#regressors block list


Keeping age regressors safe, one block at a time.

Not stuffie related, but…

I appreciate @regressors-blocklist so much. Since I’ve followed them and blocked blogs in advance, I’ve had so much less unwanted interaction. Don’t get me wrong, I still get a lot, but when I do, I submit the blog to them and they take care of the rest. I don’t think they get thanked enough for what they do, so please reblog this and a ‘thank you’ to @regressors-blocklist, and tell them why you appreciate them (make sure to tag them in the comment so they see it).

Excuse me!

I’d like to let the DD/1G, K1nk, and CG/1 blogs that continuously follow me, know: You are immediately blocked and reported to the regressor’s block list by moi. -Grapes
