#regis x reader


Hello everyone! I am b a c k!

I have received so many requests while I was gone, and I have a weekend of vacation that I’m going to try and use to write.

I have also received many personal things reaching out to me, and I appreciate it so much! I wanted to respond to everyone and explain what had happened.

As most know, I had my wisdom teeth removed. Everything seemed ok, though I was out for more than a week, as I didn’t fully comprehend how intense my medication would be. The next weeks were filled with making up for my time off, though I had planned to write out requests once everything went back to normal. However, my lower left socket got infected, and that took a week to recover from. It wasn’t dry sockets, though my whole mouth was swollen to the point where I couldn’t close my mouth.

Some know that I am a college student, and due to the new changes schools are undergoing, my entire schedule was thrown to the wind. Some classes dropped from the roster as they have to be preformed in person, or others had to shift time slots was changing to online.

I want to thank everyone who checked in on me, and I am so sorry that I didn’t respond. I haven’t been on any social media for the past month trying to get things in gear. I still have anxiety for the new semester to come to try and keep up my honors status, but I also love to write for you guys, so I’m going to spend my last week to write as I think I’ve sorted things out to the best of my abilities.

I am on back log for requests, but my asks are always open for people to drop ideas.

Get ready for more Witcher content!!!
