#reggie peters


Anyway au where everything’s the exact same except the guys wear skirts/dresses and they address it exactly one time. And that’s in the beach scene. Just

Alex: and before you say cool teleportation skills, just know I’m not entirely okay with that either! Alright? It tingles! In weird places!

Reggie, looking down: I uh

Reggie: I don’t think that’s the teleportation…

Alex: … *holds down skirt* let’s move on.

12-year-old Luke: Reggie, truth or dare?

Reggie: truth

Luke: uh… how much money would it take for you to kiss a boy?

Reggie: ummm-

Alex, not even playing: I’d do it for free

All: …

Alex: what?! It’s not like I’m gay or anything, I just don’t think it’s a big deal. I mean it’s a kiss, who really cares?

*two weeks later*

Alex: *throws garage doors open* GUYS I THINK I’M GAY

Bobby: wow. Wonder what gave you that idea.

Alex: okay look, I know I can be high-strung but I don’t think I’m that bad

Alex: I just get stressed out and it makes me overthink stuff

Alex: it’s just… all the time. But that’s normal, right?

Luke: not really

Bobby: yeah I usually only do that when I’m having a real bad day

Reggie: dude ignore them! That’s totally normal

Alex: thank you!

Reggie: yeah I mean whenever I hang out with my parents, I feel exactly like you do :D




Alex: okay fine I think I need therapy.

Alex: *storms into the studio and collapses on couch*

Reggie: woah hey are you okay?

Alex, crying: what do you think

Reggie: do you… wanna talk about it?

Alex: definitely not.

Reggie: *holds out a handkerchief questioningly*

Reggie: oh wait no-

Alex: *takes it and starts pulling a chain of handkerchiefs from Reggie’s sleeve*




Reggie:the club put me back in my magic phase

Alex, researching: apparently one of the symptoms of ADHD is that you get tired when you have caffeine

Luke: what? But that’s normal

Alex: apparently not

Reggie: nah Luke’s right that’s totally normal, caffeine makes you calmer

Julie: … it’s not supposed to

Reggie: yeah it is

Reggie: that’s why they’re called energy drinks

Reggie: they give you the energy to focus

Luke: *nods*



Julie: I wonder if Doctor Turner has any ghost colleagues…

Anyway I’m back on my “Reggie’s an asshole” agenda. He’s a very sweet kid, but he’s also the only one who ever actually disrespects Julie or calls Alex sensitive, and he’s just as ready to insult Luke as Alex is. That boy is absolutely meaner than Alex is, the only difference is that he’s more openly dumb and giggly so everybody thinks he couldn’t possibly be mean

It’s why Alex and Reggie are best friends to begin with. They’re both assholes and they’re both dumb and giggly but they’re open about the opposite things

Alex swears like it’s punctuation, Luke swears to prove a point, Bobby swears when he’s exasperated, and Reggie has sworn exactly one time and the whole conversation ground to a halt because they were all so stunned by it

Julie: I’ve been thinking about something, and I don’t think I really know anything about you guys

Luke: what? You know a bunch of stuff about us

Julie: I know some stuff about your music and that you had bad times with your parents

Julie: you’ve barely told me anything about your lives. I mean I barely knew Bobby’s namebefore we found out about Trevor. It’s not super fair

Alex: she’s got a point, we pretty much only talk music

Julie: thank you! Why don’t you tell me about… I dunno, favourite holidays?

Luke: oh. Uh none of us really celebrate any holidays anymore

Julie: wait seriously? Is it coz of the whole ghost thing?

Alex: nah I just have religious trauma

Luke: and I have… Christmas trauma, I guess. Alex said it generalised to other holidays or something

Reggie: I just hate capitalism :D

Julie: …….. yep dunno where to go from here, thanks guys


I’m not sure what I find funnier: the guys being these sweet dumbasses who have been going out with fake ids and getting absolutely wasted since they were like fifteen; or them being sweethearts who are very willing to commit literal felonies to get a gig but also adamantly refuse to drink alcohol because they’re underage and that’s illegal!! >:((((

Wait no I made up my mind, it’s funniest if it’s a combination

Julie asks the guys if they’d ever gotten drunk and Luke immediately goes ‘nah man we were too young to drink’. Only for Reggie to bump Alex’s arm and go ‘oh dude you remember when he was out of town so we went on a bender?’, then Alex just sighs and says ‘yeah that was my first time at a gay bar. I miss drinking’. And Luke looks Scandalised

I’m not sure what I find funnier: the guys being these sweet dumbasses who have been going out with fake ids and getting absolutely wasted since they were like fifteen; or them being sweethearts who are very willing to commit literal felonies to get a gig but also adamantly refuse to drink alcohol because they’re underage and that’s illegal!! >:((((
