#reisi munakata



Chapter 2, coming soon!!

Happy Valentine’s day~♡!!

Coming soon!!!^^

“Red Case, Homra in Las Vegas”: will be published on March 1 (Tuesday). This story of “Homra” members traveling to Las Vegas will be updated on the 1st of every month thereafter.

“Fragments of Ground Zero”: will be published on March 10 (Thursday). This story, made by various writers on the brink of “Kagutsu Incident”, which is the biggest incident in K history, will be updated on the 10th of every month.

“K - One Year Later”: it will be published on March 20 (Sunday). This story, which describes the future a bit after K’s main story ends, will be updated on the 20th of every month.

In addition, “SIDE: GOLD”, the story of Daikaku Kokujoji who brought the Dresden slate to Japan after the war, and several “first kings”.

Mikoto & Reisi visit the FAIRY TAIL CAFE~♡

Mikoto & Reisi visit the FAIRY TAIL CAFE~♡



List of Chapters

Translation: Naru-kun
Raws: Ridia

He woke up to a regular screeching sound.

The man lifted his sweat-soaked upper body. He felt that he had a terrible nightmare, but he did not remember it well. He was thirsty. While trying to find the water, he noticed something unusual.

The room was completely dark. He couldn’t even see a bit ahead. He thought about the light and soon realized that it was a misunderstanding.

The room was not dark, but his eyes did not see.

“What is this?”

The sweat that broke out was mixed with cold things. It was astonishing. The sound of metal screeching echoed and his body trembled.

“Where I am?”

The man put his hand on his head and tried to remember why he was there.

At that moment, he heard the sound of the door opening from somewhere, and then, someone spoke.

“Hello, Mr. Mizuchi. Are you awake?”

She was a woman and she spoke English. As he made some guesses, Mizuchi asked in a firm voice.

“Who are you?”

“Me? Yes, call me Jane.”

Mizuchi laughed with his nose.

“Anonymous woman, Jane? Do you mean you are not going to reveal your identity?”

“I don’t care what the name is. The question is what the contents are.”

So it was. Mizuchi fell silent and waited for the next action from the woman, Jane.

In the dark, there was the sound of a chair being dragged. He believed that she sat down. The sound of screeching metal echoed again, and his body trembled. Jane began to speak.

“Koushi Mizuchi. Former "Seven Kamado Chemotherapy Research Center Director” and Former “Gold Clan Member, Tokijikuin”. I read your dissertation on the study of different abilities. It is a very original point of view. However, there is one slight lack of ethics.“

Mizuchi remained silent and listened to the words.

"Your defeat was, after all, due to that lack of ethics. An incompetent person who doesn’t belong to the clan who collects Strains and repeats human experimentation, creating things that were close to human weapons. It was not good that you were caught by the "Golden King”. That adult is the type to swallow everything along with the voice, but he is angry enough not to forgive such outrages.“

"It is scandalous?”

Mizuchi bit down hard on his back teeth and scratched his temple. The memory evoked by the words turned into a stabbing pain that grated at the back of his brain.

“My experiment was to artificially create a "King”. If that happened, humanity would have made great strides! Before that innovation, is it scandalous and inhumane? The history of human beings has shown that there is no progress without sacrifice.“

As if to beat the pain, Mizuchi slammed his fist into the sleeper. Over and over, as the sleeper shrieked and thrashed, Mizuchi’s eyes began to heat up and water.

"That! That man! Mikoto Suoh! The violent "King” who can only rampage! Why did the ‘Slate’ empower such a primitive man?! Is that also the power of the “King”?“ There’s a lot of stupidity!”

If he could see, he should have known that they were not tears, but blood vomited from emotion. However, Mizuchi didn’t realize that. He continued to spew anger and curses, hitting the sleeper.

Jane, who was watching him, leaked out a voice saying “Hmm.”

“As reported. There seems to be a slight change in personality.”


“Mr. Mizuchi. Do you remember why you are here?”

Saying that, Mizuchi tried to trace his memory.

After being arrested as a criminal involved in a different skill, Mizuchi was imprisoned in a detention center owned by “Tokijikuin”. After being deprived of the investigation site and spending days in disappointment, he was finally sent to the trial site. He was pushed into the transfer vehicle while immobilized, and the engine started.

He did not remember from that moment.

“We were the ones who rescued you from "Tokijikuin”. However, the security there was considerable and we had to use some violent means. There were no deaths, but there were some injuries. One of them is you.“


"The doctor told me that the shock of the "rescue” caused a slight damage to your brain. It was said that it was that effect that made you blind, and that it might have affected your personality as well. What do you think of yourself?“

It was a messy story. He didn’t know who they were, but he understood that they were causing him a terrible experience.

Still, for some reason it was crazy.

"Fufufufufufufu… Yes. Did you help me? I have to thank you. Thank you very much, Anonymous.”

It was difficult to control the emotions that suddenly arose. Mizuchi calmly analyzed his state. Was it the effect of the “brain damage” that Jane said? Either one was fine. The situation was more important than the condition.

At that time, Mizuchi analyzed that situation as follows.

“So? Is it because of the idea of ​​retiring to the United States that you helped me?”

Jane seemed a bit shocked, and Mizuchi laughed again.

“What surprises you? It is a well-known fact that each country targets different talented technologies. If you assure me even using hard means, it is overwhelming to think that it is the work of intelligence agencies in other countries.”

“Why is United States?”

“Your English, it’s a beautiful English accent. If you’re a first class intelligence agent, you probably have both. There are many intelligence agencies in the world, but the number is limited when it comes to "first class”. Among them, The United States is particularly excited about research on different skills.“

Mizuchi smiled and leaned forward.

"In the last World War, the United States led the war against Germany and won a spectacular victory. However, the miraculous relic that was supposed to be obtained there, the "Dresden Slate”, was kidnapped by Kokujoji Daikaku at the tip of our noses. If the research on the different abilities obtained from the “Slate” brought unprecedented prosperity to Japan, which should have been a defeated country, it would be a disappointment for the United States not to have that.“


"Of course, the United States also started to research different abilities in a hurry, but unfortunately, both "King” and Strain basically occur only around the “Slate”. Research cannot proceed in such an environment. All they can do is to kidnap a talented investigator and give them a small Slate.“

Mizuchi lowered his unseen eyes. Metal screeched and his body trembled. He was slowly beginning to understand where he was.

"For now, is this place on a ship you own? Is it still in Japan’s territorial waters or has it already gone out to sea? In any case, you are in control of my death. If I don’t accept your "suggestion”, will I be a food for fish?“

Mizuchi doesn’t know what Jane is like. However, there was a small laugh.

"We don’t do such savagery to our precious investigators. Fortunately, we are long-suffering. Let’s have a good discussion.”

Mizuchi laughed.

“In short, I’m not letting go until you nod.”

“It costs a fair amount of money too. First, you probably didn’t want it. What if you could go back to Japan? You’d be connected to the detention center again, and that’s it.”

That fact could not be denied by Mizuchi.

Mizuchi was an unmistakable criminal. A villain who had abused the power of “Tokijikuin” and repeated human experimentation. “Tokijikuin” will be following his whereabouts. That is, the very nation of Japan was persecuting him.

Japan was definitely Mizuchi’s homeland. There was a certain amount of attachment. But if he didn’t have a place to study, it was just a barren desert for Mizuchi.

Jane said, as if she had seen through the idea.

“Let’s stop the confusing negotiations. We will provide you with a new place for investigation, and you will provide us with the results of your investigation. Is that enough?”

That was exactly correct. This was Mizuchi’s “second life” that was about to end. His knowledge, technique and “talent” were once again in the open, which was more important than anything else.

The joy that welled up could not be suppressed. Mizuchi shook his shoulders and started laughing. He could continue with his investigation. He could look beyond other possibilities. It was the best gospel for Mizuchi. If that were the case, it wouldn’t be a problem if the brain was slightly damaged, the personality was transformed, or the sight was lost.

And, in fact, they were not lost.

Mizuchi spread her arms in the direction Jane would be facing and yelled.

“Okay. I accept your transaction. First of all, let’s give him a lecture on what the different skills are! Fufufufufufufufufu!”

Of course, he didn’t realize that Jane looked creepy to Mizuchi’s uncontrollable laughter.


“Something like that happened half a year ago.”

Fushimi gave a stagnant look to the man who said it with a smile.

Hairstyle parted seventy-three, silver-rimmed glasses, masked smile, and navy blue three-piece suit. He was a man who looked like an elite office worker or a bank clerk somewhere, and of course he wasn’t the kind of person who would come to the “Scepter 4” camp.

The only one apart from the golden seal of “Tokijikuin”.

This man who showed up without an appointment arrived at Munakata’s office without any hindrance because he was wearing the seal. There is no doubt that the “Tokijikuin” Golden Clan is the most influential organization in Japan today. Even in front of Reisi Munakata, the “Blue King”, the man did not try to break the attitude worthy of him, albeit in a humorous manner.

“It was our fault that Mizuchi was kidnapped. There are various kinds of interference from other countries, but I didn’t expect to take such direct action. There is a "Usagi” in the escort. Not having it was one of the reasons for the failure.“

"That’s it.”

Munakata looked at the business card placed on the office desk and read the characters written on it.

“Tanaka Hitoshi, a special diplomat from the "Ministry of Foreign Affairs”…?“

"Of course, it’s a pseudonym.”

With a smile, Tanaka simply said that.

“We have no name. We are "Usagis”, just terminals to become your limbs and fulfill your wishes. But when it comes to working abroad, that look is too flashy. I decided to dress up a bit.“

Munakata heard him and laughed.

"As expected, "Tokijikuin”, do you mean that you can create or delete humans who don’t care? It’s a word that we who belong to the family registry section can’t easily ignore.“

"Covert operations are common sense in this world. We recognize that the people of the Blue clan may understand that they contribute to the national interest just as we do.”

The roundabout interchange seemed to let the tongue slip. Barely holding himself back, Fushimi urged the story first.

“So? What is the Golden clan to us?”

Tanaka looked at Fushimi. A smile like a mask gave off a strange feeling that he would never know what he was thinking.

“That’s right, let’s explain step by step.”

As Tanaka operated the PDA, a window emerged into thin air. A map of Tokyo and a close-up photo of part of it. A convoy and a suspected car overturned and debris was scattered.

“The means by which the thief secured Mizuchi was nonviolent. He pushed a large truck from the side into a convoy car that was stopped at a traffic light, and when it overturned, it burned out the rear seat lock and packed Mizuchi’s body in the truck. Well, it was smart to take such a step.”

“It’s bold, but it’s effective.”

Tanaka nodded at Munakata’s impression.

“In fact, although it was violent, their performance was perfect. The personnel in charge of the escort could not do anything and shot them down, and no one noticed the thief. Further investigation found traces of someone’s work in the surrounding surveillance cameras and traffic lights that stopped the convoy. It is definitely a professional job. ”

“How about tracking down the truck that secured Mizuchi?”

Tanaka operated his PDA. The red dotted line, which appeared to have moved the truck, extended from the point of the accident to the western part of Tokyo.

“Since the truck itself wasn’t visible, it took a while to narrow it down, but we managed to figure out the route of travel. However, where they headed was…”

Munakata narrowed his eyes at the place where the dotted line stopped.

“Is it Zoshuku Kurayado Station? I see.”

“The number of daily users at Zoshuku station is 3.5 million. It is the largest number of people in the world, which is also listed in the Guinness Book of Records. They got lost there and disappeared. The truck was found in the parking lot on the sixth floor of the basement connected to this station, but of course it was a hollow shell.”

“What is the identity of the truck?”

“A shipping company in Tokyo was robbed the day before the incident. The driver was also found in the toilet at Zoshuku station. He was blindfolded and had earplugs and testified that he did not remember anything.”

Fushimi sighed and summarized the story.

“In short, you have been frank. That is not the answer to this question at all. What does that have to do with us?”

“It is from here that we can have a relationship.”

Tanaka smiled and operated his PDA. The map of Tokyo immediately disappeared and became a world map. Among them, Japan was marked with a large red cross.

“An organization that is so audacious and capable of committing such detailed crimes cannot be considered a national one. Public institutions are under our control, and private organizations are unlikely to make an enemy of "Tokijikuin”. If so, they are organizations abroad.“

A number of red circles appeared on the world map in the window. United States, United Kingdom, China, Russia. Munakata muttered as looked it.

"Koushi Mizuchi was indeed a talented investigator.”

“That’s right. Until now, Japan, which has the "Slate”, is at the forefront of research on different skills. Excellent researchers are what every country wants more than anything else.“

"A foreign intelligence agency stole Mizuchi?”

Tanaka nodded and said the names one by one.

“Central Intelligence Agency CIA, Confidential Information Department SIS, Federal Security Service FSB, Ministry of State Security, after investigating various foreign intelligence departments, we finally got a "hit”. That’s it…“

One of the dots on the world map was highlighted. A huge entertainment city that shines like a resplendent jewel while surrounded by deserts in the navel of the North American continent.

"Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Mizuchi’s appearance was confirmed here.”

More photos appeared on the Las Vegas map. The man was holding a cup and laughing in front of a table with red carpets, gold chandeliers, luxurious dishes and numerous sakes.

Although his eyes were covered with something like goggles, Fushimi was still familiar with that man’s face. Sledding and mumbling.

“ Mizuchi.”

“This is a photo taken three days ago. Koushi Mizuchi is in Las Vegas. Perhaps he is backed by a powerful intelligence agency. And even more troublesome: now the "Red King” is also heading to Las Vegas.“

Munakata’s eyebrows twitched.

"His departure was recently confirmed. It is true that the "King” is not prohibited from going abroad, but fate is a problem. The “Red King” is also heading to Las Vegas. In Las Vegas, where Koushi Mizuchi is waiting for them, who has many ties to them.“

The flow of history came into view. Munakata’s words made that clear.

"It can’t be a coincidence.”

“Yes. We believe that Mikoto Suoh’s trip to Las Vegas was due to Mizuchi’s work. The purpose is unknown, but I don’t think I invited him to warm up the old relationship.”

Munakata leaned back in the chair and put his finger to his lips.

“Revenge or experiment? Either way, Mizuchi will interfere with Mikoto Suoh. What will happen then? I wish we could have a skirmish.”

“Assuming the worst case scenario, there is a possibility of a royal blowup happening in Las Vegas. If that happens, it’s not a diplomatic issue. It will look like the start of a war between Japan and the United States.”

“Would it be World War III? It’s definitely a world crisis.”

As he smiled coldly, Munakata looked at Fushimi.

“Fushimi-kun. When you were in the Red Clan, did you ever interact with Mizuchi’s camp? I remember seeing a race like that.”

Tanaka nodded with a smile like a mask.

“Yes. I came here because there are qualified personnel. A person who knows Mizuchi, has a connection to the Red Clan, and belongs to "Scepter 4”. We, before going to Las Vegas, definitely want to borrow Saruhiko Fushimi.“

Fushimi didn’t answer and just stared at his toes. It was as if he could make his existence transparent.

Of course, that didn’t happen. Once manifested, Fushimi’s body was tightly entwined and he was about to be dragged to Las Vegas, far beyond the sea.

"Then Fushimi-kun, it’s a business order. Go save the world.”

Munakata said that lightly, Fushimi clicked his tongue at least in resistance.


“I see. You are too harsh, there are several things.”

Shaking the cocktail glass, Kusanagi laughed. Fushimi didn’t try to hide his grumpy expression, instead he stood up with his hand in his pocket.

Maroon Hotel, 1st Floor, Casino Floor. This place, which is directly connected to the reception hall, was packed with many tourists. Most hotels in Las Vegas have a casino, which is open to non-guests. The minimum bet was also a welcome casino floor for the light class, starting at $1.

In such a place, the appearance of Fushimi standing instead of sitting on his seat was unpleasantly noticeable. The poker dealer where Kusanagi sat also looked suspicious. Kusanagi pointed to the seat next to him with his chin and said.

“Well, sit down.”

Fushimi thought for a bit and then sat down on the stool. Kusanagi stops the bunny-shaped waitress and picks up the gimlet from the tray. The drink they serve is a service drink, but as a courtesy, the waitress smiled dazzlingly as he put the dollar bills on the tray.

“Thank you, Mister.”

“My Pleasure, Lady.”

With a giggle, the waitress pats Kusanagi’s chest, a card with contact information in his pocket. Kusanagi lowered his gaze and then looked at the back of the departing waitress.

Fushimi called out in a sulky tone.

“Have you heard of those people?”

“Hmm? Well…”

Kusanagi put the gimlet in front of Fushimi as if to blur.

“It’s Mizuchi. It’s a name I haven’t heard. Sake tastes bad.”


Fushimi pursed his lips awkwardly. When Kusanagi visually showed him the gimlet, he reluctantly picked it up. Kusanagi met him there with his cocktail glass.


Fushimi apologized for wetting his lips with alcohol and then complained.

“I mean, please tell the answering machine the name of the hotel you’re staying at.”

“Haha, sorry. Sorry… No, did you bring them? I will, travel expenses weren’t cheap either.”

“The cost is financed by "Tokijikuin”. It seems that there is a crisis in the world, so it is better to have more manpower.“

"Suddenly it became important.”

Kusanagi laughed, there was a call from the vendor as if he couldn’t cash it.


“Oh, sorry.”

After apologizing lightly, Kusanagi paid a tip for the entry fee and the first round began. He tipped Fushimi in the same way, and he looked at Kusanagi annoyed. However, Kusanagi calmly dismissed his gaze and confirmed the cards dealt.

“Well? Won’t you tell me?”

“Mikoto-san… Talk to Mikoto Suoh, please return to Japan immediately. Now I have a backup of "Tokijikuin”.“

Kusanagi laughed with his nose. Of the three participants, one got off and two stayed. He looks at Fushimi and ask.

"Why don’t you go? Leave or retire?”


“Tell me about the betting player at the table.”

Fushimi clicked his tongue at him and spoke.

The dealer collected all the chips in play in front of him and the second round began. Of the five community cards lined up in the center, three had been revealed. 4 of spades, 7 of clubs, 9 of diamonds. Kusanagi gasped as he looked at the cards laid out.

“You can tell from the fact that you were in "Homura”. It’s dangerous, so pack your bags and run away. Is that so? Do you think we’ll obey?“

"I do not believe that.”

Fushimi bet $5 of his chips. One of the participants withdrew and the other called. Kusanagi laughed and proceeded in the same way.

“Well, that’s the correct answer for me. If it’s about Mikoto, please ask me. I wonder if she remembers Mizuchi?”


“But, Fushimi. I also belong to "Homura”.“

Third round. The fourth community card was revealed. Three of Diamond. Fushimi looked at him and said a bit.

"That’s fine with you, but what about Anna?”

Kusanagi turned his gaze from the card to Fushimi.

“Mizuchi targets "Homura”. It should include Anna. What if he tries to use Anna again as experimental material? There is also a backup of the intelligence agencies there. Can you protect her in a foreign country where you don’t understand the language and culture?“

Another customer wagered a $5 chip. Kusanagi glared at him and raised a $10 chip.

"Don’t get me wrong. Fushimi.”

Silent anger was hidden in the murmuring voice. Fushimi was impressed at that voice.

“Did you forget what Mizuchi did? He killed Anna’s parents. Thanks to him, Anna couldn’t live a normal life.”


Fushimi called without saying anything. The other guest withdrew, leaving only two people, Kusanagi and Fushimi, on the field.

The final round. The last card revealed: The King of Diamonds.

“Why should we run away from Mizuchi? Is the one who ran away from us out there? When Mizuchi ran away for a bit, I only regretted that he was locked in a cage from the bottom of my heart.”

Kusanagi took a sip of the cocktail and laid out all the cards he had.

Fushimi sighed deeply. It was a reaction that said a job that was known to fail from the start had failed.

“Well then, at least…”

While meeting Kusanagi’s eyes, Fushimi also slid all the tiles on the table forward.

“If I win this, promise me you won’t stand out. I won’t tell you to run away. Listen seriously to me and the "Tokijikuin” council.“

Huh, Kusanagi laughed. He expected Fushimi to go down there, but why was he so tenacious? As a former senior, he couldn’t run away.

"Yes. I’ll take it.”


Fushimi revealed his hand. 5 of spades and 6 of hearts. 34567 straight.

And Kusanagi also turned his hand to the front.

“I’m sorry, Fushimi.”

Ace of Diamonds and Q of Diamonds. It is a role higher than a ladder.

“The "Red King” is like my ally.“

Saying that, Kusanagi hit Fushimi’s gimlet with his cocktail glass.

“SIDE GREEN” (Novel)

* Prologue (Link)
* Chapter 01 (Link)
* Chapter 02 (Parts: 01/02/03/04)
* Chapter 03 (Parts: 01/02)

Mikoto: Nui’s adventures~♡!

Reisi: Follow our Instagram profile to see our photos~^^


Reisi: I’ll paint a rainbow of energy~♡

Mikoto: Watch out for the whale!



List of Chapters

Translation: Naru-kun
Raws: Ridia

A year has passed since then.

Reisi Munakata disappeared from “Scepter 4” and almost two months have passed.

For the members, except for a few executives, it was a completely overwhelming event, like a mist in the blue sky.

One morning, in front of the members who were summoned, Munakata said in the same simple tone as always.

“I’ll be out of here for a while. After that, Awashima-kun will take over as acting director. Fushimi-kun will be deputy general manager. I hope you continue to serve in their roles.”

The content was so sudden that the place fell silent.

Awashima and Fushimi standing to Munakata’s left and right had worried faces and sulky expressions. Finally, Akira Hidaka, a person with common sense, raised his hand and asked.

“Does that mean you’re taking a vacation?”

At that question, Munakata just smiled.

“Yes. In a sense, that is correct.”

The members looked at each other.

Although the director is strong as steel, he has consumed some paid vacations for reasons such as his niece’s birthday party and the university synchronization party.

What was the point of declaring a break now?

“So how long will you rest, Captain?”

This time, Daiki Fuse asked with a relatively calm demeanor. Munakata kept his mouth open.

“That’s right. At least a month or more. Half a year or maybe a year.”

Shock ran through all the members. There was a crack.

Munakata stood silently.


It was Andy Domyoji who made a strong voice. He raises his hand to the front.

“What’s the reason?! It doesn’t matter how long it is!”

Everyone thought it was a break of about 10 days, from a week to a long time. Currently, “Scepter 4” is in charge of their duties by appointing a few former Strain to increase their strength.

Although the Slate has disappeared, their responsibilities have not diminished at all. Under such circumstances, it could no longer be an ordinary situation for the head of the organization to be absent for such a long period of time.

Munakata replied in a low voice.



Munakata responded to Domyoji.

“I’m thinking of removing the frame.”

Domyoji opened his mouth and everyone else looked confused.

They just didn’t understand the meaning.

What was the Captain saying?

Wrapped in such a sign, Awashima’s embarrassed expression and Fushimi’s grumpy face grew stronger and stronger.

At that point, Himori Akiyama and Yujiro Benzai looked at each other slightly. Like Awashima and Fushimi, the two of them had been talking to Munakata about this matter for quite some time.

Akiyama confirmed on behalf of the two.


“What’s going on?”

“You can come back one day, right?”


There was a gap for a moment. Eventually…

“That’s how it is.”

Munakata closed his eyes and answered.

“I want to do that.”

Everyone in attendance felt that there was no clear conviction in Munakata’s words, and the place calmed down as if he had touched water.

That was what happened two months ago.

Then one day, Munakata disappeared. They didn’t know where he went or what he was doing.

However, due to careful transfer of work and division of labor by business class, the “Scepter 4” role continued to operate without being significantly affected.

Fushimi, on the other hand…

“Is it a journey to find yourself?”

Although he was ironic with his boss, he took the initiative to make up for Munakata’s absence.

However, the agitation at work was minimal, but the feeling of each member was not.

Some felt uncomfortable and others were angry.

Awashima was trying to answer questions from various members, such as:

“Why did the Captain disappear?” or, “What the hell is he doing now?”

Of course, Awashima was properly convinced and supported Munakata. She believed that he understood Munakata’s intent and purpose.

However, she did not know how to convey it to others.

In short, Munakata’s reason for leaving was no doubt “a journey to find himself”, as Fushimi mentioned.

However, the fate and future of this country may depend on the “journey to find oneself”. Fushimi knew this too, so he followed Munakata’s decision, even though he complained.

Awashima, on the other hand…

“The director has a deep thought. We will continue to protect the cause as "Scepter 4” so that he can return at any time.“

That’s what she said to inspire everyone and fulfilled her duties as interim director.

Actually, there was a mountain of things to do. Though the Slate’s influence has waned, Strain’s crimes have not gone away.

Negotiations with the public authority and supervision of the members. She went places she hadn’t been before. She realized the greatness of the man named Reisi Munakata once again. Still, there were talented men like Fushimi, Akiyama, and Benzai as Awashima’s assistants.

It was not painful to do the hard work every day due to the skill of the staff.

Just one point.

It was a small event, but there was an event that made Awashima very upset.


She gained weight.


There was no doubt that Awashima got on a scale every morning to manage her physical condition. There were fluctuations in the numbers that had not changed in the last three years.

The rate of increase was a few percent, but it was a terrible situation.

At first she thought it was temporary, but there was no sign of the increased numbers slowing down at all.

What was the reason?

Was it due to changes in functions or increased stress?

It was not unthinkable, but Awashima herself immediately denied that possibility. She said it herself, but it wasn’t that smooth. There was nothing wrong with that amount of work.

Awashima thought about the athletic club, so she decided to tighten her body right away.

She went to the "Scepter 4” dojo, she took a bamboo sword and sweated with the members during training. Since she meant it, Zenjo was there as a teacher.

“That’s a good lunge. You’ve put your weight back on your foot.”

She was praised, but…

(What’s wrong with this person? Rubbing? Or rather, did I get fat enough to understand Zenjo-san?)

In Awashima’s mind, such an idea seemed paranoid. She did the best she could for about two weeks, but the results were not very good. She had gained a bit of weight.

At that stage, Awashima was beginning to feel a bit impatient.

She reviewed her life in various ways. She especially examines her eating habits.

Awashima has been a frequent drive-thru since she was a student. She adhered to her parents’ teaching that diet is important for physical and mental health, and she tried to get a good balance of nutrients like protein, fat, vitamins, and carbohydrates.

One night, Awashima remembered her day. First, she got up at 6 o'clock. After light exercise, she ate brown rice, vegetable soup, pickled bran with bacon, and egg in the dining room attached to “Scepter 4’s” bedroom.

After that, she went to work and bought Cobb salad and tomato juice at a convenience store around 1:00 p.m.

She returned to the bedroom at 7:00 p.m. and ate corn and brown rice stew. A small amount of meaty potatoes and Chinese-style noodles. She roughly calculated the calories in her head, but she didn’t think there was a fat factor.

Awashima took a shower, put on a bathrobe, and returned to the living room with a towel around her head, then pondered various things.

She didn’t feel like there was a catch somewhere.


It was the only time in a day that she could feel relieved.

She got a good bean paste, so she enjoys freezing it a bit to make anko ice cream with a crunchy texture.

Awashima thought as she poked the huge bean paste ice cream into the bowl with a spoon.

Where is the calorie well?

Although she was restraining herself every day.

And at that moment, Awashima’s brain finally reached the answer. Her face was tight.


She brings a spoon full of red bean paste in front of her and looks at it.

“Is this the cause?”

It was a cruel truth.

Anko has calories.

That’s pretty good too.

Awashima completely forgot about the fact that even elementary school students can understand it.

For Awashima, red bean paste was air and water. It was a necessary item to be ingested as a matter of course, and she was unaware that it contained such impurities as calories.

When she was still little, she ate an anko rice cake made at her parents’ Japanese sweet shop and opened her eyes to the delight. Since then, she had been flattening a large amount of red bean paste. The Anko was always with her when something was difficult and when she was happy. The Anko was a friend, a healing and a life.


That had calories!

What an unreasonable act!

Awashima suffered for almost a day, and her feelings for a diet exceeded her desire for red bean paste, and she decided to give up red bean paste for a while.

The daughter of a long-established Japanese sweet shop, she boiled red bean paste and brought it to school with her lunch when she was a student. Currently, she continues to consume more than 100 kg of red bean paste each year. One day, her mother said with a sigh.

“In your body, surely bean paste flows instead of blood.”

Awashima, an elite of that genuine bean paste, rejected the bean paste, so the reaction was intense.

Her head and shoulders weighed more than they were, she didn’t feel well, and the whole world looked confused.

Fortunately, the situation still hadn’t hampered her work, but she was afraid of making some serious mistakes.


Was it because of her weight?

One night, when Awashima, who was suffering from withdrawal, finished her work, she headed to the HOMRA Bar. When she noticed, she rang the doorbell and entered the store, but she was probably subconsciously trying to quench her thirst for red bean paste with alcohol.

“Oh, Seri-chan. It’s been a long time.”

Kusanagi, who was cleaning a glass on the counter, recognized Awashima and smiled.

Recently, they hadn’t seen each other much because she had been busy with work, but sometimes as a place to gather information, sometimes completely private, Awashima visited this bar regularly.

After the final battle with the Green clan, the Red clan and the Blue clan did not have any particular conflict on the front or the back.

There’s also a part where the clan members were able to talk to each other due to the experience of establishing a joint front, and probably the important thing is that Reisi Munakata and Anna Kushina aren’t in a relationship where they bump into each other in the first place.

Both sides now have a sense of polite distance that draws a line. Between them, Kusanagi and Awashima continued in contact in a slightly special standing position.

Kusanagi is serious and sometimes asks Awashima out on a date with a tone that she doesn’t know if it’s serious or joking. Awashima also handled it well, and in some cases offered serious consultation.

They were the number two of each clan, they were the owner and guest of the bar, and they still had a relationship that they couldn’t express themselves.

So, Awashima knew immediately.

“Kusanagi-kun. Are you a bit tired?”

She asked as she sat down on the stool in front of the counter.


Kusanagi smiled bitterly.

“Do you have a perspective, Seri-chan?”

“What happened?”

Awashima asked carefully. Kusanagi hesitated for a moment. So he looked a bit shy.

“No, it’s not a big deal. I’m trying to quit smoking.”

Awashima was slightly surprised.

It was a strange situation.

It didn’t seem possible that Kusanagi wanted to leave something like “his favorite thing”.

“It’s funny. A good-aged adult acting like this… You may think it’s just a cigarette, but after you quit, you get a weird feeling.”


Awashima responded with a voice that killed her emotions.

“Yes, I understand.”

Actually, she wanted to tell Kusanagi everything. That she was having bean paste withdrawal for a reason. However, that mysterious relationship with Kusanagi prevented her from saying so. Awashima clenched her fist tightly.

Kusanagi felt strange for a moment seeing Awashima’s situation, but immediately asked cheerfully.

“Then what are you going to want? Somehow, Seri-chan, I felt that you would come today, so I bought anko right now.”

Awashima bit her lips hard.

What a cruel temptation!

She really wanted to scream.

“Anything! Anything with red bean paste!”

However, Awashima, a strong-willed adult woman, replied:

“I’m not feeling like that today, so can I have a regular martini?”

Was it just a little?

It was completely self-controlled, except the ending wobbled just a bit.

Kusanagi had round eyes.


What’s the matter? Is it bad for your body?

He believed that she wanted to hear that. However, Kusanagi immediately swallowed the word.

“I understand.”

He smiled kindly.

Maybe he guessed the reason why Awashima didn’t order red bean paste momentarily.

And not at all, pretending not to know or notice, he silently began to make the cocktail.

Kusanagi’s side was a bit hateful and a relief.

Before long, Awashima drank the translucent liquid in the cocktail glass placed in front of her in almost a breath.

After all, that day, there were no customers at the bar, and Awashima spent time with Kusanagi one on one. It was a gloomy and strange space where the master and the client had few words and alternately sighed.

It was the moment when Awashima paid the bill and tried to leave the store at the right time.

Anna Kushina, the “Red King”, walked up to Awashima and looked into her face.

“Ah, "Red King”.“

Awashima nodded, but Anna was looking at Awashima with a frown that she was worried about.

By the way, she was behaving strangely earlier. The footsteps gently descended from the second floor, but as soon as she saw Awashima, she turned around, turned right, and went back.

She was wondering if she avoided her because of the heavy atmosphere with Kusanagi.

"What’s going on?”

Awashima got suspicious and asked:


Anna said in a slightly scared voice.

“Did you go to a strange place recently?”


Anna said like a tongue twister.

“You’d better go to the shrine. As soon as possible.”

She could leave it as it was. No, she was running away.

Awashima opened her mouth and stiffened her back.

Kusanagi, who couldn’t hear the exchange between the two, was sighing again at the counter.

Awashima knows that Anna Kushina has a special power.

What did that mean?

If she were to take the words at face value, Awashima would now be in a state where purification is necessary, meaning “something is possessed”.

Could it be true?

Anna shook her head with a frightening face, no, to be exact, she was looking at the back of her face.

Actually, she didn’t even remember.

In the last two months she visited an abandoned house where about three people died and a forest famous as a psychic place, depending on the circumstances of her performance.

It is true that after she went there, they took her away in the middle of the night.

She felt a strange signal when she was taking a shower.

Above all, her weight began to increase.

Fear in various ways began to dominate Awashima’s head. But where should she go, what would the purification look like?

It was when she was thinking about it in the “Scepter 4” break room with so much trouble.

“Oh, Lieutenant, can we come in?”

A member called out with a loud voice. Looking at them, Goto and Hidaka stood up.

“What happened?”

There was still time on her original shift. Was it also a query?

“What happened?”

The worrying thing was that Goto was holding something like a strange machine.

The basic shape was a cylinder, but many colorful wire-like lines were twisted on the metallic surface. Should she call it a cutting edge object?

Also, a meter-like thing was embedded in the center, and it rotated all the time.

“What’s that?”

Awashima frowned and asked.


Hidaka made a voice that seemed to be in trouble. Goto answered categorically.

“It’s a ghost detector.”


Awashima made a harsh voice. Hidaka inserted the explanation as if he was in a hurry.

“No, sorry. Actually, Gotti… I was in Goto’s room with two people, but all of a sudden this started working without permission.”

Goto explained at his own pace.

“This is a device that detects and tracks spirits. I bought it at an antique shop in Shizume.”

“So, if you follow the direction this machine is pointing…”

Hidaka looked at them with a complicated line of sight. Awashima was convinced.

“I was there.”

The two replied with the same voice, “Yes.” Awashima thought. She knew well that Goto was collecting mystery show goods and hidden goods.

It was suspicious no matter how she looked at it, and it smelled like dust.


(Maybe it really has some power?)

She casually touched the protruding wire-like tip.

At that moment…

A shock that made static electricity hundreds of times stronger with a ridiculous noise that could not be described as bachin, tomo, or zuban pierced through Awashima’s body.


“Now I’m acting as director!”

Hidaka and Goto hurriedly approached Awashima. At the end of the reflection on the retina, Awashima’s consciousness cut off.

Since the conclusion, Awashima had been crushed for about 10 seconds. Awashima got up after checking on Hidaka and Goto, who were worried and apologized.

From that moment on, she felt as refreshed and lightened as she had never felt before.

After that, she asked her GP to see her just in case, but there was no problem.

Awashima had a premonition.

After work, she came home and got on the scale. And the feeling of relief, joy and omnipotence when she reviewed the result was indescribable.

Her weight was completely restored.

Awashima dropped to the ground, hopped on her toes, and did a pirouette. She then went straight to the fridge, took out the red bean paste that had been sitting in for a long time and enjoyed it to the fullest.

It was so delicious that tears came to her eyes.

Honestly, she wasn’t sure what happened. Awashima was obsessed with something, and she weighed more by that. And, as a result, she was exorcised by touching Goto’s spirit detector.

She could imagine that, but the facts were not very important to Awashima.

The important thing is that her body had been restored to eat red bean paste again.

By the way, it seems that the ghost detector on Goto was destroyed by that impact.

Awashima generously offered compensation, and instead she made Goto afraid.

And one night when she was visiting the HOMRA bar, as soon as she sat down at the counter,

“Kusanagi-kun. A Martini with Anko. Anko. Twice as usual!”

She declares that. Kusanagi was still trying to quit smoking, with a face that didn’t have much courage.

“Haha, Seri-chan. I think you’re fine today.”

Hearing that, Awashima clearly laughed.

“Yes. I am very happy to eat what I love to my heart’s content.”

Kusanagi smiled a bitter smile and closed his eyes.

It will continue in Chapter 3, “Kusanagi’s Smoking Cessation and the Days of Homura”.

Happy Easter~♡!!

Mikoto: Palm Sunday and baked fish for lunch~♡

Reisi: You fell asleep at Holy Mass!

Mikoto: But at least I woke up for the blessing of the palms.^^

Who guesses the reference?^^

Ground Zero, Fragments: Chapter 4, coming soon!^^

Las Vegas, Chapter 4: Coming soon!^^

“K-Chibis, Cell Phone Wallpapers” by Naru-kun. Part: 01/03

Reisi Munakata

Anime: K-Project
