#reign rambles


i hope all of the anti-lunians who have followed me today know how much i am filling all of their toothpaste bottles with ants and the shit of their own rhetoric :3

i hate thst literally every bi positivity blog i get recommended is so viciously anti-pan like damn BABs are so fucking braindead

me when i was actually cute

misogyny is so weird like. it is complex and hard to deal with but people who don’t experience it think it’s so simple like. i’ve heard a lot of cis women say they get catcalled all the time, get sexualized all the time, and that sucks but…… misogyny is a lot more than that because i’ve been catcalled only once and i’ve never felt overly sexualized but i’ve still been extensively affected by misogyny. i used to hate being a girl so much. i was a tomboy and the boys i hung out with always bullied me for wanting to play sports with them. whenever i get a sports injury, all my cis girl and transmasc friends first reaction is “hope you feel better” and the reaction of all the cis boys at my school is “wait, you play sports?” i was groomed when i was 12 and say sorry CONSTANTLY because i’ve learned to be as small as i can, especially when cis boys are around or it’s mostly cis guys in the room. and it sucks because i feel like i’ll never be a “real” victim of misogyny just because i’m not attractive enough to be sexualized by sexist men.

wait rb this post if u have misophonia i wanna see how many of us there are, i know im not alone i just would be interested in seeing :)))))
