#not stuffies


Hai guys!

I’d just like to let y'all know that until around the end of the month, Waddles and I will be very busy packing, cleaning, and moving houses. Our family is finally buying our first house, and we’re all so excited! Until then, I’ll keep y'all updated, but I won’t have enough time to be taking and/or posting pics of Waddles or Watts until around late March to early April. Thanks for reading, I’ll post pics of Waddles at the new house asap, and possibly with me! -Grapes

It’s literally this easy to see if I’m okay with your interaction. @all of the ns5w, p0rn, and k1nk blogs that keep following me or reblogging my posts. -Grapes

5 things tag

I was tagged by @queerest-kitten (my long lost twin)

5 things in my room:

1• My hamster, Gaston, and his house

2• My stereo

3• A butt load of stuffies

4• Some candy I’m going to send to my boyfriend

5• My kitty cat’s poo box

5 things in your bag:

1• A batman wallet with like, 5¢ and a library card in it

2• Some sort of snack at all times

3• (possible TW) 2 knives (I’m a young female and I get scared when I’m alone)

4• At least 3 chapsticks

5• My earbuds

5 of my favorite things:

1• My beloved fiance-fiance

2• When he tells me to put in my paci

3• Buying a new CD for my collection

4• Playing Skyrim for the 407th time


5 things on my to-do list:

1• Stop skipping workouts

2• Eat one (1) vegetable

3• Get that homework done

4• Stop forgetting self care stuff

5• Pester my Daddy again

(Bonus 6• Get my hamster to get used to me touching his fluff)

5 things I’m into right now:

1• That new BMTH album

2• Destiny (very late, I know)

3• Journaling

4• CATS, petting cats, kissing cats, cuddling cats

5• Kinetic sand

Tagging :








Keeping age regressors safe, one block at a time.

Not stuffie related, but…

I appreciate @regressors-blocklist so much. Since I’ve followed them and blocked blogs in advance, I’ve had so much less unwanted interaction. Don’t get me wrong, I still get a lot, but when I do, I submit the blog to them and they take care of the rest. I don’t think they get thanked enough for what they do, so please reblog this and a ‘thank you’ to @regressors-blocklist, and tell them why you appreciate them (make sure to tag them in the comment so they see it).

Excuse me!

I’d like to let the DD/1G, K1nk, and CG/1 blogs that continuously follow me, know: You are immediately blocked and reported to the regressor’s block list by moi. -Grapes

I have an important question, and I’d appreciate a reblog on this.

I have a stuffie that unfortunately had his legs chewed up beyond repair, and I’m going to have to remove them. It gave me an idea that I’d like to ask y'all about.

Now, I support all types of regressors (and this is related), chubby, thin, short, tall, old, young, etc. Because Purra’s back legs must be amputated, I’d like to make a post that shows my support of the handicapped people of the age regression community. To avoid any misunderstanding or accidental offending of any person, I’d like to ask for your personal opinions (and sort of consent?) from the physically handicapped regressors of the community, especially.

Thank you so much for your time and help.

