fandom, forever. No one remembers who actually won the contest.


I am dead serious this needs to be a thing. Like a fast paced, write what you can in X days/hours, 5k word max fic where you bid time for whatever advantages or disadvantages are on the table. Or even a monthly challenge where you’re given all kinds of things you have to incorporate and you have to sacrifice time in order to not be at a disadvantage (for example, you sacrifce a week and a half on your due date to be able to use the word cock in a smut fic.)

I swear if someone else wants to help me figure out the logistics of this kind of thing and help me mod I will set up a blog for this kind of thing. It’s waaaay too good an idea not to do.



This sounds terrifying, but I want it!

I always reblog this because this shit needs to be a thing!

witchesversuspatriarchy:I want to know how to make this work tbh


I want to know how to make this work tbh

Post link


so… when you think about it… logan’s the brain. what else is correlated with the brain? mental disorders, such as depression and adhd. so when it comes to aus, portraying logan with depression and/or adhd isn’t straying too far from his character at all. (and honestly, i’ve seen lots of logan moments in the series that makes me, someone with depression and adhd, go “oh snap dat me”.) in conclusion, if you headcanon logan with depression or adhd or any mental disorder of any kind in your aus, you are very valid, and i shall continue to keep using these kinds of headcanons for logan too. thank you for coming to my ted talk


Given how often Gurathin and Ratthi are found in each other’s company, and how they’re mentioned together a lot too, I think they might actually be best friends. This is hilarious for obvious reasons


@large-black-coffee Your tags killed me. I’m making this a whole AU and it’s your fault


or their warden?

just, i need some positivity. send me requests for dragon age stuff!

ill draw as many as i can


My rogue archer, Jessilyne Treveylan for your consideration. My attempt to make my Inquisitor as close to my actual, flawed-self as possible. Thanks if you pick my average lady! XD


I downloaded wombo dream (which is a painting ai) and used the dark fantasy filter to see what the realms would look like. Here are some results:

Isle of dawn

Daylight prairie

Hidden forest

Valley of triumph

Golden wasteland

Vault of knowledge

I’ll do elders too if ya’ll want to see that.


Hi all!  Here is the outline for what I want to try and do with this experiment.  I would like to write a feedism story that is guided by the audience.  Here’s how it’ll work: 

i will write an opening scene based on one of the options outlined below.  

after each section of the story, I will have 2 different pathways for the story to take.  you can vote on each post for 24 hours by either giving it a like, or commenting on it.  (plz reblog too if you like it; they will not count as votes though). 

each next section will be written as separate posts, but I will include a link to the previous part of the story at the top of each new post so people can go back and read the whole thing should they want to.  

i will clearly mark which post is the last one, and once the story is complete, I will likely compile it into one whole post for ease of access 

everything will be tagged under “chzburger writes” and “chzburger writes: an interactive experience” so it will be filed as its own separate thing but also show up with my other musings and drabbles. 

things will likely be in first person, as if i am the one feeding the universal “you” so you can imagine whoever you want in that place

i will also tag any relevant themes so people are able to seek out or blacklist accordingly 

if you do not feel comfortable using your own blog to like or comment, you may send an anonymous (or not anonymous ask, just clarify if you want it public or not) but please only send one per person and keep the fun of the game alive. 

I hope you all like!  for now, please vote on either of these two scenarios to start: 

leave aLIKEfor a romantic getaway at an all inclusive resort, full of buffets, plenty of booze, tight swimsuits, and a kingsize suite 

leave a COMMENT for a local bakery, fresh pastries, cakes and pies, a willing customer and a blooming romance 

also!  this is a whole new thing for me, so if people have ideas on how to make it better please let me know.  the post will be up for 24 hours before something is decided!  


im so enamored with stories that portray love as something soft and kind because i do think that love at its core is an act of kindness. its part of the reason i prefer the idea of growing into love instead of falling in love because when i think of growing into love i think of a garden, like love is something to cultivate, to tend to daily, a steady progression of growth with some setbacks, a few dying leaves here and there, having to move to a bigger pot and a spot with more sunshine, but it’s still something that at the end of the month, or a year, or a decade, or a lifetime you can look at and see the product of your dedication, see exactly what it means to pour your heart into something. i just! love reading about kind love!


was listening to “We Belong Together” by Ritchie Valens on repeat while I drew this, and I… uh I think it might’ve influenced things..


Considering Jack Spicer is apparently fully capable of making robots and machines capable of time travel, shapeshifting, emotions, and full sentience, combined with my headcanon that he’s a very distant descendant of Wuya’s, at this point I’m just flat out headcanoning that Jack Spicer is a legitimate Warlock with no idea he is one who channels all his latent magical talent into essentially being a technomancer.


au where newts death was a hallucination thomas had caused by wckd and newt gets the cure and they lived happily ever after

elhnrt: i have been tormented by images all day+bonuselhnrt: i have been tormented by images all day+bonuselhnrt: i have been tormented by images all day+bonuselhnrt: i have been tormented by images all day+bonus


i have been tormented by images all day



Post link


While I appreciate that as a character who exits the story immediately, who we know nearly nothing about except through hearsay, Mo Xuanyu has the potential for many possible interpretations.

But I feel like there’s not enough teenage edgelord who was slinking through the halls of Carp Tower all “nO oNe UndErSTANds mE,” like the kind of bullied gay who leans into it super defensively and will snap back at a homophobic slur with “you’re just jealous I suck dick better than you!” and then immediately gets the shit beat out of him, just increasingly stewing in his own anger and isolation until he legitimately loses it, because this is also the guy who summoned the big bad scary grandmaster of demonic cultivation to come and murder his entire family for him.

I think he should be way less hinged and a lot more morally dark, the kind of guy who’d hear Xue Yang’s story and think “hell yeah kill ‘em all for your finger, fuck 'em.” He was willing to have his soul torn apart just to get revenge on people who wronged him.

Imagine a Mo Xuanyu so feral that the real reason JGY kicked him out of Carp Tower is because he was lowkey scared of him.


It begins!

This year, let’s try something a little different!

Artists and Writers, let me know if you are interested in participating and what you would like to contribute (art or writing :P)

At the end of a week (May 8th), I will pair an artist with a writer and vice versa…

but here’s the twist!

Individuals will review their person’s art/writing and pick something to create for.


Yeah XD my bad

So Artist A is given Writer B as their subject. Artist A finds a fanfic that has already be written and creates a piece of art for it.

In the same way, Writer B will be given Artist B to review, find a piece of art that inspires them and write a fic for it of any length.

The intention is to take away the waiting process and some of the pressure. No one will know who they are paired with until the works are posted. 

Any questions, please feel free to ask!


Who would like to participate????

Didn’t read properly at first and was sad thinking I wouldn’t have time to join in again but with this new twist I can!!

Can I sign up for an artist slot pretty please???
