#eskel x reader


Rain - Eskel blurb

AN// / just something I wrote to avoid doing important things. I hope you like it! This isn’t as angsty or tooth-rotting as most of my stuff, but I wanted to write it. Just an average crappy day with a soft payoff

Much love


Eskel x f!reader (she/her only used like 5 times but nothing else defining)

Not beta’d

Rain wasn’t a traveler’s friend. Sure, it can be picturesque, stave off heat and even save lives from time to time. Velen rain, however, is a completely different beast with a vengeful heart of its own. For days the skies have been dark and showering the land with heavy storms. They’ve been tolerable enough for hiking and inn bouncing, but once Y/n and Eskel found a job, the game had changed.

A mysterious flying creature, that had been picking off local children, brought the couple on a wild chase. Every victim had a different disappearance point and no witnesses. With one in town, and two in a local clearing, there were practically no leads.

“The rain has washed away most of the evidence.” Eskel huffed. He was crouched over the wheelbarrow the latest victim had. People had left the latest scene the same as to not tamper with the scene for when help finally arrived. It was a great sentiment most towns don’t have, but the weather doesn’t care for the convenience of man. A gloved hand clasped the Witcher’s shoulder, the grip feeling light through the rain cloak, armor, and gambeson. Warmth couldn’t have transferred through the touch, but a small part of his chest warmed. The annoyance that painted a grimace on his features died down, though not completely. When Y/n knelt down, however, and more of her body heat began to seep into his side, patience started to overtake him.

“What’s the diagnosis? Or anyideas on what it couldbe?” The hunter noticed the effort put forth to make her tone sound more playful and optimistic. Though, on her features, brows were knitted, and a frown brandished. Her eyes wouldn’t pick up nearly as much as his could, though she still raked over every inch of the scene with her eyes. Any hope for finding answers here was quickly dwindling in her eye. Eskel’s body moved with his deep inhale, a raspberry leaving him towards the end of his exhale. His knuckle met his eyebrow, the hand brushing it gently. He sat in thought before looking to his companion.

“Nothing here will help us.” Their faces mirrored the other as their lips drew into tight lines, and eyes began searching the other. Minutes pass and more rain falls, Y/n being the first to move. Her hand dropped from his shoulder before reaching into her small notebook. She flipped to the latest used page.

“’Terrible squawking’ and ‘dogs going crazy’ gives us something though, right? What do we know that squawks and disturbs animals? A cockatrice, slyzard, griffin-?” Eskel looked back into her gaze, trying to solve the puzzle as though it resided in her eyes.

“But what about the girl in town? Something that flies would be too noticeable. Animals can be spooked by anything. ‘Squawking’ isn’t what I’d call whatevernoise Nekkers make, but it could fit the bill to an untrained ear.” The human filed away the small notebook and stood, holding out her hand for her companion. He takes it, though doesn’t fully drop the hand. They stood close enough to have hands and arms brushing at every movement. Eskel wasn’t one for PDA, and this certainly wasn’t the right time for it, but the gravitational pull between the two was too powerful to ignore. Despite not seeking touch, he was calmed to stand this close, fingers only intwining in passing. He hoped his companion felt the same and was always assured when she never pulled away.

“But don’t they travel in large packs? What leads mindless creatures to start coordinating and pull off a series of kidnappings?” There was a slight tinge of sass, some normality brightening the small space between them. In that moment, the rain didn’t matter, as Eskel’s small smile brightened Y/n’s entire vision. The Witcher replied in kind with sass,

“It’s as likely as a large creature flying into town square and only a dog noticing.” The argument had continued. In the end, they had decided to split up. Both creatures lead them into the woods, though from there, two options laid before them. While the Witcher could face whatever he found, they had agreed she would fire a whistle arrow into the sky to alert her of finding whatever it was.

An hour into their search, and Eskel heard an arrow from the base of the large hill the forest surrounded. It didn’t take long for him to get there and noticed a cave at the base of the much larger than anticipated hill. Scratching around the narrow entrance pointing to large creature. Blood dragged against the ground with clumps of feathers painted many different pictures for the Witcher, enlightening him to some of the past victims’ fates. His eyes closed for a brief moment, sensing a heartbeat inside the cave. Another, more human sounding one, came from a short distance away.

Once they met up, they got a plan together. Since the opening of the cave was small, it would be a dangerous fight. Both fighters knew they wouldn’t be able to lure it our of its home in this weather, but both would need to go in. The Witcher hated when they needed to fight together, Y/n being more of a ranged specialist that sat out of most things. It seemed for a moment, though, that everything was going to be great. The fight was easier than anticipated and there was much that could eb harvested from the remains.

During the fight, however, the rain had washed out their path back out of the cave. The easy decline of the cave entrance was easy to slide down, though in a matter of minutes it became a mud trap. Nothing either of the two tried was working. Traction couldn’t be found, and the rain continued to make the floor an aqueous safety hazard.

When all said and done, the two finally did arrive back to their inn room. Both had been practically silent since exiting the cave, anger and fatigue gripping them both. Once they had arrived, it was clear past dusk, and the innkeeper was not gracious enough to fill a bath. Mud filled boots and stained close were dumped into the empty tub for a future task, and Eskel used ingii to heat the large bucket of water they were allotted. Tension was palpable as they both washed down with towels, anger at the innkeeper fueling both into quick and silent wash downs. Neither cared to put more than smallclothes on, crawling into bed sounding more appealing.

Eskel laid with this back to the bed, Y/n laying slightly on top, head tucked under his chin. She went limp, starfish sprawling over him and the bed. One hand found his though, and her fingers gently slid between his, interlocking them. The skin to skin contact of their stomachs gave enough warmth to where there was no need for a blanket. Their heartbeats started to sync despite the speed differences, their breaths in time as well. They still didn’t speak. They didn’t have to. The day was long and rough, but at the end of the day, they had each other.

On the path, life wasn’t always glitz and domestic, heartfelt moments. Luckily, they both had love to guide them to peace.

Eskel Blurbs 2

AN/// Here’s another one. Some people seemed to like the other, so here I am! Check out my masterlist, I’ve written quite a few full fics for Witcher, so check them out : )

Part 1 – Eskel Blurbs



People bustled about outside of the inn, muted footsteps tuned out over an hour ago. bodies littered few and far between below the Witcher’s shared room, none coming near the room itself. Overall, it was quite peaceful. His muscles worked through a familiar pattern, the mindless moving of the whetstone adding to the calm. The wolf’s companion had set out through the market before he had started, and only recently did he finally reacclimate to being alone. For a split moment, minutes after the healer had left, the Witcher turned to empty air after expecting a reply.

It was a shocking realization. With all of his heightened senses, noting objects and people around him was easier than breathing. Eskel had simply… expectedY/n to be there. He was quick to turn to sword repair, as the chore would be a great distraction from the embarrassing moment.

He hadn’t paid much attention to the clock, Y/n being one to take her time shopping. Months ago, when she had first suggested to go to market alone, he was silently thrilled. The Witcher hated the feeling of lingering eyes and unjust anger. Though, that relief was accompanied by fear after remembering how dangerous large city markets can be.

Y/n, however, is a grown adult. Eskel had no right or claim to her, and the Witcher constantly scolded himself for thinking otherwise. There was no reason to have his thoughts linger on her absence. Sure, they’ve traveled together for over half a year, but that doesn’t mean much to most. Even if it meant the world to him.

Eskel felt his heartbeat pick up just a fraction as he recognized the footsteps that ascended the stairs. His eyes darted around the room looking for anything that might make him seem ‘interesting’ before shocking himself out of that line of thinking. Look interesting? Oh, sweet Melitele. This was somehow a new low in the Witcher’s mind. That was something Lambertwould think. A shiver ran down his spine at the thought of being his younger brother before looking to his hands. He was a monster killing mutant who was sharpening a sword, he should already seem interesting!

The key was loud as it unlocked the door, and a firm kick pushed the door open. As the wolf watched, he was surprised she even unlocked the door with how full her hands were. The healer had emptied her bag to shove their large share of dirty laundry instead. Eskel could tell from the soft smell that the large bag on her shoulder’s was filled with finally clean clothes. A thin potato sack turned bag was bursting at the seams. Wrapped hard jerky was somewhere between some books towards the bottom, and glass vials on top. Other vegetables packed in around those items, the pressure just enough to keep everything in the sack ‘just so’. In her hands, Eskel’s steel sword, as well as some other just repaired weapons. It wasn’t until she fully stepped into the room that the Witcher noticed familiar ingredients gently laying in a gathering basket hanging from her other arm.

Healing was a difficult profession, and few can reach a level such as Y/n. The wolf was aware of her healing talents, which was the exact reason why he asked for her assistance all those months ago. Life has been long for the Witcher, but he was sure that despite Y/n’s shorter time, there was much to learn about her. So, for her to walk in with elixir ingredients, he was a bit taken back. He wasn’t sure how much Witcher information his brothers have divulged to others, but Eskel hadn’t said a word. He supposed he was the best out of all of them that could keep a secret, though he also suspected the scars helped. If no one comes to you for information, who do you have to tell?

“Market was packed. I’m glad we checked in on the smithy yesterday.” Slit-pupil eyes tracked every movement she made. Everything was set down and organized in a gentle manner as she prattled on about said market. By the time she was settled on the floor, she hadn’t mentioned a thing about the ingredients. With Y/n on the floor, the bed sat between them, and allowed Eskel to look around freely without suspicion. The basket laid gently by his bag that lay by the wardrobe. For a moment, he thought the items were just a coincidence. Y/n is a healer and is currently sitting on the floor refilling her own supplies. She never once makes a move towards it.

After a long mental debate, Eskel tries to get up as nonchalant as possible. His mouth feels somewhat dry, and his swallow is almost audible. As he spoke, he mechanically put away his things,

“Do you need anything from this basket?” Her head popped up like a prairie dog from the ground. Bright eyes shined in the bright orange light pouring from the window behind him. A small, calm smile was offered to him.

“No thanks. I saw that you were low on some things.” Y/n’s head slowly sunk back behind the bed before it shot up again, eyes this time widened by embarrassment. “Not that I look through your things!” A weird, humorless laugh puttered out at the end. She waved in the general direction of his armor, eyes flying back to whatever she was doing on the floor before popping back again. “I noticed that when you’re low on supplies, you don’t refill your pouch right away.”

The reason she knew why it was low this time was a painful one. Wights were old and rare, curses and hate bringing them to live. It had been powerful, feeding off large bears and elk for years. As well as any passer by unfortunate enough to be so far into the woods. To say he had received everything he gave was an understatement. The Witcher struggled to get back to Scorpion, let alone camp. It was only after the healer came to find him that he made it to safety. Eskel knew she would come somehow, and he counted his lucky stars she was suspicious. In any other case, he most likely would have tried to lecture her, as if he failed, she could have been hurt. In the end, he figured a simple ‘thank you’ would suffice. Y/n seamlessly peeled his armor off him that night, a few other close calls before giving her plenty of practice.

“I just guessed at what you needed, but I’m almost certain I got most things right. Maybe not with quantities, but it’s great quality. I can always run back in the morning before we leave.” Another smile was given to him before she disappeared again. The Witcher could tell she was cooking something with the small alchemy pot they had. Whatever it was, it smelled to be a very potent liquid. Eskel nodded to the open air, puckering his lips in thought for just a moment. He turned to the window as though the now setting sun would give him some answers. A hand came up, thumb brushing under his chin. It slowly slid up, so far, fingertips avoiding all scar tissue. Slowly, but less so gently, they scrubbed over the surface of his cheek, fingers barely getting caught by the unevenness. It stopped for a moment as he thought. His eyes traveled down to his bag, then back to the sun. When he came to, his fingers too resumed, though dropped quickly back to his side.

The Witcher had to dig to the bottom of the bag as he made up his mind. Despite remembering most things in life, Eskel made mistakes. That is exactly why he keeps a small, short-hand guide to all potions, essences, and bombs he has ever learned. When he finally found purchase on the pocket-sized book, he pulled, lucky that most things stayed in his bag.

The wolf moved as gently as possible around the bed, an entire little operation in front of him. When he knew he caught the woman’s eye, he flashed the book quickly before setting it down. It was at the edge of the workspace, almost like an offering made to an altar. Despite trying to pour hot liquid into one of their beakers, it seemed like her entire attention was on him. Though, that’s what it always felt like to him.

“We’re not supposed to hand these out, so…” Eskel tapered off. Why did he say it like that? “I mean, if anyone were to be trusted with Witcher secrets… It’s a book of my elixirs, and I thought maybe you’d want to look sometime.” By the time he was done, and he calmed himself from stumbling thoughts, he truly looked at her. What she was doing was discarded to the side. The healer listened intently, a look as if a great responsibility is now bestowed upon her. She gives a curt nod, tone firm and confident.

“I’ll keep it safe.” Her hand reached, grabbing onto it with such care, and it reminded Eskel of how she touches him. Small brushes to the hand here or there. The soft pressure while giving stiches or the gentle manhandling she’s capable of when helping him out of armor. Eskel tried to form the softest smile he could muster as they made eye contact.

“Thank you for the supplies.” He disengaged, but as he looked away, he could see the forming of a blush. It almost made him do a double take, just to make sure his eyes weren’t deceiving him. What was the Witcher thinking? Of course his eyes were playing tricks on him.


“Women love me, okay.”

The woman’s lips pursed as she slowly left the room. Her eyes were wide, and brows raised in suspicion. Eskel tried to hide his smile, but any fraction of one becomes obvious with the cleft. He shifts over from his spot on the wall to standing next to his younger brother. A large hand reaches, clasping Lambert’s shoulder lovingly.

“It’s not love if you pay for it, bud.” Lambert ripped his shoulder from his brother’s grasp. His lips pulled back to a sneer, and a glare was thrown at the older wolf. Yellow freckled eyes traveled back to the hesitating figure in the doorway, Y/n waiting with a smirk. The healer slipped from the doorway to the corridor without closing the door.

Rage boiled, and Lambert’s finger jabbed the air, pointing to where the human just was. With his finger still raised, somewhat wagging disapprovingly, he stomped to the old oak. Once the door was within arm’s reach, he slammed it shut. The spry man turned, finger now pointing at his brother.

“You keep her in line.” During the stomping, Eskel took a seat on the chest at the edge of the bed. Eskel looked up, raising his hands up in defense. Lambert scoffed, rolling his eyes. He opened the door wide, hand waving to it. “I don’t want you here either.”

A deep rumble floated from the seated Witcher, and slowly came to a crescendo, head lolling back due to laughter.


“Months?” The healer’s voice was soft but congested. Winter was fast approaching, and the Witcher was just now dropping the news. He had waited until one of the last major cities before mentioning anything. Or rather, instead of waiting, he has only now found the courage. Eskel could look mothers in the eye to present passing of children or lonely spouses their lover’s body had turned up. For this, the Witcher looked everywhere but her eyes.

He could practically smell the sadness wafting from her. Despite what had grown between them over the year they’ve traveled together, he didn’t think he had any right to bring her to the fort. The tall adult nodded, head hung almost in shame.

“I’m not the only one, and I never had the opportunity to ask.” It was a lie pure and simple. Sure, he didn’t ask, but he was certain that if he did, they’d say no anyways. Despite being a fragile human in a den of Witchers, there are still many risks. Eskel trusts her, and that would mean a lot, but he needs to make sure of things first. Why does she really stay by his side? Looks, money, fame? Just the thought makes him cringe. He was a mutant with nothing. Why is she here?

Eskel Blurbs

AN/// I’m starting to do a same world/timeline collection of blurbs. Here are my first couple! Not beta’d but please enjoy my sleep deprived quick tales!

Eskel X reader fem!


Pt.2 up!

Air forced its way from her lungs out into the cold corridor. The hot springs was still six doors down, but her legs refused to bring her any closer. Burning was familiar after a long day of walking, but after this morning, it has evolved. The burn crept through her core, into her chest, wrapping around her heart and legs. Muscles contracted in her shoulders, her back trying to work overtime to help her diaphragm drag in air. Abs could have formed with how intense the ache was in her stomach. Sweat dripped from her forehead, falling onto the already damp shirt. Stones on the wall the healer leaned on tried desperately to cool her, but to no avail.

After a moment of rest, Y/n finally was able to drag herself back into the middle of the hallway with the intent of bathing. All of the hairs on her arms stood as she felt a presence behind her, though her nerves were quickly smoothed. Then frazzled once more. Her gasping had brought in the familiar scent of hay, leather and that ethereal spice.

The healer’s eyes landed on Eskel’s large form making itself small. Hands hovered over her, hesitant to help. Molten gold churned in his eyes, along with worry as he watches her struggle to catch her breath.

“What were you doing?” Y/n tried desperately to pull herself together, throwing up a thumb over her shoulder to fill the silence. Once she straightened herself, the lovestruck woman tried to give her best nonchalant smile.

“Jaskier invited me to his ‘beauty jog’.” Scars pulled and tightened as his brows flew towards his hairline. Surprise lined the Witcher’s voice as he inquired,

“And you accepted?” A remorseful nod was given with an only slightly sarcastic,

“A mistake on my part.” The wolf chuckled, the notch in his lip making his small smirk look more feral to most. His arm hesitated, but still stuck out towards her, offering itself as a crutch. A small, bashful smile was shown in thanks and acceptance as her arm laced itself around his. He led her towards the baths, his eyes frequently flicking down to catch glimpses.

“Was running something you were hoping for? I assumed you’d prefer to rest through winter.” Embarrassment was clear in her demeanor, though she still answered truthfully.

“Well, the bard was very compelling…” Y/n paused, eyes raking along the stone walls. Or anywhere, really, that wasn’t Eskel. “He was mentioning a few contracts and I got to thinking. I’m there to support you, but how can I do that if I’m slow? You only have forty-eight seconds before melinaw sets in. Melinaw poison is common in the South! Now, I’m not saying you’d lazily stubble into a bush and get poisoned, but it’s a possibility.” At some point in her rambling, they had made it to the door. The wolf looked down with soft eyes, lovingly taking everything in.

Heat pours off her skin, along with the scent of her efforts. Sweat crusted on her forehead, blood still clearly pumping fast throughout her body. The healer’s eyes caught his staring.

“You would run for me? That is commitment.” His voice was somewhat teasing, but also held something so vulnerable. Hope, maybe. Her eyes drop to where Eskel’s heart resided; a small habit the Witcher had noticed a while back.

“Well, if that’s all I had to do to prove commitment, I would have run ages ago.” Tension built, Eskel swallowing hard. His free hand came up to his jaw, his thumb rubbing just under his chin for a moment. After rubbing away whatever fictional thing resided on his chin, he swallowed again, finding courage to respond.

“I would never ask you to.” It seemed the healer lost herself in the cat pupils the Witcher donned. They softened, giving almost a round shape. The black giving a sturdy island in the middle of golden tsunamis.

“Regardless…” she trailed. It didn’t need to be said, as she had said it a thousand times before in thousands of different ways. Eskel’s eyes snapped to the door, gently pulling Y/n out of the way. Loud footsteps approached, and Lambert appeared once the door was thrown open. As he stomped away, he threw back a jab at the two. The snip in his tone, steam rolling off his skin, and small towel all alluded to their conversation interrupting his bath.

“I’m glad I like running. It’s helping me get away from this boring-ass conversation. Maybe you should focus on practicing ‘saying what you mean’.” The older Witcher bristled for only a moment before silently wishing Y/n’s arm didn’t drop his own. Whishing her eyes would peer back up at his once her embarrassment leaves along with his younger brother. He clears his throat after a moment, once more grabbing his muse’s attention.

“I would run. For you, that is.” He gives a closed mouth smile, one he practiced for a long while. One he is convinced make him look ‘less frightening’, not realizing the healer’s love for all of him. The older man gave an almost imperceivable bow of his head before stepping back. “Enjoy your bath. It seems well earned.”

A thought lingered in his mind, something he scolded himself for not being able to verbalize.

“Runner or not, I trust and love you.”


Nothing annoyed the feral Witcher more than being in the dark.

Lambert had picked up on Jaskier staring at Y/n a little over ten minutes ago. It seemed that he was the only Witcher in the room that had noticed, and it drove him crazy. The way everyone was positioned in the library, the youngest Witcher was the only one who couldn’t see what Y/n was doing. With her back facing him, he was having difficulty figuring out what was so interesting to the bard. This whole time, he had thought she was reading, as practically everyone else was.

With the rest of the fort being too cold, everyone converged in front of the library’s massive fireplace. Lambert was the closest to the flame; the fire practically kissing his back. He had Gwent cards splayed in front of him, but it seemed some of his space was taken by the bard’s foot. That’s what grabbed the wolf’s attention in the first place. Jaskier’s leg was outstretching slowly as his full attention was on the woman. Every few seconds, the brunet will hunch over his journal, furiously scribbling. Giddiness rolled off the poet in tidal waves, making the older man visibly gag. Jaskier had originally been seated upright next to Lambert, but it seems he had slowly inched his way to have Y/n’s face in view.

Y/n had been seated at one of the cleaner tables in the room. In reality, it was the only clean table in the room. Lambert had been the first one to hunker down. Eskel had wandered in a while later, minutes before his companion. The older wolf swiftly danced around the room, cleaning the books from the table in question, and putting them away. He sacrificed a rag in his pocket to the dust and grime that coated the top, and once it was clean, he still seemed put out. It was only until he quietly lifted the table and moved it the perfect distance away from the fire that he was satisfied. When finished, he flashed a look to Lambert. His eyes were torn between daring the young Witcher to say something and begging him to stay silent. To give mercy.

It ruffled his feathers in a way. Where was his mercy from the stifling lovefest? It’s not fair that the idea of ‘them’ is what everyone was focusing on this winter. Despite that, he swallowed his jests, and silently prayed that him being idle led to a quicker end of their dance.

She had wandered in after the large man plopped himself down on a couch on the far wall. Yen and Geralt had taken to talking on the couch, books open on their lap to keep up appearances. Vesemir fluttered around, seemingly only reading a couple chapters of a given book he picks up before placing it back on the shelf and finding a new one.

Nothing the lovestruck girl did was grabbing the attention of anyone but the bard. But why!?

Lambert gives in, tapping the musicians foot. The bard’s eyes snap to him, almost angry he’s being taken away from the show. A well-placed eyebrow and a pointed finger were all Jaskier needed to start explaining. Though, his response was just as simple. Eyes followed lute calloused fingers as they pointed from the healer at the table to the scarred Witcher. Oh.

Jaskier’s eyes flickered to the entity sitting next to him as he could hear the smirk form. Lambert mouths ‘daydreaming’, to which, he receives a nod. Lambert, too, splays out. He is so confident, that the young Witcher’s bravado caught the attention of the White Wolf. Then, in turn, Yen’s interest.

“Hey, uh, Y/n? You still want to play Gwent tonight?” His tone lazily hid his amusement, but to his pleasure, she didn’t notice. In fact, it seemed her answer was on autopilot. Y/n never backed down from Gwent, and it was the perfect distraction topic.

“Uh-huh.” Lambert finally noticed how she was seated. Her head was in one hand, perfectly angled to be reading with the older Witcher in the background. This was too easy. He preened as another autopilot answer was given to his next question.

“Great. I’ve got some new cards. Hey, isn’t he framed justperfectly in this firelight?” To the vagueness, everyone looked to the two of them. Eskel’s eyes flickered from his brother to Y/n as she gave a curt ‘yeah’. It took the large man’s wide, golden eyes for the healer to process what the Witcher said.

Y/n’s eyes go wide, embarrassment clear on her face. Her eyes fly to the table around her, and her hand mechanically goes to her forehead. With a shaky voice, she announces her departure

“Oh wow, would you look at that? It seems I’ve forgotten my cards back in my room.” The healer quickly snaps her book shut, stumbling out of her chair. To play it off, she turns back to the room, still shuffling backwards towards the door. A thumb is thrown up, pointing over her shoulder, giving her emphasis. “Back to the ol’ room. I’ll, uh, be back.” Y/n threw up a large grin but dropped it when the door is within arm’s reach.

The bard’s foot that was outstretched knocked at Lambert’s closest limb. Jaskier flashed a disappointed look, not voicing his opinion in the same room as Eskel. The young Witcher and bard have had multiple conversations about Eskel and Y/n; the poet begging Lambert to leave their friend’s relationship alone.


“Why does is it sound like you’re not expecting me back?” Eskel’s large form was framed perfectly in the doorway, the overcast throwing sludge snow towards the earth behind him. Her lips puckered, hands raising, as she lifted herself to her tiptoes. Ever so gently, Y/n brought Eskel’s hood to rest perfectly on his head.

“I trust your skills. Of course I trust you.” The looming figure kept his smile internal as her heartbeat confirmed the statement as true. The healer’s eyes drop, as well as her frame. Her hands hesitate before leaving the hem of the hood. Those same hands found their place upon her hips, then slithered together across her chest. Then, one raked through her hair, until she finally found her voice. “I don’t trust the elements. I mean, look out there! I bet you there isn’t anymore solid footing, and thatis needed.” Pride, bashfulness, joy and love all swelled throughout the Witcher. He simply wished he had the confidence-no, the self-love needed to confess.

Golden eyes catch the light from the nearby torches as they intently look to the woman in front of them. He tried to convey everything he felt in that moment, hoping she understood that he feels the same way.

“I promise to be as vigilant, and as safe as possible. I will return.” She must have picked something up, and she responded with a nod and a somewhat satisfied smile. Y/n takes a small step back, as if reintroducing the rest of the world to their moment.

“Happy hunting.”

The Blame - Eskel

AN/ Heyo everyone! Here’s a little something I was doing while restless, and we need more Eskel content. I got the idea while scrolling through prompt lists, and I’ll link it here :)This was much longer than I anticipated, but I hope you enjoy

Fluff/angst/ angst resolution?

Eskel/fem!reader —- not beta’d


It was the warm hands she felt first; fingertips brushing lightly down her spine. Then it was weather-dried lips that followed. They hold an almost shy air to them as they hover over her pulled and puckered skin. He wasn’t scared to show affection, and he knew the touch wouldn’t be rejected, but these scars hang over his head as much as the ones he bares on his cheek.

Eskel’s lips travel from the lowest mark that was over the last right rib, stopping three places, and ending over the left shoulder. It was the worst of them all. There was a crater where smooth skin and lean muscle used to be. Under shirts it isn’t noticeable, but nobody who was there could ever forget the sight.

An arrow lodged itself into Y/n’s collarbone from behind, splintering off into multiple directions. Just when they had thought they got all the pieces out, another piece of stone would be found. The rest had luckily been clean, but due to the close range of the shot, it had been messy. Yennefer is a great sorceress, but even when it comes to magic, Triss had always been more medically inclined. But the chestnut-haired woman wasn’t there. Eskel and Y/n were lucky to even have Yen.

The two lovers had gotten back to Kaer Morhen earlier than expected. The year prior, there was a deal made between the head carpenter of Vespaden to have extra supplies picked up for fort repairs. So, instead of heading South, they stayed North of the Pontar, eager to help try and repair the place their hodgepodge family calls home. Y/n had become used to The Killer, and they had decided it was better to drop off their regular supplies at the fort, so they’d have an extra free cart to use.

Laying in wait was a bandit camp. They had the forethought to be ready if a Witcher was still alive and had wanted to come back for some reason. What the bandits hadn’t expected, was a witcher and a companion returning to a mostly functional home. Three men ambushed the Witcher as two more sprung out from the shadows.

Arrows went flying and swords were crossed, but in the end, it was the flying hilt of a sword that brought Eskel down. The bauble smashed into his eyebrow, the pain rocketing through his eye socket, and rattling him to the core. It was a blur to him until it was too late. Y/n had finished with settling the animals for the night, coming in as the man hit the ground.

Before Eskel had even tried courting Y/n, Vesemir had made sure she knew basic self-defense. He could see that she would be sticking around the family, but he knew there was nothing scarier to a Witcher than a human. Or more importantly, a human lover. They could be there one minute and gone the next. Even if they do have long, natural lives, it is only a fraction of what a Witcher lives.

Two of the ambushing bandits had been thrown on their ass, but Y/n disengaged the second an arrow was drawn but pointed down to the Witcher on the ground. He was clearly trying to get up, but Eskel couldn’t even get his eye to focus, let alone stand or defend himself. She used her wet pants to her advantage across the cold tiled floor as she slid towards him. Her arms and body encompassed a majority of his much larger frame and the arrows were let loose.

Pain bloomed throughout her back, but it was a shout from the entrance that took all of Y/n’s attention. The bard had let out a shout as he and Yennefer entered. Magic was thrown, and Geralt had followed the shout.

As the Witcher’s lips hover over the old wound, he remembers the fear he felt as his vision came back to him that day. All he could see in his arms was his lover and her blood. If he had just been a little faster. A little stronger. If he was better at being the thinghe was changed into, the one thing he was good for, then maybe Y/n wouldn’t carry these burdens. The last time he messed up, when he tried defying destiny, he received penance. Eskelis the one to wear the burden, scars presenting proudly the cowardice he once had. Again, Eskel had felt he had made a mistake, but he can’t carry this.

It was only after Y/n shifted on the bed to look at him did he come out of his head space.

“So, are you going to kiss me? Or are you going to glare at me all night?” Soft, sunset eyes crinkle in confusion. With a slight tilt of her head, she points to the mirror on the far wall that perfectly framed the two. “I don’t blame you.” Y/n’s voice was soft in delivery, but it was firm with truth. Eskel pulls back, thumb brushing over the edge of the welt on the hill of her shoulder.

“I know.” That too was soft, but mechanical. He has heard it countless times, been told in thousands of different ways, but he can’t shake it. Hell, he can hear the truth in her heartbeat, smell the trust that has a resemblance of warm bread wafting off her skin. Y/n releases the softest of sighs as she finally wiggled on her shirt. She then stood and demanded the world to shrink to just the two of them. Her now demanding air suggesting that whatever she was about to say should be considered law. Hands were on hips, and Y/n even bent at the waist slightly to try and tower over her lover. It was similar to a hardheaded adult trying to convince a child that eating vegetables isgood, or watching Lambert conduct any kind of conversation.

“Do you? Because it seems to me that you somehow found another backwater way to blame yourself.” Eskel huffed, sliding back to the edge of the bed, casting his concentration to putting on his boots. He was more emotionally inclined than his brothers, but this was one of the few topics he bristled on. The Wolf was used to living a life hiding behind the large signs that say, ‘vicious, brutal, do not enter’. It was still centuries easier to shut down then to try and work through it. “It was my idea to volunteer for us to get supplies. And if we hadn’t gotten there first, it could have been someone else that got hurt. Yen is powerful, but it was an ambush. What could have happened to our good friend Jaskier? Geralt was outside, and the bard hates violence. While Yen is busy dealing with three others, she couldn’t possibly look out for him too-.”

“That’s not it.” Eskel’s voice has a certain huskiness to it that gives his interjection an almost growly tone. He stops because of it, taking his time to breath. He swallows a few times, still tentative and worried that one day his voice could insight fear into his lover like it had countless to people before. Despite the years they’ve spent in each other’s arms, there are some insecurities Eskel could never shake. He continues when the first boot is finally tied. “I couldn’t protect you, and that is my job. No, not just my job. It is the one thing I would put above everything else, and I still couldn’t handle it.” Despite the Witcher not looking at her, she stared into the side of his head like he was.

“Love is a two-way street, Esk. It’s not just your ‘job’ or ‘desire’ to protect me. It’s mine too. I am willing to make every sacrifice to make sure you’re okay.” The words, ‘but I don’t deserve it’ are on the tip of his tongue, but he knew if he said that, they’d never get to this celebration that they were already late to. Y/n stops, arms going limp at her sides. She slowly makes her way around the corner of the bed, stopping between his open legs. A soft hand slowly nudges under his chin, suggesting he look at her. It takes a moment, but his sun-kissed stare finally meets her own. “In the end, it comes down to me loving you. That’s why it happened. And nobody can be blamed for loving someone. Unless you’re going to start admitting that you’re funny, kind, charming and soft, this is just something that you can’t carry. If you’re willing to admit that you’re perfect- and not just in my eyes, then I will allow you to blame yourself. Blame yourself for being someone people want to protect. With even their own life.” Y/n watched as sadness and fatigue started to creep into his eyes.

“But I’m not! I’m not somethingpeople should want to protect. I have thoughts and feelings, but at the end of the day, I am just another monster used to take out other monsters. Once this long lasting glamor wears off, you’ll see it too.” He could smell that fresh bread of love boil with the harsh acid of anger for just a moment before a simple ‘okay’ was heard as her response. Y/n let her hand slip from his face as she slowly dropped to her knees in front of him. She lifted his booted foot to her bare thigh, and her fingers practically danced as she unlaced it. Eskel huffed once again, already feeling tired before the night had even begun, despite the nice day off the two shared in bed. “What are you doing?” His voice sounded small, and it took everything in her power not to back down, and to try to get her point across without breaking.

“I’m taking your shoe off.” It takes until she started to pry his socks off before again, he voices himself.

“We have a celebration to go to.” Y/n looks to him ad shrugs. He could tell her mask of indifference was false, but he was still confused as to where she was going with it.

“No, we don’t. Not technically.” Her hands do stop though, their grip firm against his ankle and calf. “If you’re a monster, then so is Geralt.” Eskel was too shocked to fully register the meaning, eyes going wide.

“What did you just say?” He watched her drop eye contact, looking back down at his sock. Her slip-clad form giving a half-hearted shrug before continuing in an ignorant tone.

“Well, considering everyone makes mistakes, you couldn’t have been referring to that when calling yourself a monster. Especially since I make mistakes, and I certainly don’t think I’m a monster. So, you must mean being a Witcher means being a monster. And this celebration is for the engagement of said monster- and youhave made it abundantly clear that nobody could ever love a monster-.”

“Geralt is different-.” Y/n’s head snaps to face Eskel once more, eyes sharper than any dagger- clearer than any mirror. It puts Eskel under a spell that he wants to pull away from but couldn’t even if he tried. The raw need for trust and belief pouring from the woman in front of him is choking the Witcher. Like he’s drowning, but knows he never learned how to swim.

“No. It’s not. I could give you the rest of my life to let you tryand think of all the ways it is, knowing it’s futile. Because you won’t find any. It’s true I won’t live forever. But I will spend every second of the time I have loving you. And even when I’m gone, I won’t be. I’ll be in your heart, your dreams. I’ll never truly leave you. I don’t want to. And at the end of the day, I can continue loving you while still breathing, I consider that a win. I don’t want to spend our time wallowing on the ‘close calls’ of the past. End is inevitable. But we don’t have to be looking at a bigger picture. Let’s just be two people in love, going to celebrate their brother’s engagement. Dance a little, drink a little. Go to sleep in each-other’s arms and wake up to a new day.”

Eskel simply stared. What was he to say? There have only been a few other times in his longer life that he’s felt his soul concede, knowing it has lost. This could be added to the short list. The brunette knew now that he would never win this argument. Or probably any argument in the future. For a moment, he got angry at himself. Angry for not seeing that dwelling on this truly did chip away at their time together. But dwelling on thatshouldn’t now become the issue.

Y/n must have read his features as she gives a soft smile and starts returning his sock. Like before, words got stuck in his throat, but the simple, ‘I’m sorry,’ wouldn’t budge. His hands cover hers, and her eyes flick to his to deliver a quick wink. She let him take over the task and got up from her spot to put on the dress laid on the bed. Before she stepped away, she brushed a quick kiss to the quirk of his upper lip and giving him another smile.

Hello everyone! I am b a c k!

I have received so many requests while I was gone, and I have a weekend of vacation that I’m going to try and use to write.

I have also received many personal things reaching out to me, and I appreciate it so much! I wanted to respond to everyone and explain what had happened.

As most know, I had my wisdom teeth removed. Everything seemed ok, though I was out for more than a week, as I didn’t fully comprehend how intense my medication would be. The next weeks were filled with making up for my time off, though I had planned to write out requests once everything went back to normal. However, my lower left socket got infected, and that took a week to recover from. It wasn’t dry sockets, though my whole mouth was swollen to the point where I couldn’t close my mouth.

Some know that I am a college student, and due to the new changes schools are undergoing, my entire schedule was thrown to the wind. Some classes dropped from the roster as they have to be preformed in person, or others had to shift time slots was changing to online.

I want to thank everyone who checked in on me, and I am so sorry that I didn’t respond. I haven’t been on any social media for the past month trying to get things in gear. I still have anxiety for the new semester to come to try and keep up my honors status, but I also love to write for you guys, so I’m going to spend my last week to write as I think I’ve sorted things out to the best of my abilities.

I am on back log for requests, but my asks are always open for people to drop ideas.

Get ready for more Witcher content!!!

I’m getting my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow morning

I’ll have the rest of the week off of work, so ill have time to write!!! Send in some fluffy requests so I can fill my pain ridden time with stuff to take my mind off of it. I’m currently getting to my last couple of requests that are in my asks rn, and they should be up tomorrow :)

Please send in stuff for me to write

Welcome to my blog!

please read before following/ requesting

I haven’t written fanfic in ages, but I’m starting again so hi :))

info about me:

I’m 19, I’m afab but use They/him pronouns, native Dutch and English speaker

What to know before requesting:

I only write reader insert. I haven’t written smut nor headcanons before but am willing to try.

What I need to know in requests:

  • the character
  • scenario
  • format (brabble, one shot, head canons, or a combo)

Fandoms I write for:

| The Batman (2022)

  • Bruce Wayne
  • Edward Nashton

| Peacemaker(2022)

  • Adrian Chase

| Stranger Things

  • Billy Hargrove
  • Eddie Munson

| The Witcher (netflix)

  • Eskel
  • Jaskier
  • Cahir

| Six of Crows

  • The Crows (platonically)
  • Kaz Brekker