#reilyn j hardy



One day I’m going to write a story about an aro ace protag dealing with people liking them who try to guilt them and manipulate them into liking said person by making them feel like shit about it and then the other person victimizing themselves.  But the story wouldn’t be about being aro ace, because they are perfectly capable of being in relationships if they want to be in them.  The story would be about not being responsible for the feelings other people have/develop for you.  Just because someone likes you, doesn’t mean you owe them shit.  Not your time, not your feelings.  Nothing.  They aren’t entitled to anything from you.

You don’t owe them ANYTHING.

I’m sick of this bullshit in media where every character gets to be with that one person they’ve always had a crush on.  Things don’t work like that in real life and I wish media would stop pretending like it does.  Stop romanticizing unrequited love.  If the other person doesn’t like you, they don’t like you!!  Move on with your life!!

If you like someone and they don’t like you back, you should never make them feel bad for it. Never.  Shame on you if you do.
