#mishakuji yukari





“Is it really ok?”

While carrying a backpack, Sukuna muttered with a troubled face.

There was a truck type car in front of him. It was a so-called wellness vehicle with a wide opening at the rear and a wheelchair storage facility with a dedicated lift. It was Sukuna’s impression to seeing Nagare moving silently in the elevator.

“What are you talking about?”

He asked with a mysterious face, Iwafune, who was next to him. Like Sukuna, he also carried luggage on his back, but a backpack wouldn’t look very good with his outfit.

Sukuna spoke about the fluttering worries.

“Are you traveling at high speed? There are several dangerous places like toll booths and intersections. Even if they are free, they might catch us.”

“We have already worked on the surveillance cameras deployed on the planned route. There is no chance that our appearance will be recorded as a video log.”

As he was lifted up, Nagare responded calmly.


A hand touched Sukuna’s head as he was still trying to make a statement.

“Children shouldn’t be so worried.”

Yukari dropped his handbag on the floor. It was tempting to say that there were so many things to prepare for a day trip, but he said, “There are many things to prepare to maintain beauty.” He didn’t give a damn.

“That’s right, Sukuna. Let go. Don’t hesitate and enjoy the ride.”

“You will like it.”

(Damn, that doesn’t look funny.)

He tried to say that, but he stopped, he felt that he shouldn’t.

Iwafune’s smiling face contains shadows that are not always shown. It is usual to think about something, but today it was even deeper. Kotosaka, perched on his shoulder, was quiet as if he was asleep, but occasionally rubbed his head against his cheek.

When he could see it, Sukuna could “see” them.

“Well then let’s go.”

He got into the driver’s seat of the truck and Yukari started the engine. An unknown exhaust sound resounded in the darkness of the “Secret Base”. Iwafune is in the passenger seat and Sukuna is in the back seat.

When he sat down on the seat, he saw Nagare sitting in the car.

“Yes, let’s go.”

A light tone that was the same as always.

Still, he felt that something was definitely different.

“It’s an out-of-season visit to the grave.”

The city once existed there. A million inhabitants lived there. Numerous dwellings, many workplaces, in this country called Japan, lived a daily life that was taken for granted wherever they went.

Now, the place has become a “crater” as its name implies.

The place where the city was located was submerged in the sea, and the marginal area that escaped the submersion was abandoned by the impact, and was no longer a place where people could live. Those who barely survived left this place to be haunted by the memory of a nightmare.

The biggest and worst disaster in human history, with 700,000 deaths and several times more casualties, is generally referred to as the “South Kanto Crater Incident”.

According to the official announcement, it was caused by an out-of-control accident involving a new energy experiment being developed at the center. However, many do not believe it and there are several theories about the cause. There are many rumors such as the stone fall theory, the nuclear attack theory, and the alien and ancient civilization attack theory.

Sukuna already knew the truth.

The predecessor “Red King”. The “Damocles Down” by Genji Kagutsu.

Torn apart by the drain of power from a “King”, it was a raw scar.

There was no figure in that place now. At the rim of the crater, where the shock waves caused death and destruction, both the roof tiles and the abandoned castle have already been removed by the government. It seems that the story of redevelopment was raised once, but the uncertain official announcement of “Escape of a new experimental energy” caused a feeling of revulsion in the listener. It is not known what the negative effects would be in a place where a strange energy went out of control.

Now, what stretches out in front of Sukuna is a vast wasteland that will go on forever. A memorial is built in the center like a tombstone.

Those views are cut in the middle by a vast bay.

Sukuna stood at the edge of the bay and looked down.

The winter sea under the cliff quietly calmed down and made waves.

As if to cover up the 700,000 deaths that sink below.

Sukuna murmured as he hugged his body.


“I didn’t tell you, but you’ll catch a cold if you wear such light clothing.”

As he whispered, Yukari opened his carry bag and placed the coat he took from inside over Sukuna’s head. Sukuna snooped on Nagare next to him, while he used it.

With the usual transparent aspect, Nagare dominated the distant bay.


A voice escaped from Sukuna’s mouth.

“Did you become "King” here?“


Nagare responds by looking into the distance.

“I was chosen as the "Green King” in this place. It was the moment when the rocks pierced my heart, swept away by the impact of the “Damocles Down”.“

Nagare Hisui died once and "altered” his own death by the power of the “King”.

Nagare, Iwafune and Kotosaka were victims of the Kagutsu incident. The incident robbed them of everything, but perhaps they gave them something. That is the existence of the “Green King”.

Whether they wanted it or not is another story.

“But I wasn’t the only one who died. My friends who were close by and my family who were far away died. They never came back to life like me.”

The same flat tone as always seemed to contain an unbearable sorrow for some reason at that moment.

“Aren’t you sad? Everyone you know is dead.”

He knew he asked cruel questions. Still, he couldn’t help but ask. He wanted to know if Nagare Hisui’s existence had feelings as a human being, not as “King”.

Nagare twisted his neck and saw Sukuna for the first time.

“I was sad.”

Sukuna felt as if he was being sucked into his pure, childish eyes.

“But I think the question was stronger than that.”

“What was your question?”

“Why did I survive alone? Why did everyone else have to die? Why was I, the survivor of that incident, chosen as the "Green King”? I wondered that.“

The boy who lost everything wondered, "Why did I lose it?”. With great power, he thought about “why he got it”. The answer is known only to the dead and the relics.

They won’t reply, so he won’t get a reply.

But still, Nagare kept thinking.

Why was everything stolen from me? Why did they give me this?

“Did you get the answer?”

The interaction between Sukuna and Nagare was like that of two children.

“Yes. I listened to Iwa-san, saw everything with my own eyes, and finally came to a conclusion.”

His line of sight turns to the sea again.

“My death was to create myself, destroy the current world and "modify” it to a new world.“

Nagare spoke, looking at the world beyond the horizon.

"Today’s world was created by the "Golden King”, Daikaku Kokujoji. He controls the Slate and suppresses its power, so it is in its current form. It is not the true form. When that Slate awakens, one should be able to give the next step.“

The voice seems to have a mysterious warmth, although it is clear.

"I thought this kind of tragedy happened because he sealed it, otherwise it wouldn’t be possible.”

Iwafune, Yukari and Kotosaka surrounded Nagare and listened to him. His voice carried heat.

“Because the "King” is also a man, because the lives of men are equivalent. There should not be a world in which only the “King” lives and only the man dies. Such a world should be reduced. Then it should be a new world change, as they did.“

Nagare did not address Sukuna, or Iwafune, or Yukari, or Kotosaka. His gaze was at the bottom of the deep sea. Nagare was talking about the 700,000 lives scattered by the "King’s” display of power.

“I died with them and came back to speak for them. To correct the wrongs of this world. To leave the possibilities that should be, as they should be.”

That’s why Nagare said…

“I visit this place, because this is where I died and at the same time I was born.”

Sukuna couldn’t say anything.

He did not participate in “Jungle” for any purpose. Sukuna’s driving force was just the desire to get out of that house. He didn’t want to go anywhere; he didn’t want to do anything.

Sukuna could not say anything in front of the “King” that wanted to “modify” the world through life and death.

Nagare asked Sukuna, who noticed his toes and fell silent, as he looked out to sea.

“Sukuna. I have something to ask.”

Sukuna slowly raises his face.

“What is?”

“Why didn’t you get rid of "Nine” right then?“

The scene relives as a flashback in Sukuna’s mind.

Moving at night. A manhole with the seal of the tree of life. A small figure that goes to the side of him.

He will never forget the voice that spoke to him, the faint smile and the look that he gave up.

Sukuna’s "Thunder Blade” burned “Nine” Kue Hikotaro’s bangs and pierced through the PDA in front of him.

When only one police officer turned to the dainty Hikotaro, Sukuna immediately turned around. Ignoring Kuroko, who was ready for battle, he looked at Kotosaka perched on a tree in the park directly above him.

“In the future, if Hikotaro leaks information about the "entry”, delete my account.“

Sukuna said only that.

Nagare didn’t answer anything.

Sukuna didn’t ask for an answer either. He left Kuroko and Hikotaro standing as if they had abandoned him, and went home as he was. After returning to the "Secret Base”, he didn’t say anything, and neither Nagare nor Iwafune nor Yukari brought it up.

This is the first time Nagare mentioned about Hikotaro.

He has wondered why Sukuna did that.

However, there was no response. He could only say that he thought it was the right thing to do. Sukuna would have answered that if he had been questioned by Nagare and Iwafune immediately after returning to the “Secret Base”. Sukuna himself did not know the reason.

Now he understands.

Sukuna started talking about why he did that.


He was his first best friend. A respectable friend who invited Sukuna to “Jungle”, showed him a new world, and then betrayed Sukuna.

“…He was like me, who had the ability to be a J-Rank. If he wanted to, he could have run through "Jungle” and come here.“

But that didn’t happen.

Hikotaro sold information, betrayed "Jungle”, and decided to be eliminated for a small amount of money to support his family.

He himself abandoned the possibility.

“He had the power of the dragon, but he couldn’t do it. I’ve always wondered why.”

Nagare, who has all the information, would the “Green King” know why?

Any answer was fine. It doesn’t matter if he knew it or not. Sukuna’s response would not change when he heard it.

His response was…

“Because Nagare was not the king of Hikotaro.”

Nagare blinked just once.

The words overflow from Sukuna’s lips.

“I don’t know if he was my father, his family or what was around him, but at least he wasn’t himself. It was another "something” that controlled him.“

As it happened with Sukuna.

It was his mother who dominated Sukuna. While everything was managed and controlled, he resisted, but in some cases he gave up. He was no use, because he was a child. He couldn’t help but live without being controlled by them. He thought he couldn’t help it.

Such a world was shit.

"It’s no joke to have a life where you have to give up your potential under someone else’s control. It doesn’t matter who the other person is. Parents, the world, the "Blue King”, the “Gold King”, you can’t be forgiven if you rob people of their potential.“

Perhaps that is Sukuna’s "answer”.

Sukuna, who had no place to live and no purpose, just kept running away and finally discovered him in his own body.

“Each one is the only king of himself.”

A world where everyone can be their own king.

A world where everyone can compete on equal terms as kings, not as a person and a king.

There, Sukuna, Nagare, and Hikotaro would all be equal players. They could expand their potential as much as their abilities allowed. They could be used or betrayed, but they would all have will as individual players. They would never follow an order from someone.

“Global Jungle”. It would be a tremendous jungle where the flowers of possibilities would be in full bloom.

“If you’re creating that kind of world, I’ll bet you everything, Nagare. All I have in this life.”

Sukuna looked at Nagare. Nagare was also looking at Sukuna. Once upon a time, the two found a dream in each other’s eyes that they wanted to see together.

“Until then, I have always been a solo player. Until all other humans can be equal to us. That is what you mean.”


The straitjacket trembled. Nagare had relaxed. Realizing that, Nagare looked down at his body.

“If my body is free, I’m getting closer.”


Saying that, Sukuna approached Nagare and put his fist on Nagare’s chest.

“Because your members are us.”

Yukari and Iwafune laugh face to face. Kotosaka is making a satisfied cry.

“As long as your heart glows green, I live for your dreams, because they are my dreams too. So show me, the most interesting world you will ever create, Nagare.”

Nagare was deeply overpowered and responded.

“Yes, it is a promise.”

Sukuna smiled and felt a bit sad. Suddenly he was worried.

“But my king is Nagare.”

“Yes, it is.”

“What kind of relationship would you have with me if I became king?”

Nagare bows his head. Speaking of which, his expression changed.

After some thought, Nagare replied:

“I’m sure it would be a friendly relationship.”

In this way, Gojo Sukuna made a second friend.




The J-ranks who should be assistants share many of Nagare’s secrets. From the idea of ​​"making all mankind kings" to the location of the “secret base” or even the existence of his trump card.

Knowing that, however, it’s quite possible that a J-Rank might not be sympathetic to the idea of ​​style. Nagare couldn’t force sleep on him at that J-rank. If he did that, the meaning of the existence of “Jungle”, which speaks of freedom for everyone, would disappear.

The idea can be passed on, but it is up to the J-Rank to appropriate it.

It was, in a sense, the most dangerous bet.

“That’s why Nagare-chan was planning to close the deadline to some extent when he added Sukuna-chan.”

Mishakuji Yukari looked directly at Sukuna’s face from above and said…

“Jungle” is a clan of freedom, but freedom comes with danger. Nagare-chan himself always takes the risk.“

His clean face wasn’t sweating. He could only think that he is not good at conversing smoothly when he moves and after that, but if told that there is such a difference in ability, he has no words to reply.

It’s been a while since they started fighting training together.

That’s what Sukuna started to say. One is that he has saved time, and the other is that he was not convinced of the agreement with Yukari. And the last one is…

"I think I want to be stronger than I am now.”

Yukari accepted it more easily than he expected.

When he was training for the first time, he muttered…

“You’re weird, I like that.”

He wasn’t sure what was strange.

Regardless, Yukari was strong. He knew that if he fought in his original state, it would be difficult to beat him, but he was disappointed. Using that as fuel, Sukuna got back on his feet, challenged and was bounced back each time.

Lying on the vast floor of the “Secret Base”, Sukuna managed to breathe heavily. The stone pillars lined up like a temple were sucked into the darkness and he couldn’t be seen. The surface is beyond that, and the earth is ruled by other kings.

The appearance of the kings of each clan, projected by the wide “root of the grass” area, came his mind.

Will Sukuna’s power work against those kings?

He wasn’t sure. He at least he thought it wouldn’t be possible until he could beat Yukari. He seems to have the strongest class as a member of the clan, but even Yukari isn’t as good as a king.

He took a breath.

He doesn’t like having someone stronger than Yukari.

“You are a dead child.”

Yukari said, as if he was completely disappointed.

“If you want that much power, why don’t you use "items” like that time? Because now you can use as many points as you want.“

It is probably the decisive battle with the most use of the brain. Certainly, Sukuna at that time was not pretending to be. He used all the points he had to buy "items” and used them against Yukari. Only then could Sukuna go deeper against Yukari.

Yukari says that he should do it this time too.

“I don’t want to do it because I can use it unlimitedly.”

Sukuna got up.

“At that time, it was still good because there was a limit to the points. There is no such thing now. And yet, because you can use it as much as you want, you can use "items” infinitely, isn’t that cheating?“

"What do you mean?”

Sukuna was angry. Explain that this is why people who don’t play are dissatisfied.

“It’s an insult. As a player, it’s something you absolutely shouldn’t do. That’s why it’s wrong to play like that.”

“Hmm.”, Yukari put his hand on his chin and took it as if he was sure.

“The bowmaster does not have a second arrow. If you do not control yourself, you will be alert and you will be defeated. You know it.”

“Hmm. Of course. I’m a game master.”

To Sukuna who says that with complete confidence, Yukari gives a quick smile and…

“Even though you haven’t won a single victory over Nagare-chan?”

“How annoying.”

Sukuna’s face flushed red after being hit in a sore spot.

Yukari was right. Sukuna has never won a game against Nagare.

This was a humiliating feat for Sukuna, who cleared every game and rarely lost in online matches.

Sukuna thought he was good at games.

“I don’t know how to do it. He says that he has been working on "Rocking Climber” for many years, and I can’t switch to another game before I win.“

Yukari looks happily at Sukuna, who makes excuses. As he was exposed to that line of sight, he spoke, feeling that he was doing something terrible.

He can’t beat Nagare in game, he can’t beat Yukari in battle.

It is the first time that he realizes his immaturity.

However, it is not something Sukuna cares about. If "what he can’t do” is a big deal, then he’ll somehow change it to “what he can do”, it’s the real thrill of the game.

Despite that, in reality, there is not always time to change it.

“For example,”

Sukuna says that as soon as she takes a deep breath and exhales.

“And if the Blues could get into this place, what would it be like?”

The Blue clan, “Scepter 4”, was the opponent that triggered the most skirmishes when Sukuna was U-Rank.

For “Scepter 4”, who is in a position to crack down on crimes with special powers, “Jungle”, who is in a leading position, is just an enemy.

“An escape move, right?”

Yukari shrugs and answers.

“We can’t compete with other clans right now. We won’t do anything like "Homura” unless we play around a bit, but “Scepter 4” and “Tokijikuin” would team up to crush us. If that happens, there’s no way to counter it.“

"I don’t like running away.”

“Yes. I don’t think it’s beautiful either, but I understand that you will do it to win in the end, right?”

He says that, but once he escaped from the houseboat. Sukuna frowns.

“Ah. It’s different from that.”

“It’s the same. Is it okay, Sukuna-chan? I’ll tell you what’s important to win.”

He raised his index finger and closed one eye. Even though he is a man, these gestures look strangely good.

“If you can’t win, don’t lose. Even if you run away a hundred times, you’ll win if you win the last one. So there’s no shame in running away.”

“But you don’t do that.”

Yukari was naturally proud and said…

“Well, it must be a decree from the King. It’s not shameful, but it’s not beautiful.”

He sharpened his lips as he scratched his crossed legs.

“I really don’t understand what you mean by "beautiful”.“

"You don’t have to know. The beauty I see is only understood by me. Isn’t that right?”

When he asks him, Sukuna gets stuck for words.

“Every person fights for what they think is beautiful. Isn’t it because of your own beauty that you are practicing on me now?”


He had nothing beautiful.

Sukuna always thought that in the corner of his heart. It wasn’t until Yukari pointed it out to him that he realized it. The moment he noticed that he was turned upside down, he was able to calmly admit that he had nothing.

No. There was nothing.

When asked if he had a dream, Sukuna replied “no”, and there was no such thing. It would be synonymous with Yukari’s “beautiful thing”.

However, when he heard Nagare’s dream, when he found out about his dream of the “world of kings”, he wanted to see it.

He would like to relive the same exciting feeling that he had when he first encountered a different ability. Surprising to himself, that thought began to fill Sukuna’s body.

Beauty for him, is that kind of thing?

“Hey, Yukari.”


“What did Nagare see in me to want to find me?”

Seeing himself as nothing, Nagare tried to promote him to J-rank. It also means that Nagare found “something” in himself.

Sukuna wanted to know what he was seeing.

Maybe he had “something”. The “King’s” eyes might have found something he couldn’t see.


Yukari thought quietly and answered Sukuna’s question.

“Remember how I said you were a beast?”

Suddenly Sukuna blinked then took over.

“Oh, I’m broke. I remember it well.”

“Isn’t it because he was a star?”

Sukuna believed that was what he was referring to.

If it was a misguided taunt, he should have brushed it off with a sneer. He couldn’t do that because Yukari’s spot touched a sore spot somewhere on him.

Certainly Sukuna had been a beast. He was just a living animal with no hope or purpose. Or maybe it’s still the case.

But Yukari smiled softly.

“That didn’t make a fool of Sukuna-chan. I just felt that way.”

“Don’t you make fun of yourself by calling people beasts?”

Yukari winked and responded to the dismayed Sukuna.

“Nagare-chan told me the same thing. You are a beast.”


“By the way, when my teacher saw Nagare-chan as a child, he had the same impression. He was a small but fang-like king.”

Yukari laughed.

“In other words, I wonder if that’s the case. We are the three beasts that are lost in the jungle. That’s why we snuggled up and sharpened our claws together. In the future, this jungle will be on the ground, spreading to every corner and becoming our paradise.”

Sukuna looked up, thought about it, and then answered bluntly.

“I do not know.”

“Oh, I wonder if it’s hard for the kids.”

Sukuna hooked his toes around his long staff and lifted it.

“Shut up. Don’t treat me like a moth.”

Saying that, Sukuna felt a mysterious sensation in his chest.

After all, he wondered if Nagare liked Sukuna because he felt that Sukuna had something similar to him. Every time he wondered if that mighty king had found something in common between him and Sukuna, his emotions deepened.

Could it be that he was proud?

It was embarrassing to make it clear. Sukuna tightened his facial expression and activated his sword that killed his emotions.

“But somehow I realized that I was sharpening my nails. It is important to increase my experience points for the great battle that will come someday.”

Sukuna laughs invincibly and turns to Yukari.

“Let’s do it again, Yukari. This time, I’ll take one from you.”

“Fufufu. Well, that’s the fighting spirit. I’m excited.”

With a bright smile, Yukari was also holding a sword.

Sukuna prepared his breath. He tried to kick the ground with his whole body tight.

At that moment, he heard a voice from behind.


Sukuna lurched forward as if he was about to launch himself and was on the brink. He turned and was held back by Yukari’s feet.

“What are you doing?”

In the upside down view, Yukari’s face was reflected. He gritted his teeth and stood up, and Sukuna glared resentfully at the owner of the voice.

“Why? It’s a good place right now.”

“It’s a mission.”

The “Green King” said to Sukuna without losing his expression.

“Eliminate the traitors.”


Shizume City.

It is one of the most popular areas in central Tokyo, with its huge jumbled intersection and street views as landmarks. Close to the Tokyo Bridge and with easy access to the world’s largest artificial island, Gakuenjima, this city is known as a youth city.

Perhaps because the age group is young, the atmosphere of the city is refined, but somehow mixed with diverse smells.

There they were. As if attracted by the smell, the humans who belong to the “back” of society also had this city as their root castle. Gangsters and foreign mafia were nesting in the multi-tenant buildings and warehouses in the back towns of Shizume, and they are planning crimes with strangers.

A small warehouse works quietly in a corner of such a remote city.

The warehouse, which is only about 40 square meters, is empty and almost like an abandoned castle. If you look to your right hand side from the entrance, you will see several containers along the concrete wall. The third from the left, “he” is inside the white bowl with reddish-brown rust.

The code name in “Jungle” is Shizume D2 “Entrance”.

It is one of the countless entrances to the “secret base” of Tokyo.

Of course, the entrance is completely sealed and electronically disguised. At first glance, the average person would see it as a rusty metal wall.

However, if it was seen by someone other than an ordinary person, such as the “blue clothes”, the story would be different.

Headed by the “Blue King”, they are professional investigators and repressors. There is a complicated route and tight security from the “entrance” to the “secret base”, but if you have enough time and the skill of “Scepter 4”, the location of the “secret base” will eventually be identified. If that happens, they will be forced to withdraw from the “secret base” that is the hub of “Jungle”.

The most important secret to avoid is the “entrance”.

It was exposed.

If it was from the “Scepter 4” investigation, that was even better. They just had to block the passage and get rid of it, so that they do not know the access to the “secret base”.

But if you have inside information, that’s a different story.

The connoisseurs continue to spill information about “Jungle”. No matter how hard you try to hide it, you’ll never be able to get rid of “Scepter 4” while it’s there. It’s like desperately pouring water to fill a bucket with holes. First you have to close the hole in the package.

We must eliminate those who bring holes.

“So it’s a subjugation mission?”

Sukuna muttered as he sat on the railing at Shizume’s jumbled intersection.

The white things begin to mix in the exhaled breath. It seems that winter had begun before he knew it. Sukuna became a J-ranker in mid-autumn, which means several months had passed before he realized it.

The fact that he was off the mission for so long he couldn’t swallow. He was like Urashima Taro.

Sukuna asked on the other side of the PDA as he looked at the unknown talent reflected in the vision on the street.

“Is he a strong enemy to have to go on a business trip?”

“The traitor’s rank is G-Rank. If I just wanted to get rid of him, I could easily do so by applying a suitable U-Rank.”

Sukuna was out of tune and complained.

“What is that? Then you should do that. My first job as a memorable J-Rank, will it be to catch a simple snitch?”

“He’s not just a snitch. This is a very important mission that only J-ranks can do.”

Nagare’s tone is simple.

“Because the traitor found the entrance to the "secret base”, even though he’s a G-Rank. I need to know how he found the cleverly hidden passage by chance, or if there’s a depression I don’t know about.“

Sukuna had a fierce smile.

"Can you interrogate him and ask?”

“It’s ridiculous! Kids don’t use loud words at all!”

The voice that echoed was Iwafune’s, apart from Nagare. He was listening next to him.

“And why should I ask U-Rank how he found the entrance? The location of the "secret base” should only be known to J-Rank. You have to go with Mishakuji-chan to maintain confidentiality.“

"Well, that’s right. That’s fine. Oh, I get it.”

He touches his neck. It’s been a while since his opponent wasn’t a G-rank, but he understood the importance of the mission.

“So where is it? Didn’t you say finding out is part of the mission?”

“The agent should be there in five minutes. Get in touch and get some information.”


He bends his neck. He doesn’t know why he does something so confusing. It would be nice if he could give him that information here and now.

“It’s me.”

A familiar voice echoed off to the side and Sukuna shrugged.

A woman in a draft suit was right next to him. She had on high heels and stockings, was holding a black bag under her arm, and wore plain glasses. It was lunch break, but only her smokey golden hair floated.

She smiled a satisfied smile, her eyes sleepy at him.

“It’s been a long time, Five.”

“Kuroko, why…?”

He realized as he said that.

This is what Nagare called an “agent”. Certainly the most active “Jungle” player comes to mind first.

“Wow, the appearance changes every time I see you…”

“No wonder. Where are the idiots who show up in combat uniforms and street clothes in places like this?”

The person who pushes up her glasses and says that coldly is surprisingly apt as a “competent secretary to the president”.

“I don’t know how far I’ve heard from the "Green King”, but I’ll give you a general description of the target.“

Kuroko took out the PDA from the bag.

"The "traitor” sends information about “Jungle” to “Scepter 4”. I knew because he contacted me.“

Kuroko’s day.

She has a wide range of connections in her work. The people who are primarily involved are the "back” people, but not without a connection to the “front”. The front and back are exactly one. There is a profession like Kuroko’s to solve problems that cannot be shown.

“Not the most direct connection. People in the front tend to avoid connecting directly to the back. I am aware of the information store that provides information to "Scepter 4”. I was contacted by the “traitor” asking me to mediate with the store of information.“

"Is that why it’s you again?”

“So it seems, I accept a wide range of jobs. I also have business cards.“

Kuroko said that seriously, and Sukuna couldn’t say anything.

"I introduced the information shop to the "traitor”. The “traitor” taught the information shop the location of the “entrance”, and thus “Scepter 4” knew the location of the “entrance”.“

Sukuna looks at Kuroko and collapses.

"Are you not his accomplice?”

“I was just a go-between. I don’t even know the location of the "entrance”.“

"So, this time, you sell the information about the "traitor” to the “Green King”?“

"What’s wrong with selling something?”

Kuroko said that without being afraid.

Sukuna’s eyes on Kuroko would have been towards the “traitor”. He knows that there is no ethics or loyalty in this woman.

However, welcome to that place, that’s how “Jungle” is.

“We’re monitoring the trends of "traitors”. But disturbing signs have appeared recently. He started wandering around the back town of Shizume, far from where he lived. I guess she was looking for a new “entrance”.“

Sukuna narrowed his eyes.

If that’s true, then the "traitor” knows how to find Nagare’s cleverly hidden “tickets.”

“The sooner you catch him, the better. The mission includes helping you catch him. Therefore, I will guide you to his place.”

“Hmm. Well, whatever. Let’s go!”

Sukuna backed away from the railing.

As he does so, he tells Kuroko.

“But at least show me his face and tell me his name. If you don’t, I’ll lose him even if I find him.”

“That’s right. I’ll send you a picture now.”

There was an incoming call on the PDA. Kuroko’s email. He opened it and looked at the photo.

Sukuna’s heart stopped.

“The identifier name is "Nine”. The real name is Hikotaro Kue. That is the name of the “traitor”.“


"In other words…”

Iwafune’s expression is bitter, like the feeling in that heart.

“Was he a close friend of old Sukuna?”

“Affirmative. Hikotaro Kue was a friend of Sukuna Gojo. I have been informed that he was the one who taught Jungle to Sukuna.”

Nagare’s expression did not waver. He couldn’t tell what he was doing from the expression that calmed down like the surface of a lake.

“King” is another name for a monster.

A huge force that can even destroy an entire city. It is a surplus of power in the human body. If he is drunk, he will bring ruin.

In order not to get drunk on power, he have to drink power. There is no choice but to prepare a huge vessel that can control the enormous power equal to God without being confused and overwhelmed.

The bowl will swallow it all. The power of the “King” and human feelings are only “one to control” in him. Iwafune thinks that the “Dresden Slate” has a criterion for choosing a “King”, because he has the will to do what he needs when he needs it, without being carried away by anything.

Nagare definitely has that container.

“There has been no interaction between the two since Sukuna left home. Perhaps they broke up at that time. It was unclear from my investigation what happened. Meanwhile, Kue Hikotaro’s family will be moving out of a luxury condo in Jimmachi to a cheap apartment in Shizume.”

“Nagare. You…”

Iwafune’s voice sank heavily.

“Did you know and dared to send Sukuna?”


“King” is another name for a monster.

Therefore, Nagare Hisui existed in front of Iwafune as an unmistakable monster.

He doesn’t think he made a mistake in bringing it up.

Nagare was like that as much as possible. Iwafune did not teach him the ambition to change the order of this world as the “Green King”. He overflowed from Nagare himself.

Iwafune said in a soft voice.

“Are you trying to get that kid to kill his friend?”

Iwafune is also a “King”. He is aware that he is a monster. That’s why he couldn’t finish it. The fact that the man he raised is trying to make a ruthless decision, is because he is a “King”.

Nagare replied.

“Sukuna is a J-Rank. He will Dream of me. So I have to see Sukuna’s performance. I have to find out what kind of judgment and what kind of action he will take. Isn’t that right, Iwa-san?”

Nagare looked at Iwafune and said that clearly.

“Iwa-san, you are like my father, an executive of Jungle, and my trump card. But you don’t have to be caught up in that.”


“You can always leave me when the time comes when you can’t forgive me. Iwa-san has Iwa-san’s freedom.”

Iwafune shook his head with a withered smile.

“I can’t. I’m just a guy who should have died.”

Iwafune was infinitely transparent and pure, and thus he looked into the eyes of the “King” with merciless eyes.

“I said what Seigo Otori would probably say, but that person is dead. Right now I am Iwafune Tenkei. My job is to watch over your future.”

“Yes. Please take a look with me.”

One of the screens shows Sukuna walking with Kuroko. Nagare says as he calmly looks at his faces.

“What do you think Sukuna thinks and does?”

Iwafune thought.

He hoped that the “King’s” action would not harm the child.


It was a moonless night.

Shizume is a city that never sleeps. As it is one of the most popular central areas of the city, it is more lively at night than during the day. The varied noises and bright lights of the city never go out, from the front of the station to the back of the city.

However, there are places where the light does not reach.

“There” was no back city. A small park halfway between the office and the residential areas. There were no children’s games. It was a blank space with benches and drinking fountains in a space the size of a cat’s forehead, that not even the neighbors would look at.

There was a small sewer near the restroom in the park.

The sewers in Tokyo are always engraved with the seal of the Yoshino cherry tree, but it wasn’t the flowers that were engraved in the sewer. Naturally, it is not Tokyo who managed the sewer.

He had engraved a wooden seal. The seal of the world tree that takes root in the ground and spreads branches and leaves in space.

The stamp of “Jungle”.

Shizume B1 “Entrance”, was the name of the sewer.

Only the executives, or perhaps only Nagare Hisui, can know. Yukari, Sukuna, Iwafune, Kotosaka, they wouldn’t use the entrance to such a strange place. This is because they use the “input” which is a bit more accessible. This was just an urgent entry, a loophole created with “just in case”.

A figure was passing through the lagoon.

In a small park, in a lonely bathroom, he squatted on the side of a sewer next to it, reached out, touched the cold iron and stroked it. When he took the PDA out of his pocket and held it over the seal on the manhole, the incoming call lamp on the PDA lit up green.

White breath leaked out for a long time.


The voice shook the figure.

The voice came from a boy standing behind him at the entrance to the park’s office district.

“Isn’t that one? You find them often.”

The voice was neither cold nor warm. Just dry.

“I’ve always been good at that kind of thing. I notice something that others don’t and I take advantage of it. It’s about hitting people’s blind spots.”

Move forward as he speaks. When he entered the circle of light from the streetlight, the appearance became clear.

The figure in the sewer looked at his face and murmured in a trembling voice.



Called out by a dry voice, Hikotaro Kue shrugged his shoulders as if he had been whipped.

Sukuna looks at the figure as if it is frozen.

When he found out that Hikotaro was a “traitor”, Sukuna felt resentment for the first time.

Most of that went to Nagare Hisui. There is no reason why the “Green King”, who has a wealth of information, would not know about the relationship between Sukuna and Hikotaro. He found out and then went to Sukuna, to eliminate his old friend.

However, Sukuna was aware of the emotions behind that resentment.

It was “fear”.

He had to hunt down Hikotaro with his bare hands. Like many rankers who were once eliminated in many subjugation missions, or used and ultimately killed. He has to put a “Thunder Blade” in his chest, steal the account from him and throw it in the city on a winter night.

He had a feeling that if he did that, he would definitely change.

And that was not the only “fear”.

“Long time not see you.”

Hikotaro smiled weakly.

Sukuna bit his lip and stiffened.


Hikotaro Kue, if he begs for his life, what should he do?

What if he begs for mercy out of the goodness of being old friends? What if he told him to get lost, like the many players he once hunted down? What kind of face should he have at that moment? What would he have to do? Could he really bear the pain at that moment?

That was the only thing that scared him, more than when he left his house, than when he faced Kuroko and Yukari, than when he met the “Green King”.

Above all, Sukuna feared that memories of him would be decisively woven.

Hikotaro stood up. Sukuna was ready.

And he said…


In a small conversational tone that doesn’t seem out of place.

“How far have you come? I’m moving up to G-Rank.”


Sukuna blinked several times and then in a soft voice, said…


Hikotaro widened his eyes. He took a step forward. The dim streetlights that illuminated the park caught his eyes for a moment and made them sparkle.



“Oh, that’s really amazing! Now that you’re a J-Rank, did you get to meet the "King”? Did you meet him? The “Green King”!“

Sukuna jerked as if the tip of her nose had been turned around.

He didn’t know what to answer. Various emotions swirled in his chest. There would have been anger there. There should have been some irritation. The joy and the fear of shrugging invaded him at the same time.

But there was no "sadness” anywhere.

Hikotaro gave a small salute and laughed embarrassedly.

“No, I said something strange. I’m sure you met him. So that’s why you came here?”


“I’m a "traitor”. My account was just frozen. In the end, I thought I should just find this place, but it was tempting. I don’t want to come so early. Besides, you're…"


Sukuna asks seriously.

“Why did you do this?”

Hikotaro’s expression was strong.

“Oh, you’re smart. You know that, right? If you do this, they will definitely find out. You will be found and eliminated as a traitor. You must have known.”


He couldn’t have expected it. A man who is smart enough to find the “entrance” cleverly hidden by the “Green King” by himself cannot have thought of this ending.


“I need money.”

Hikotaro answered clearly.

There was no longer a smile on his face. Only the dry, worn and aged atmosphere that does not look like that of a child, was miserable.

“Kue’s house used to be a well-known family, but it seems that the owner of the family was a ridiculous person a long time ago. He was small.”

Sukuna looked at the appearance of Hikotaro Kue, who spoke clearly.

“Grandpa seems to have given up, but my father hasn’t. He started thinking about how he wanted to revive the Kue family. But my dad didn’t have that talent. The more I scratched my feet, the more I got stuck in the swamp.”

He spoke only of the facts before him.

The “Green King”. For some reason, he resembled Nagare Hisui.

“My dad thought he had that talent.”

Who was it that distorted Hikotaro’s lips? Was it him, his father or his destiny?

“I’m stupid, really. I’m still a kid. What do you expect from an elementary school student who is ten years old or so? He leaves it to others, so even though he has fallen to the bottom, he still doesn’t seem to know. Why not make money? How can I do that?”

“But you did. You knew how to do it.”

In “Jungle” you can do that.

Because it is the power of the weak. Age and status do not matter. As long as you have the eyes to see things and the head to understand things, you can get to that point, if you have that intention.

Hikotaro pointed at Sukuna.


He laughed weakly and shook his head.

“I couldn’t do it. I didn’t have the talent.”

Hikotaro wipes the bruise from his mouth with his thumb.

“I couldn’t be like you. Not with my family or with a talent. I couldn’t leave my house. My parents thought that way anyway.”

Sukuna thought.

What if Hikotaro had left his house as Sukuna and spent all of his talent on “Jungle”? He had no status, money or credit. If he had immersed himself in this world with that talent, would he have been able to stand by his side?

It might have been possible; it might not have been possible.

He doesn’t know what the answer would be, but there must have been a possibility. As a J-Rank, the future who was by the “Green King’s” side, would be aligned with Sukuna.

Hikotaro didn’t abandon his family, his connections.

Instead, he abandoned his potential in “Jungle”.


Hikotaro hesitated.

“…I wanted to apologize to you, for everything that happened.”

He approached Sukuna as Sukuna’s parents ordered. Perhaps it was the “scratch” from Hikotaro’s father. It must have been so that the fallen members of the Kue family could take advantage of the Gojo family and rise up.

“I didn’t like it because it was an order at first. I thought it was annoying to pretend to be friends with a guy who didn’t know hardship.”


“But no. You were a fun guy. You were funny, smart, bad personality, but it was exciting to be with you.”

(I also.)

“It was the first time I really wanted to be friends with someone, from the bottom of my heart.”

(I also.)

“Then it got spicy. You believed in me, but I hid the truth from you. I said I’d take care of the cat. I couldn’t give you anything back. All I could do was play with "Jungle”, but only then did I feel like I was truly alive. Do you remember the “Emergency Mission” at that time?“

(How could I forget it!)

He can’t forget it. Even for a moment, the brilliance of that era has never faded. Therefore, Sukuna has suffered. Because he saw the glitter once, everything else seemed faded.

"It was fun. We took pictures of various places.”

(I ate sweets.)

“Oh, yeah! I’ve never eaten sweets before!”

“Did he taste terrible? I don’t know if it was a gummy bear.”

“Bah, that’s right! That’s why it wasn’t that good!”

Hikotaro laughed out loud. Sukuna also relaxed. Like that summer day, in the park on a winter night, the two boys were immersed in memories of the past.

Eventually, after laughing, Hikotaro tossed the PDA in front of him.

“Ah! It was fun. But that’s it.”

In a tone that seemed to end, Sukuna gripped his cane tightly and looked towards the residential area side exit.

Kuroko stood as if she was leaning against a wall.

When Sukuna finds Hikotaro, Kuroko is supposed to get rid of him.

Sukuna activated “Thunder Blade” on him.

“I also.”

Sukuna says in a weak voice, waving the death god’s sickle.

“I thought I had to apologize to you.”


“Nine, the stray cat. My mother got rid of him without permission, even though he was so cute, he’s dead.”


Hikotaro waved his hand as if nothing had happened.

“It’s fine. By the way, he’s not dead.”


“I ordered it and picked it up at home. Not just the stray cat, Nine. I also included the white cat your mother bought and immediately threw away.”

“I called him "Five”. He has a pedigree, so he’s perfect, right?“

In response to Hikotaro’s words, Sukuna clenched his fist tightly.

He thought that stray cat had died because of him. He thought that the white cat was punished because he said that he didn’t need it. When he found out about that, somewhere in his heart, the two animals that he had as "remorse”, were saved by Hikotaro.

“Why is it like this?”


Hikotaro laughs lonely.

“It would be too much of a salvation to decide everything and throw it away just for the convenience of adults.”

At those words, Sukuna’s heart had settled.

Sukuna tightly gripped his long staff. Hikotaro closed his eyes as if he had lost his fear. Sukuna held his breath, silenced his heart, and lowered his sickle.




“It’s the first time we’ve met face to face, so I’ll say this again.”

The man said unimpressively.

“Nice to meet you. Welcome to the Green clan’s "Secret Base” of “Jungle”.“

He was dressed in a straitjacket and sitting in a wheelchair. Pale skin, coarse black hair, and listless eyes. His face was well organized, but somehow it lacked animation. He looked like a sick person or a sinner.

(He is a creepy guy.)

That was Gojo Sukuna’s first impression of the "Green King” Nagare Hisui.

“You are now a J-Rank, the highest rank. You are a member of the "Jungle” executives. Congratulations.“

"Other than that, I’m happy.”

Sukuna answers directly. He came here to see the face of Nagare Hisui, the “King of the Greens”, to see with his own eyes the man who has used him and other players in different ways.

He even thought that it would be fine to challenge him to a fight and face him face to face.

He hates all those who dominate, use and try to do what they want.

That’s exactly what Sukuna’s parents were.

When he said that, Nagare seemed strange deep down.

“I never wanted to control others. It’s a misunderstanding.”

Sukuna was disappointed. What he was saying and what he was doing seemed too different.

“I believe that all human beings should be "free”. Transform this world and create a world where they can be.“


“Do you have a dream, Gojo Sukuna?”

A casual word caught Sukuna’s chest roughly.

Dreams, purpose, future.

There was no such thing and no reason, because there was nothing in Sukuna. The dream he once had with his best friend disappeared with him. Sukuna kept running away from everything and then he came to this place.

“I have none.”

To say the least, Sukuna looked down.

Nagare, however, spoke clearly without showing mercy or hesitation.

“If you don’t have a dream, have a dream with me.”

Nagare looked directly at Sukuna. Something seemed to light up a mysterious flame behind his shocked eyes.

“If this world is boring, I will make an interesting game in this world. So let’s play together.”

Sukuna held his breath.

The words that his best friend once said to him were restrained in his mind.

(So, Sukuna. Let’s play together!)

He never forgets the emotion of that moment. He thought that he could run forever, and that he could breathe the endless world in front of him as he wished.

After all, it was just a lie.

Nagare said that he is trying to create a world where he really is.

He had never thought of creating a world. The world was there, it’s not something he could do on his own. At Sukuna, it was undeniable common sense.

However, the brooding young man in front of him is trying to be “serious”.

He still doesn’t know if he is “sanity”.

“Ok, I agree.”

Sukuna laughed a lot and said that.

“However, I’m going to quit right away if the game sucks.”

Anyway, he didn’t have anything he wanted to do. In that case, it may be good to hang out with this guy with a feeling of braving the back dungeon after the end.

He still doesn’t know what awaits him in the end.

But to be able to see the infinite world of that moment again, Sukuna was sure that is what he wanted.

“Welcome, Sukuna.”

The eyes of Nagare who spoke so excitedly seemed to harbor a mysterious light.



“That” began with such a word.

“I’ll throw a welcome party.”


Pulling away from Sukuna, the other members began to get up and work, and before long they finished preparing for the “welcome party”.

When he realized, Sukuna was in front of the four and a half tatami chabudai, and a banner reading “Welcome, J-rank, Gojo Sukuna-kun!”, was hanging. They also wore mysterious pointed hats.

“What is this?”

Since it’s Sukuna, he had no choice but to say so.

“Hey, didn’t you hear? It’s your welcome party.”

The answer came from Iwafune Tenkei, a “Jungle” executive. A middle-aged man with a close-fitting coat and stubble, he appears to have been a member of “Jungle” from the earliest days.

“After all, Sukuna-chan is the first to join as a J-Rank through the official route.”

“Congratulations! Congratulations!”

“Yes. It’s proof that my "Jungle” idea has finally started to work.“

He was impressed, despite the dialogue, the style did not break the deadpan. Sukuna was looking at the orange juice poured into the cup, feeling uneasy.

"Now, let’s toast to celebrate the joining of "Five”, Gojo Sukuna.“


Iwafune, Mishakuji and Kotosaka toasted. Iwafune with a canned beer, Yukari with wine, and Kotosaka with water on a tray, and though it was said to be a toast, he didn’t even have a cup. Or rather, how does this guy eat? Will people feed it? Or does he eat with some kind of skill?

“What’s wrong? Do you have a weird face?”

He quickly returns to Iwafune’s words.

“No, not really. I was wondering where my room is.”

“Oh, no, you’re moving here.”

Sukuna distorted his face.

In this place “Secret Base”, Sukuna was supposed to live for a while. The condo he used to live in is already known to his parents. The connection until the new house was prepared was absolutely necessary.

“If you don’t intend to settle down, why not live in this room? I have extra futons.”


Sukuna frowned. Just thinking about living with others seemed troublesome.


“Ok, I have to say it, but it’s hard to bring furniture until now. Isn’t it Yukari?”

“Just to get it from the entrance to here, it was hard to get it in without breaking it.”

Yukari snorted.

The “Secret Base” is a vast basement space in the center of the city, but as its name suggests, its existence is completely hidden. Only “Jungle” executives are allowed in and out, so they should always use their bare hands when carrying their luggage.

The ingredients for the tori-nabe, which is simmering in front of him, and the karaage, which is piled on a tray, were purchased directly by Iwafune from the “Kami” supermarket.

It was increasingly difficult to understand that space, associated with the habit of secrecy.

“It’s about time, right? Come on, eat the vegetables.”

By the time he said that, Iwafune had already picked up Sukuna’s bowl without permission. He put tofu, chicken shamrocks, bok choy, and enokitake mushrooms. Sukuna sharpens his lips dissatisfiedly at the rapidly growing bowl.

“I don’t know what to do.”

“Well, kids just eat and grow. Wow, haha!”

Sukuna couldn’t get mad at Iwafune, who laughed at a moment he didn’t understand, and simply shut up.

Iwafune was a kind of “adult” that Sukuna had never met.

For Sukuna, an “adult” was a rigid, covered and always repairing creature. He believes that his parents, domestic servants and school teachers were of that race.

But Iwafune was totally different.

From the first meeting, he felt free to pat Sukuna’s head, and it seemed to be an everyday thing to empty a can of beer and get drunk during the day. There is no doubt that he was a “bad adult”, as he called it.

If Sukuna’s mother saw it, she would have shown clear displeasure.

But Sukuna couldn’t hate him.

This is because the mask-like smile, which Sukuna always saw hovering over “adults”, was nowhere to be found on him.

Sukuna stared at the bowl in front of him for a few seconds, popping chicken and bok choy into his mouth at the same time.


It was fine.

When he chewed it, the sweetness of the sauce and Chinese cabbage gradually spread in his mouth. If he chews to satisfaction and swallows it, the taste seems to light up his stomach with an eerie warmth.

It has been a while since he had such a warm and nutritious meal. From the time he left home to the present, Sukuna’s meals have been store-bought lunch boxes or fast food.

“Are you ok?”

Iwafune glanced at Sukuna, who silently sipped the juice and squeezed out the rice. Sukuna was engrossed in it.

“If you stay here, I’ll cook you three meals.”

At those words, Sukuna decided to live in that room.

By the time the bottom of the pot was seen, the other three joined hands (although the style was closed) and expressed together.

“Thanks for the food!”

“Good food! Good food!”

Even Kotosaka reached out to raise his voice and finally Sukuna came over.

“Thanks for the food.”

“Yeah, well, let’s clean this up.”

Iwafune quickly stacks the dishes, and Yukari puts away the crock pot and stove as well. Sukuna asks, scratching himself cross-legged and looking vaguely at the family work.

“Is this always like this?”

“Yeah, most of the time. Yukari usually eats out.”

“I was the only one who could openly handle missions until now. I wonder if it will change a bit with the addition of Sukuna-chan.”

“Why isn’t that old man on a mission?”

When he asked that question, Iwafune looked back with a sullen face.

“Don’t call people old. Call me Iwa-san.”

“Ok. Are you a J-Rank? You’re an executive, so you don’t have to work for "Jumle”.“

Iwafune looked into the distance and muttered.

”‘Work’? That’s a nasty word.“

"Iwa-san. That comment is bullshit.”

“Well, I don’t mean that! There are many kinds of jobs!”

“Iwa-san is my trump card. I can’t get him to work on the board until the time comes.”

Sukuna shook his head at the word “trump card”. He was just a boring old man no matter how he looks at him, but will he have some kind of special ability?

“Iwa-san has had an important mission during this time.”

“Uh, what kind of mission?”

“Urgent mission: Support to Five.”

Sukuna and Yukari opened their eyes at the same time.

Iwafune looks back and says to Nagare,

“Hey, what do you say?”

“Yes. It’s the first time I’ve heard of it. So, it was Iwa-san who gave the order to that ninja.”

Yukari doesn’t seem offensive.

Sukuna couldn’t do that. That battle was all about his own spirit. He was left with nothing and finally confronted him, but in the end he didn’t come, and someone was forced to “help” him.

Someone who is in front of him.

The frozen anger began to shine again.

“Why did you help me?”

At Sukuna’s low voice, Iwafune scratched his chin.

“Well, for a variety of reasons. I’ve said you’re a necessary person, and that’s all.”

A withered smile came to the mouth of his stubble.

“I didn’t want to see a child get hurt.”

A tone that seems to cry something.

Sukuna spoke. The anger he tried to punch circulated around the back of his chest and he calmed down again.

He hates adults who pretend to talk smart. However, it seems that Iwafune isn’t saying that just to show off his superior side. He really believes it.

He didn’t want Sukuna to get hurt.

It would be a word that should be expressed as compassion. However, Sukuna rarely showed compassion for anyone. So he didn’t know how to deal with it, he just kept quiet.

Iwafune laughed a little and bowed when he saw Sukuna like that.

“I know it was an extra move, but I couldn’t help it. It was bad, Sukuna.”


Sukuna stared at the top of Iwafune for a while, then turned to the side.

“Whatever. I don’t care now.”

Iwafune smiles when he hears it.

“Oh, yeah? No, that’s fine. Kids seem scary these days, so what if Sukuna got sharp and cut them, wouldn’t that be exciting?”

“Oh, he’s surprisingly shy, Iwa-san.”

“Yes, he is a chicken. Wow, hahaha!”

Iwafune laughed heartily, making a flapping gesture with both hands.

Sukuna was watching the exchange with a frown.

He did not feel well. When he was with them, it seemed that whatever was the driving force behind his anger and irritation was fading away.

Although it was not an unpleasant feeling.


The wind was blowing overhead.

It was like a world-shaking gift or the breath of a world-devouring monster. Sukuna shrugs and shuffles forward, keeping his head out of the wind.

In the pitch black area, he can’t see anything. The arm he trailed felt like wet mud. Sukuna stepped forward as he endured the awkwardness.

Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead.

Sukuna did not know where to go.

He just didn’t want to be there. The sound of the wind blowing overhead was loud. The wet mud was unpleasant. The fight that he was able to paint was terrifying.

Sukuna was running away.

No destination, no purpose, no hope.

He was crawling alone because he didn’t want to be there.

Before he knew it, Sukuna found out that it was a mistake. A pitiful insect that moves through the mud. A creature that fights, suffers and ends its life in the dark.

He didn’t like it.

He should have seen something else. He was supposed to live in a new, vibrant, refreshing world, but why was he there?

The roar grew louder. The mud was further applied to the entire body. Was it the tip of a world-eating monster’s nose that pushed him? That irritated Sukuna more and more.


Screaming, Sukuna jumped.

Immediately, there was a rattling noise and severe pain ran through his head.


He flapped his wings, but his body didn’t move well. Sukuna looked at his body with teary eyes.

He was wrapped in a blanket. It seems that what he felt like mud in his dream was a blanket moistened with his sweat. The roar was the sound of a vacuum cleaner, and the one that was hitting his back…

“Oh, this guy finally got up. It’s a good state.”

They were Iwafune’s toes.

Sukuna stood up as he rubbed his head. With an angry look, he looked at Iwafune.

“What are you doing?!”

“What is this line? What are you doing in the morning? Get up early and wash your face!”


“Hey, quick. There’s a bathroom there. You can use any towel you want, so go ahead.”

With his back pushed, Sukuna leaves the Japanese-style room and walks down the hall.

He washes his face in the bathroom, and looks at himself in the mirror. His facial expression is like biting into a bitter worm.

Iwafune appeared in the mirror.

“Oh, no, I bought your toothbrush. That green guy. Don’t you confuse it with style?”

Saying that, Iwafune withdrew his face.


Sukuna wandered around for a while and then started brushing his teeth.

He thought, what was that, while moving the toothbrush and reflected in the mirror.

Ever since he visit this “secret base”, he feels that he has been doing all this. In the morning, he was woken up by Iwafune’s vacuum cleaner, had breakfast and lunch doing nothing, had a lazy time, had dinner and slept while he watched TV.

Also, the too normal life continued.

It was something Sukuna was not used to. Sukuna, who has grown up to this point in a “stifling house”, has always been attentive to his surroundings. He was wondering if someone from “Scepter 4” or a goon from “Jungle” would come to get him.

However, this is a “secret base”. The lair of the “King”. There is no need to be alert.

That fact, on the contrary, annoyed Sukuna.

After rinsing his mouth, spitting out water and putting the toothbrush back in his place, Sukuna refused his request.

He doesn’t want to stay that way.

Thinking so, Sukuna ran out of the bathroom.

He wasn’t sure, but he felt that he wouldn’t function as he is. The air in this “secret base” isn’t too bad, but it looks like he was dying.

He had to do something big before he died completely.

Thinking so, Sukuna returned to the Japanese-style room and closed his mouth in an attempt to say something.

“Yeah, so does someone have to do that?”

“Affirmative. This is necessary.”

Nagare and Yukari face each other and talk with a serious expression. Kotosaka stops at Nagare’s shoulders and doesn’t even relax. Iwafune also who rarely tensed his face, crossed his arms and thought of something.

“The question is who will go? I can go.”

“No, Iwa-san has already done the job. It’s not a good idea to go ahead.”

“Kuwa, Kuwa! Balance! Kuwa!”

“When it comes to me? I don’t care.”

Sukuna instinctively says that it is a mission.

That would be a very important mission. It must be related to the fate of the clan, since the “King” and the J-Ranks speak face to face.

Sukuna felt inspired. He thought that was it.

He entered the room and made a loud voice.

“I am going.”

The three of them turned at the sudden comment. Sukuna smiled as he felt his gaze focus.

“I don’t know if it’s a mission, but let me do it soon. My body will go numb at this rate.”

“Are you alright, Sukuna?”

It was Iwafune who asked him to think about it. He remembers him making a compassionate comment earlier. He thought that he might be looking down on him because he was a child, and he felt his fighting spirit rise.

“No wonder. I’m a J-Rank. It’s my turn to have an important mission.”

“Sukuna! Cheer up!”

Kotosaka flaps his wings. Praised by the bird, Sukuna didn’t know how to react. Apparently, this bird is not just a puppet of the clan, but has human-like intelligence.

“Ok, then Sukuna. It’s a mission.”

Sukuna’s PDA made a sound announcing the reception of the mission. Sukuna takes out the PDA and looks at it with a serious expression.

“Please complete that mission and come back safe and sound.”

And his face that he drew, before what was written there…

“List of things to buy”

• Laundry detergent (ball type)

• Air freshener (recharges the aroma of roses, it is NG)

• Garbage bags (40 liters and 10 liters)

• 1 kg of chicken thigh

• 1 bok choy

• 2 Komatsunas

• Enoki, only 4 packs

• 4 packages of 1 liter of milk

• As much as you like it, a pudding

• Ice (it melts, so come back faster!)

Sukuna’s hands began to shake.

“What is this?”

Yukari narrowed his eyes.

“What are these purchases? I was wondering who would go, but you better go.”

“Oh, I don’t think Sukuna will tell me. I’m grateful.”

Sukuna stomps on the tatami mats and loudly protests to the two who lay down.

“Why do I have to do this?!”

“Why did you say it yourself?”

“Sukuna! Cheer up!”

“Stop it, shut up, you stupid bird!”

Kotosaka shrugs and hides behind Nagare in the face of Sukuna’s fierce anger. Nagare looks at Sukuna with calm eyes.

“Sukuna, don’t yell. Kotosaka is scared.”

“You shouldn’t do a mission like this!”

“Why? Shopping is an essential part of life. Especially since the location of the "secret base” must not be known to others. J-Ranks have no choice but to go shopping.“

Speaking of the correct theory, Sukuna was completely full of words of the correct theory. Certainly someone bought what Sukuna ate and used, and the toothbrush he used before. If Nagare can’t get out, the J-Ranks have no choice but to do so.

But nevertheless…

"Don’t say that! Haven’t I done a decent mission since I came here? Right now, this game is super boring!”

He has never heard of a game where a relaxed daily life is spent, no, it may be, but it’s kind of idiocy. Sukuna didn’t want to jump into such a thing.

“I see. Sukuna is not happy with the current situation.”

Nagare said it calmly.

The wheelchair moved and arrived in front of Sukuna. Sukuna had a rebellious look and looked at Nagare.

Depending on the answer from now on, he was planning to leave the “secret base” immediately. When he entered here, the dream Nagare said and the current situation were too far apart.

Nagare says as he calmly looks at Sukuna.

“I want to go out, do my mission and fulfill our dreams. That enthusiasm is important, but…”

Suddenly, the area around Sukuna became brighter.

The light source is a holographic screen that emerges around Nagare. Countless data, countless maps, countless routes are displayed on your screens.

Seeing that, Sukuna thought it was something similar.

“Now, with the appearance of a new "King” in the Blue Clan, the situation is at a disadvantage for us. The “Golden King” alone surpasses us, but with the addition of the “Blue King”, we cannot take any positive action.“

The map seems to show the city. The countless streak-like lines were color-coded gold and blue, respectively. On the other hand, the green lines are just a few, as thin as a thread.

"What we can do now is collect information and at the same time prevent our information from being leaked. Even if it seems like a strong rule, there will always be a chance to attach it. There is no point passing this information around.”

Several holograms projected what appeared to be hidden images. A young man with glasses, a gray-haired old man with a huge body. The “Kings” of each clan, also one with red hair. Each power map is displayed on the screens.

Sukuna finally remembered what the line was like.

“Grass root.”

The genius of the app that Sukuna first mentioned was not involved, but the broadcast that had the power to highlight the LAN environment in the venue is still exerting it throughout Tokyo.

At that, Sukuna’s back trembled.

How much information and how much processing power does it have? He can’t imagine what a single person would do. Is Nagare Hisui achieving the result that can finally be achieved by connecting many excellent computers by himself?

“Even if they are not in the practical stage, as long as they have a "system of consciousness” in their hands, they should refrain from active action. At this stage, our information should be hidden as much as possible. We move positively when the “System of Awareness” is limited or when the balance of power is greatly lost.“

And the hologram disappeared, as when it appeared.

However, what remained in Sukuna’s mind did not disappear. The "Power of the King” that he first saw did not restore his posture.

Licking dry lips, Sukuna spoke of understanding him.

“In short, it’s still a defensive turn right now.”

Nagare turns as he stares at Sukuna.

“You are quick to understand. That’s right, Sukuna.”


Sukuna grabbed the PDA and came back.

“I’m going shopping. It’s definitely necessary.”

The dislike for Nagare disappeared cleanly. After many reflections, he thought that the current situation was there and that he could bear the current inaction.

For the first time, amazement at the “King” began to well up in Sukuna’s chest.


The days passed.

It was a surprisingly quiet day compared to before he became a J-Rank. Safe and boring days when he didn’t have to subdue anyone and therefore no one attacked him.

Sukuna was slowly playing games to dispel that boredom.

A TV hooked up to some old-looking gaming hardware was projecting an awfully primitive gaming screen. It’s a stoic system where you just go up while avoiding obstacles, and it wasn’t particularly interesting, although he didn’t want this to be the right thing to kill time, it still does.

“Burnout syndrome.”

And when they see that figure, Yukari and the others laugh.

“There aren’t many quests that are more rewarding than defeating me.”

Sukuna was shocked at what he said, but, on one hand, it was true. The more difficult the mission, the greater the sense of accomplishment when completed. And in the future, there seemed to be no more difficult mission than “defeat Mishakuji Yukari”.


There was a person.

That day when he became a J-ranker, when he met Nagare Hisui, the dream he told him about, the mission of “creating the world”, is probably the most difficult to achieve.

It was a tremendous dream story. However, Nagare is serious. He is trying to create a secret society-like clan called “Jungle”, set up such a big “secret base” and spend all of his skills and all of his time just for that.


Sukuna stopped the game and looked back.

Nagare is in a wheelchair there.

Multiple hologram displays float in the surrounding air. Maybe they’re activating a mission. The myriad of quests in “Jungle”, the roots come from the King’s brain.“

Every time he sees Nagare, he feels strange.

That day, when he showed him countless information and powerful processing power, it was a mark on Sukuna’s chest. Maybe it’s something called "respect” or “wonder.”

However, since then, Nagare has never shown the power of him as “King”. At that time, he used his power because it was necessary to make Sukuna understand. Sukuna began to understand that Nagare Hisui does not do things that are not necessary.

When he looks at him vaguely like this…

“Rocker, climber.”

Suddenly, Nagare muttered, and two new aerial screens appeared. He continues, watching the protocol texts flow by at high speed.

“It’s a first generation game created 27 years ago. I used to play it when I was a kid.”

Sukuna returned to the game screen for a moment.

“Is this your hobby? I like games that are very old.”

“It’s not only mine, but Iwa-san’s hobby. He also prepared this room. It means he likes "old-fashioned” things.“

"Yes. As a child, he was still decent.”

Nagare bends his neck.

“I really don’t understand the meaning of the words.”

“Why can’t you play a game with that style? Because both hands are tightly tied, so I think it was a normal style when I was a kid.”

“You can use your skills to operate electronic devices without having to hold the controller, like you do now.”

To demonstrate this, some screens flicker and then reappear to display new mission content. Nagare’s appearance surrounded by screens that repeatedly appear and disappear like bubbles in the depths of the sea seemed like part of some machine.

Looking at him, Sukuna asks the question he had earlier.

“Why do you look like that in the first place?”

Nagare looks back at Sukuna and has a clear tone.

“There is a hole in my chest.”

He answered that.

“A long time ago, an incident did that. My heart no longer exists, and instead it barely replaces it by beating a mass of extraordinary energy.”


“I am using a straitjacket to control that energy. I keep using powerful straitjackets to "modify” the fact of “death”. Without it, no matter how 'King’ I am, I would soon be powerless.“

Sukuna had no words to respond.

In fact, Nagare Hisui doesn’t seem to be a joke-loving personality.

Broken words spilled from his lips.

"Can you tell you’re alive?”

Gojo Sukuna will be eleven years old this year. He has not lived long enough to have a vision of life and death. However, even with such a man, it was hard to judge whether the young man in front of him, who had a different ability like his heart and rewrote “death” to “life”, was alive.

Maybe that’s what scared him.

Nagare, however, still answered clearly.

“I am alive.”

His eyes moved and fell on the chest of his straitjacket.

“I’m hungry, I can think about things and I’m growing normally. It’s impossible for a dead person to do so, so I define myself as "alive”.“

"When did that happen to you?”

“Since I was ten years old, the same age as you, Sukuna.”

If things are like this, how can he live positively as he does now?

He doesn’t think so. The betrayal of friends and family changed Sukuna’s world. He has survived a world of dark loneliness and human ugliness. It’s no exaggeration to say that Sukuna has come this far just because he doesn’t want to go home.

Still, compared to the wonder of the world Nagare saw, he looked like a child.


Sukuna says, caught up in a mysterious, embarrassing and frustrating mood.

“Don’t you hate the ones who did that?”

Nagare bends his neck.

“I really don’t understand what hate is. It was the predecessor, the "Red King”, who killed me and the people around me, and indirectly, the “Gold King” and the “Silver King”, but it was me who He died. It seems that I am a harbinger of change.“


“To "modify” this world with my power.“

Nagare’s eyes took on an eerie heat.

"I died once and was revived as a "King”, and I have that duty. The reason I was chosen by the Dresden Slate, which created the kings, was to make that change. All those who lead humanity to the next stage become “Kings” and wield their power freely, to create such a world.“

Sukuna couldn’t take his eyes off the heat. He stared at Nagare and was drawn to him.

"Who follow the "King” are members of the clan?“

"Yes. At this point, the only followers are the rankers.”

It would be like this. You can also see it in Sukuna. If all of humanity had the power of the “King” to match it, there would definitely be tremendous confusion. There is no doubt that order and law would make no sense.

“Why did you think that?”

Sukuna’s question was pure. He asks, looking at the hole in Nagare’s chest, which is beyond the clothes.

“Because it was a "King” who did that to you? And yet, if you make a lot of kings, a lot of similar things will happen, right? Then everyone would die…?“


Nagare’s response was as pure as Sukuna’s.

“If the second and third Damocles incident occurs, the "King” may survive. The hypothetical story is meaningless, but at that time, all the people around me would be kings. If so, the number of victims of that “Damocles Down” would be drastically reduced.“

Words like "Kagutsu Incident” and “Damocles Down” are unfamiliar to Sukuna, but he somehow understood what they meant. The violence of the “King” is probably a symbol of it.

Sukuna, who has a different ability, understood it well.

There is an irreplaceable gap between a mere human and a talented person. In less than five minutes, Sukuna was able to defeat the humans that had chased him. Even objects that an average person should fear had no effect on Sukuna.

If you become “King”, the difference in power would be as big as that of an elephant and an ant. If the “King” decides to kill ordinary people of his own free will, there is no way to resist.


Sukuna muttered as he weaved thoughts.

“You want to prevent that from happening again? So if the "King” does something irrational, everyone can survive on their account, right?“

Nagare’s eyes were slightly wide.

The heat in his eyes seemed to grow stronger.

The straitjacket tightened and Nagare leaned forward.

"That’s right. Sukuna, you understand easily. You are praiseworthy.”

Praised for the tongue twister, one-sided dependence on Sukuna pulled. He thought that he would say that he didn’t have a deep idea just by saying it with a guess, but he gave up. He thought he was shy and unsightly, and felt as if he was dying from the prickling sensation that welled up in his chest.

“Sukuna. I’ve always wanted to ask you. Can I ask?”

Nagare is interested in something. That is awesome. Sukuna clamped his mouth shut, facing him, and with a voice that resonated as directly as possible.

“What is?”

“What did you think when you first came into contact with a different ability?”


His first ability was intimately tied to the memories of his first friend.

If he had been any other time, he would have been angry the instant he asked. As if touching the wound of a ferocious beast, he would evoke pain.

However, at that moment, Sukuna answered honestly.

“I was excited.”

Every time he puts that word on his tongue, the euphoria of that time seems to come back. A new world and feet that can walk anywhere. An infinite horizon with no strings attached to shit or common sense.

“I thought it was amazing. I think there are still a lot of things I don’t know. I can’t say it well, but with this power, I’m sure there will be a lot of fun. I once thought so.”

For some reason, the back of his eyes grew hot.

Sukuna killed the heat by biting his lips. The lip pain dispersed the pain that occurred elsewhere.

“Is the same.”

Whether he noticed it or not, at least there was no change in Nagare’s tone.

“You don’t have to think about it much. If you touch new possibilities, people will naturally flourish. A new world opens up. I want all of humanity to do that. A new horizon brought about by the power of the "King”. I want you to see the world of tomorrow.“

The world of the "King”.

There would be no old humanity anywhere. The order they created will also be a thing of the past. There would be no power struggles and no fucking control. Such a world in which the ruler himself is only oneself.

“I want to see it.”

At Sukuna’s words that leaked out, Nagare replied…

“I’m sure you can see it.”

He replied like this and smiled.

Sukuna’s eyes fluttered at the smile that the “King”, who is expressionless like a machine, showed for the first time.

“What’s up, Sukuna?”

“No, sometimes you laugh too.”

Nagare mysteriously bows his head.

“I’m human too. I have emotions.”

“It doesn’t look like that at all. You didn’t have any friends, did you?”

When he said that to his face, Nagare was slightly upset. Sukuna thought that he was angry.

“No. I had friends. I’ve played games with them.”

Sukuna felt his mouth itch. He found the act of provoking Nagare’s emotions unexpectedly amusing.

“Then why don’t you play one?”

With his thumb, he indicates the CRT television. On the “Rocking Climber” menu screen, there is indeed a “Competition Mode” screen.

After looking at him, he moved the chair in front of the controller.

“I will take the challenge.”

“I’ll let you bark.”

With a smile, Sukuna started “Competition Mode”.


“That’s right! Yeah! Hey! Ah, ah, damn, I lost!”

“This is my 382-0. Sukuna, do you want another fight?”

“It’s natural. I’ll win this time!”

Iwafune opened the door as he heard Sukuna’s tearful voice echoing from inside the room.

“Looks like they’ve become friends.”

Looking back at the voice, there was Yukari with a shopping bag.

Iwafune laughs like a sigh.

“It’s a bit ridiculous, but it’s enough for an adult.”

“Oh, "I’m an adult”, didn’t you get mad, Sukuna?“

Yukari said that laughing.

Iwafune thought it might be.

That kid, Gojo Sukuna, seems to hate adults. Probably because he was oppressed for a long time and survived on his own even after leaving home. He thought that Sukuna had lost childhood and childlike innocence.

However, while he lives with Nagare in this secret base, it seems that his "childishness” has resurfaced.

“Well, the style is like a child. I think we’ll get along.”

Iwafune looked inside through the bedroom window. The appearance of the two of them playing a battle game together, was like an older and younger brother playing.

Seeing that, Iwafune narrowed his eyes.

“He has rarely said "I want something”.“

Iwafune Tenkei went as a surrogate father and raised Nagare.

He can’t say that he was able to raise him correctly. Nagare was the "Green King”, and he wanted to hide his existence. He couldn’t go to regular school and was forced to spend most of his time at home because he was in a wheelchair in a straitjacket.

Still, from an objective point of view, it can be said that Nagare was a “good boy”.

“When the pursuit of the "Golden King” approached and he had to flee in a hurry, he would often follow me without complaint. It may have been natural because it was what he wanted in the first place, but childish selfishness and whims rarely filtered it.“

"But you didn’t raise him during this time?”

When asked a teasing question, Iwafune remarks “That’s it.”.

“He rarely says "I want something”, but he definitely gets what he wants. That’s why he has this kind of place.“

"Oh, I wonder if I’m one of them.”

Iwafune nods, laughing.

“That’s right. If you think about it, he may have always wanted a partner. You are the same, Kotosaka is the same, Sukuna is the same.”

Nagare may have been searching for a mate who could dream of him.

When he mumbled that, Yukari asked.

“Isn’t Nagare-chan’s dream something you taught him?”

Iwafune is surprised, his expression turned grim.

“Ah, it’s all a conclusion that he came to himself. With the release of the "Dresden Slate”, if I were before everyone’s awakening, I would have changed my mind and stopped him.“

If Nagare’s dream came true, it would cause enormous confusion. The time away from peace would last a long time.

Yukari looked at Iwafune carefully and asked.

"As the "Grey King”, who controls the guardian, you couldn’t have missed it.“

When Iwafune was called Otori Seigo, he led a clan as the "Grey King”. Under the control of the solid “Golden King”, the “Cathedral” clan, which gave “protection” to the weak and those who sought salvation, was also his kingdom.

It was not prosperity, order, or change that the clansmen wanted from him. They were only looking for comfort. Living in peace, in a sense, it can be said that they were looking for something that was more humane.

Nagare’s dream is the act of overturning that well-being.

“Why didn’t you stop him?”

Iwafune laughed and winced at Yukari’s questioning.

“Not what I can say. All I can do is do my best to do what he wants.”

Just as Nagare once died due to the Kagutsu incident, at that time, Iwafune also gave up his life for him.

Seigo Otori became Iwafune Tenkei. The phoenix that was flying in the sky was reborn as a flightless chicken. He no longer spoke of the world. He thought that fulfilling the dream of Nagare Hisui, the only boy he rescued from that disaster, was his own compensation that he could make as a human.

“Now I’m just a chicken. All I can do is take care of the chicks.”

“Anyway, Sukuna-chan, it’s surprising that he calls us guys.”

Yukari quickly blended in. However, Iwafune laughed a lot.

“From my point of view, you and Nagare look like a chick with color attached to it. Sukuna is still inside the egg. Only Kotosaka can fly properly.”

“Huh, I see. You are strange, "Grey King”.“

Iwafune showed a very delicate expression at Yukari’s teasing.

He said that he would get rid of the "King” once, but he didn’t lose the power of him as “Grey King”. First of all, the power of the “King” is given unilaterally from the Blackboard and cannot be done by his own will.

All he can do is avoid using the power of the “King” himself.

However, he will exercise it if requested in the future. Because Iwafune Tenkei is Nagare Hisui’s “trump card”.

Yukari turned to the bedroom door.

“By the way, Sukuna-chan still doesn’t know that Iwa-san is the "Grey King”, does he? When are you going to tell him?“

"Oh, that’s all.”

Iwafune crossed his arms with a difficult expression and squeezed his eyes shut.

“Finally, it could be that Sukuna looks down on me. I butted into Sukuna’s fight and cold-heartedly saved him. Even if I told him I’m actually the "Grey King”, that wouldn’t make him respect me.“

"Do you believe in that child, even though you can’t exert your power as "King”?“

"That’s the problem. How do you think you can get people to believe without the Sword of Damocles?”


To Iwafune, who asked with a pitiful face, Mishakuji puts his hand on his hand and bows his head.

At that moment, two voices echoed from the other side of the door.

“Anyway, is Iwa-san useful? He’s only been doing housework until now.”

“Oh, I forgot to tell you that Iwa-san is the "Grey King”. If he’s serious about it, he’s the strongest of the executives.“

"Hey, what? What? "Gray King”? Is that old man a “King”?!“

"Hey, wait, Nagare!”

Iwafune changed his expression and ran into the room, and Yukari shrugged.


Gojo Sukuna was promoted to J-rank in October 2011. Since then, the number of missions launched under the name “H.N.” began to visibly decrease.

Originally, “Jungle” was created in search of a clan in which Nagare Hisui would literally become its “members”. The limbs don’t know what the brain thinks, they just do what they want. And in the meantime, a carefully selected clan member will appear and stand up as the mind’s helper.

That was what Nagare Hisui was thinking about, when he created “Jungle”.


CHAPTER 2: THE KILLER GIANT (Part 4) / Parts: 01/02/03/04


The man asked why he challenged him.

Sukuna replied that he did it because he didn’t like him.

In fact, Sukuna doesn’t like H.N., Kuroko and other “Jungle” users, they don’t like them at all.

He could not and did not want to forgive anyone. He was an eternal solo player, and he thought that he would rise to the top alone or lose and die along the way.

He didn’t even imagine what he wanted to do after that, even if he could climb.

So there is nothing in Sukuna.

That meant that he hadn’t moved forward in these three months, since the day he left home and ran away.

Sukuna ended up escaping to “Jungle”. It was his escape, not his destiny. Just wandering like a beast through “Jungle”. He was engrossed in the game because he was not looking directly at the past and reality.

Sukuna knew and thought…

(“So what should I do?”)

No, Sukuna shakes his head. That self-question is also wrong. The important thing for him is not “what he does”.

(“So what do I want to do?”)

“What I want to do…”

The answer came out unexpectedly easy.

For Sukuna, “Jungle” was at once a power, a refuge, and a game.

The game is to clear.

No matter how powerful the enemy is, because he is powerful he must be defeated, that was Sukuna’s only hope.

The dock was misty with morning dew. The sky that has not dawned is tinged with overseas, and the white tones that cross the horizon tell us that dawn is not far away.

Leaning on a rusty container, Sukuna was looking vaguely at the sky.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of a bird from above.

He craned his neck and looked up, and there was a parrot in the container.


The eyes of the “Green King”.

Sukuna looks directly at Kotosaka, at the “Green King” over there. Then “Green King” was also looking at Sukuna.

He eventually asked bluntly.


Curiously, it was the same word, the same question that Kuroko and that man said. He was surprised that this was the case, and Sukuna replied with an arrogant tone.

“What are you talking about?”

It is his action. He spends almost all of his “Jungle” points, buys “items” and will challenge the subjugation mission again. If it fails, his account will be deleted via point deduction.

“Well, that’s not the case.”

“Why did you do that, Five? The difference between you and him is clear. Despite the large number of "items”, the odds are low. This amounts to suicide. You know it too.“

Of course he knows.

Currently there are less than 1000 points left in Sukuna. If the mission fails, his points will be negative, at which point his accumulated career as a "Jungle” player will be gone.

Then Sukuna will become a defenseless child and will have to return home.

Sukuna thinks that’s good.


Sukuna let out a voice.

“I’ve been playing Jungle the whole time because I thought I could live in this world. If I hadn’t escaped from there, I’d be subject to the fucking rules made by adults, and I think I would have choked to death by now.”

He remembered Hikotarou.

No, it is wrong.

He has never forgotten it.

“Jungle” was the only “genuine” thing Hikotarou gave him. It was a real world and a real power. Hikotarou’s presence was always imprinted on the corner of Sukuna who lived in that world and continued to wield his power.

“But, it’s different. I just wanted to get away from that house, I couldn’t help it and ended up escaping "here”. I wanted to do something here.“

The back road he traversed with Hikotarou that summer day was full of new surprises and bright joy.

Now that surprise and joy is not in Sukuna. "Jungle” was just a faded, devastated world.

Sukuna just lived there. He ran away.

“That’s why I decided to stop running.”

From the other side of the horizon, fragments of the sun appeared.

Dazed, he narrowed his eyes and stepped away from the container. Hearing driven by “super body strengthening”, he heard the footsteps of someone walking on the pier.

Sukuna distorts the face.

It was a grimace, a smile. Listening to the footsteps is not necessary for Sukuna to survive. Rather, he was laughing, even though he would have had to change his blood phase and escape.

Because that’s what he wanted.

“Challenge him means stop running?”

Sukuna looked at Kotosaka as if he was shocked.

“Haven’t you played a game, even though you did "Jungle”?“

The vague outline begins to lighten as you get closer. Beautiful purple hair. Long black coat. He carries an unusually long sword on his back and his neat face makes him feel sure that he can smell it.

"If you don’t defeat the boss character, you can’t move on.”

And Sukuna stood in front of him.

He looked at Sukuna and smiled.

“Thank you for your invitation, Five-chan. Isn’t it old-fashioned for your age to challenge me?”

“I did it for you. You like that, right?”


That smile deepened.

“I like it.”

Goose bumps were on Sukuna’s back.

“It’s exciting to see you fight, I’m happy. Do I have Five to thank for setting up such a situation?”


Sukuna spoke to suppress the cold sweat that was breaking out.

“I want you to tell me your real name. I don’t want to be calling you "Beauty☆Angel”, as much as possible.“

"So isn’t that a good name?”

“No, not at all.”

He smiled, then put his hand on his chest.

“Mishakuji Yukari.”

He said his name.

“That’s my name. Are you alright, Five-chan?”

“It’s Sukuna.”

Sukuna holds the long staff from him. He activates the ability “Thunder Blade”. An electric green leaf shines in the morning glory.

“Gojo Sukuna is my name.”

“You can call yourself properly. Great, Sukuna-chan. So…”

Then, Mishakuji Yukari drew the sword.

“Let us begin.”

He can’t move forward without defeating the boss.

No matter how powerful or difficult it is, he can’t escape. Losing means a game operation. The only difference from the game is that it cannot be remade.

Will he win or will he lose and die?

Sukuna laughed fiercely, feeling the coldness of reality chafing at him.


The foothold was destroyed and Kotosaka escaped through the air from that dangerous place.

“Yukari! Cheer up! Kuwa, Kuwa!”

“I’m sorry, Kotosaka-chan!”

Yukari gives a momentary apology and soon returns to the battle. He sneaks through the “Thunder Blade” that sneaks over and closes in on Sukuna.


Sukuna, who was spinning the sickle with his whole body, hits Yukari’s back kick with that momentum. Yukari raised his leg to defend himself and brought his sword down directly from above. However, at that moment, Sukuna jumped back in reaction to the kicks and jumped onto the side wall of the container.


He kicked it again and attacked Yukari.

A green electric blade and a long white blade swing at each other. On each occasion, containers, lampposts and fences were cut down and sprinkled with debris. It’s going to be hard to get rid of that, but it’s the job of “Scepter 4”.

His work was rather “advanced”. To prevent this “fight” from being trapped in the surroundings, he intentionally manipulates the flow of people or create missions to impose fake traffic restrictions. “Scepter 4” will immediately understand, but by that time the fight should be over.

Even with all that trickery, Nagare wanted to see the end of this battle.

“Yukari, you bastard, I’m serious.”

The soliloquy-like tweets seemed to reverberate up close and in the distance.

When he comes into contact with someone through Kotosaka, Nagare becomes Kotosaka himself. He sees and hears things with Kotosaka’s eyes and ears. However, Hisui Nagare’s body, which is located in a remote “secret base”, is also conscious.

Far, near, Iwafune’s mumbled voice can be heard blurry in Nagare’s brain.

“I don’t think I’m going to kill you.”

At a corner of the pier, Kotosaka’s neck, which stopped on the rooftop of an abandoned warehouse, bowed.

“The purpose of this mission is to find promising players. That’s a reminder for Yukari.”

“I wish I could.”

“Rather, what we should be concerned about is Yukari’s safety. Five, Gojo Sukuna came to defeat Yukari completely.”

He can feel the fear signal.

“Yukari is losing to Sukuna?”

“Any possibility is not zero.”

Nagare answered, watching the fierce battle under his eyes.

Sukuna swings his sickle vertically and horizontally as he jumps like a rubber ball. Yukari continued to defend himself, avoiding or slashing. Still, the smile on his mouth was full of freedom and showed no fluctuations.

The difference in capacity between the two is clear. Even if he was alone with Kuroko, he couldn’t compete. Sukuna can’t beat Yukari alone.

Still, Sukuna was fighting with all his might.

When Sukuna threw the “Electric Net” item to the ground, green electricity spread out like a honeycomb.

If the net catches his foot, the current will run and the movement will block it. Yukari jumps up and avoids it, attacking Sukuna as he changes stance several times in the air.

At that moment, a green wall appeared in front of Sukuna.

“It’s a waste.”

Nagare muttered and Iwafune sighed.

“Thunder Wall” has the highest level of defense among talented apps. It was used by a U-Rank who challenged Yukari the other day.

However, Yukari’s sword rips through it easily. Sukuna can’t ignore that. That video must have been seen by him.

So why do I use that “article”?

At the tip of his mind, the torn “Thunder Wall” shattered.

“I see. The wall is not a defense; it is a dazzle.”

The torrent of electricity emitted from the ripped part runs through Yukari’s entire body along the length of the sword. He used the “power grid” that had previously circulated again. Not as a visible attack, but as a lure trap.

The current that runs through the entire body burns the nerves and causes extreme pain.

Although he was in so much pain, Yukari laughed fiercely.

“It’s nice!”

Handing his sword back, Mishakuji stepped deeper into the torrent of electricity that afflicted him.

It is a strength not seen in the ordinary Yukari, which points to elegance. Sukuna, who was running the app there, tried to quickly retreat and couldn’t help it. His shoulder slit is broken by the tip flipping up, and the streaks of blood disappear as they flow into the air.

Yukari went further.

He holds the sword horizontally and tries to chase after Sukuna in a straight line. Dwelling in his eyes is a light of joy that is as sharp as a needle. Kotosaka spoke for Nagare who was watching him.

“Yukari, cheer up! Kowa!”

That’s how it is. Yukari’s looks are dangerously sharp. Such a man is unlikely to get drunk by his fighting instinct. However, Nagare knew that the essence of Mishakuji Yukari was drawn to the way humans show themselves between life and death.

And now, Sukuna’s glow is so bright that it looks dazzling even to Nagare.


Sukuna fluttered back and landed, uttering a voice that was neither laughing nor enthusiastic. By the time he swung the great staff at him, “Thunder Blade” had already changed into a form like a sword.

Yukari used his own sword to block the sword that swung at his neck.

The sword charge continues as is. 1, 2, 3. Sukuna quickly retreats as he wields a sword, and Yukari latches onto that.

4 times, 5 times, 6 times. As if he were dancing a waltz, he wouldn’t stay, he wouldn’t leave, and he wouldn’t rest from chasing after him while keeping a certain distance. 7 times, 8 times, 9 times.

A U-shaped container came up behind Sukuna. Yukari pushed him towards him with a delicate position.

Sukuna crashed into the container from behind without slowing down.

He slipped as he was and rolled to the other side.

The article, “Daiyo”.

There was a dull sound. It’s the sound of Yukari kicking the container and stopping speed. A beaming smile floated across Yukari’s face as he pretended to be upset.

“It’s wonderful, Sukuna-chan! People can grow so big in one night!”

In contrast to Yukari’s loud voice echoing throughout the pier.


Put his back on the other side of the container, Sukuna mutters as he suffocates.

“I grew up somehow, huh. I just can’t pretend to be something I’m not.”

As he uses the “items” purchased in bulk as hot water, Sukuna barely bites Yukari. It seems that the current that was finally eaten didn’t cause any damage to Yukari.

Sukuna left the place as he dripped blood from his shoulder and supported his body with his long staff.

All of that was visible to Nagare, who muttered to the companion next to him.



“I want it. I want Gojo Sukuna to be my clan member.”

It would have been a semi-unconscious word.

As he watched Sukuna challenge Yukari, Nagare reminisced about the past.

Seven years ago, when he challenged the strongest king, the “Golden King”.

At that time, there were several reasons why Nagare challenged Kokujoji. To defeat him and seize the Slate.

To fully test his power as “Green King”. See with his own eyes the central face that controls this country and maintains this system.

Nagare couldn’t explain well his reckless acts. However, he can only say that he was driven by something.

But strangely enough, Sukuna’s words simply explained Nagare’s motive.

You can’t move on without defeating the boss character.

That’s why Nagare challenged Kokujoji, just as Sukuna is challenging Yukari now.

The battle still continues. He didn’t want to start a tepid battle that would end with a single loss. He creates “Jungle”, scattered countless quests, and now witness the battle of the best players, all to win the battle and transform mankind in that battle.

Because of that, Nagare continues unconsciously.

“I need it. I know that clearly.”

Iwafune’s answer was simple.

“That’s right. You are the king of this clan. The king has the right to choose his vassals.”

“But I have no right to stop this fight.”

Nagare answers clearly. Still, his eyes are wrapped in something close to passion.

“Jungle” respects the freedom of players above all else. This battle is your own freedom. I can’t say anything about it.“

There was a screech.

At that moment, just below the neck, the support clothing is in motion. As if to express Nagare’s frustration.

He doesn’t notice that Iwafune is looking at him with one eye raised. He is fascinated by the beautiful and fierce battles that take place in front of him.

"Tell me, Iwa-san. What should I do?”

At those words, Iwafune shrugged his shoulders and turned his back on him writing on his tablet.

“I have to pray that Sukuna beats Yukari and they are both safe.”

Nagare knew more than anyone that such a possibility was almost non-existent.


“Huh, uh… uh… uh…”

Breathing is harsh. The lungs seem to burn. The pain in his right shoulder seems to get stronger with each heartbeat instead of subsiding. Sukuna looked back at the entrance as he played with game-like thoughts like recovery “items” and what was good.

The iron door of the abandoned warehouse was torn into a cross.

As the fragments of the door hit the ground with a loud crash, Yukari hurried into the warehouse. With that on his back, he lightly swings his sword and enters.

“Is this the place of the decisive battle?”

The monster smiled a bright smile.

That’s right, it’s a monster. That is the only descriptive word.

Making the most of all the “items” he bought, Sukuna challenged Mishakuji Yukari. He roughly dodge half of it, but the other half should have hit him directly.

Still, Yukari looks calm.

If you’re an average player, that’s enough damage to die ten times. Is it some strange toughness or some other mechanism to be able to stay calm after such an attack?

Either way, he can’t afford to guess or take action.

Almost all “items” have been sold out. The mechanism of this store is the latter. If he doesn’t defeat him here, all measures will be exhausted. He will be defeated and stripped of his “Jungle” account.


Sukuna laughed a lot and blocked his thoughts.

You can’t help but think about what will happen after you lose. But he can do that after everything is done.

For now, just think about winning.

“Let’s put an end to this, Mishakuji Yukari!”

Hearing that voice, Yukari’s expression sharpened like the blade in his hand.

“Come on.”

With his sword, ducking, Yukari evaded the attack. At great speed he skidded across the floor. With the appearance of a monster running without hesitation, Sukuna feels an inclination to war equal to fear and an emotion similar to dizziness.

Then, Sukuna’s “Jungle” application “Glass Root” launched 21 disposable PDAs that had been installed in the abandoned warehouse at the same time.

When starting up, those PDAs could not withstand the load and exploded. Twenty-one PDAs violently sparked with self-destruct, emitting a dazzling green glow.

Its glow gathered near the ceiling at the speed of light and like electricity. The green sun that rises in the room clearly illuminates every corner of the dark abandoned warehouse while making a discordant sound.

The strongest item, “Raiko”.

Originally, it is activated by gathering power from multiple “Jungle” players. Sukuna replaced it with a simple PDA with a pseudo account. Twenty-one pseudo-accounts were “activating” by running out of points at the time, but that doesn’t matter anymore.

Yukari didn’t look up, he just raised his sword horizontally.

“Raiko” was spilled there.

An abominable lightning, like the wrath of God, is still insignificant compared to its original power. Still, it has the power to kill the top rankers.

Yukari was receiving that brutal attack.

He pushes one knee into place, holds the sword horizontally above his head, and creates some kind of force field in that sword to support it. From that expression, the smile had not disappeared, although the margin had disappeared. With a smile on his head, he was looking at Sukuna.

Sukuna ran. It was now or never.

Now that he has stopped moving, he will kill him. He can beat him!

That thought made Sukuna cry out.


Sukuna wields his electric sickle, yelling with spirit. Aiming at Yukari’s neck that he can’t move.

The power of luck was put into Yukari’s body.

He gets up without the pressure of thunder falling. The muscles of the whole body are stiff like a net. He swung the blade up and sliced ​​through the thunder.


Sukuna’s eyes widen. In front of him, thunder melts in the air and disappears, leaving a lingering green sound.

Yukari, who even opened the trap, swung the blade back and directed it at Sukuna.

There is no time for a defense.

There is no choice but to configure it.

He gritted his teeth and stomped down hard. Sukuna swung his sickle as if it was going to hit his entire body. He ignores the blade swinging at his neck, and only looks for Yukari’s neck.

At that moment, something came flying from the back of the warehouse.

A shiny silver dagger was aimed at Yukari’s neck, who dodged it.

He unconsciously moved before he knew it.

Sukuna took another step. The tip of the sickle, which was supposed to pierce Yukari’s neck, was pushed back and stopped at Yukari’s neck.

A moment passed as if time had stopped.

Yukari stiffened. With the attack repelled, he maintained a position where he extended both arms.

Sukuna also froze. As he slammed the sickle-shaped “Thunder Blade” against Yukari’s neck, he didn’t attempt to make a slight movement at the tip.

Sukuna’s shoulder trembled.

He bit his lip, blinking a few times and looking at Yukari as if he was dazzled.

Suddenly, tears came to his eyes. Tears run down cheeks dirty with blood and mud.

Yukari’s voice was kinder.

“Why are you crying?”

“I’m sorry.”

The anger he released burned away in the blink of an eye and he turned back to the troublemaker.

“Don’t be silly, Kuroko! Who told you to help?!”

From the darkness in the corner of the warehouse, a ninja seemed to answer.

Before the eyes illuminated by electromagnetic light, he has no feeling.

“I was asked to support you until you complete the mission.”


Sukuna keeps his eyes on Yukari as he bites his teeth. He can’t let it go. Even in this situation, if Sukuna is alert, even for a moment, Yukari will immediately move to counterattack.

He then will reverse.

Victory goes beyond a single sheet of paper. He can get it with just a little push from his sickle.

But was that victory what he really wanted?

Every time he thinks about it, tears well up in Sukuna’s eyes.

“Don’t be silly! Why do you always get in my way! With your own reasoning! Don’t do anything I don’t ask!”

Sukuna yells at the top of his lungs.

At the same time, his PDA brought a stupid blessing.

“Mission Accomplished! Got 100,000 Jungle Points!”

A character imitating a green parrot flies in the form of a hologram. He was always out of place in the abandoned warehouse that was wrecked on the battlefield.

The tension decreases like a deflated balloon.

The long staff slides down from Sukuna’s hand. At the same time, Sukuna sank down on the spot.


There was no color of joy in Sukuna who was drowning.

He was able to win, but that was not what he wanted.

Sukuna doesn’t even know what he wanted, but he knew it was different.

Yukari looked at a Sukuna as if he was amazed.

He took off his long coat riddled with holes due to the glare of electricity and threw it towards Sukuna. Sukuna, who was covered with the coat on his head, glared at Yukari with a murderous look.

Yukari crosses his arms and says with a smile.

“If you are so dissatisfied, why don’t you fight again?”


“Use the 100,000 points you received to buy flashier "items” this time. I’m looking forward to what kind of tactics you’ll come up with next.“

Yukari says that in a tone that doesn’t sound like a joke.

Sukuna wiped away her tears with his fist and looked at Yukari.

The answer he tried to say was blocked by the sound of the feathers.

"Please stop, Yukari.”

The parrot flaps its wings and stops at Yukari’s shoulder, pecking at his ear.


A voice leaked out and Yukari shook his face at him.

“What are you doing, Nagare-chan?”

“The subjugation mission has been completed. I will not activate it again.”

“It’s different from the mission. Sukuna-chan wants to confront me properly. He can’t be helped, right?”

“Certainly, private battles between rankers are not specifically prohibited. But do it after the story is over.”

Then Nagare looked at Sukuna.

“Five, Gojo Sukuna. Congratulations. You got 100,000 "Jungle” points from the subjugation mission. That’s the points needed to be promoted to J-rank.“

"How do you want to use them? Would you like to use it all in a rematch against Yukari? Or do you want to stay in the U-Rank like Kuroko?”

Yukari watches, Kuroko is silent as a shadow.

He watches them in sequence, then lets Sukuna choose.

“Do not care.”

However, he flatly tells H.N. that he has nothing to do with it.

“I want you to be a J-Rank.”

H.N. continues to tell Sukuna.

“I want to see you. I want to meet you and talk. To do that, you need to be a J-Rank. So please accept.”

(“What is this guy saying?”)

Sukuna is disappointed and thinks about it.

In other words, what the “Green King” is saying is: you use the 100,000 points to come see me.

It’s refreshingly illustrious, but it’s pure childlike desire. And he could understand why Sukuna was taking it seriously right now.

It seemed to be one of the various personalities of the “Green King”. It is a black curtain behind all the plots, an oddball who gives a careless response to human words, a great man who tries to control every event and at the same time surely has an innocent curiosity. He is a child who can get rid of him.


Sukuna scratched his head and sat up, muttering with a bright childish gaze.

“Every time I hide behind the scenes, try to do this and that, I think it’s okay to accept for once.”

October 17, 2011. 7:25 a.m.

After the shortest period of months, Gojo Sukuna was promoted to “J-Rank”, the highest rank of the green “Jungle” clan.


CHAPTER 2: THE KILLER GIANT (Part 3) / Parts: 01/02/03/04


Electromagnetic bullets were fired in quick succession. But they are all evaded by the sword with moves as if they were dance steps. Yukari doesn’t stop. The next moment, he ran straight down the back alley and hit the green wall that was blocking his eyes, the wall was easily broken.


From the other side of the green wall, the shocked expression of the young man and the giant appeared. Seeing that, Yukari laughs.

“The answer is simple. You just have to go through the wall and continue.”

The tip of the sword that was swung successively broke through the giant’s temporal region and knocked him down.

The rifle slipped from the young man’s hands.

Yukari is sorry. The tactics were well put together, but they gave up too soon. With this, it is impossible to share the ideal of the “Green King”.

Contrary to Yukari’s speculation, the young man muttered in a daze.

“Who are you?”

“Do you know my username?”

With a smile, Mishakuji pointed his sword at the young man’s head.

Winking at the duo falling side by side, he says…

“My name is "Beauty☆Angel”. The subjugation mission is still ongoing. Please don’t hesitate to challenge me again.“


After seeing the hidden images, Sukuna gave a simple impression.

"Who is this idiot?”

Kuroko clearly replied with his arms crossed.

“‘Beauty☆Angel’. Of course, it’s an identification name. It’s a J-Rank, which suddenly qualified a while ago.”

Sukuna chose the rented conference room in front of the station as the meeting place with Kuroko. It is near a public place, but it is not visible. And he chose this place because there are many escape routes.

“All of a sudden? You can’t qualify without doing quests, right?”

“Don’t you know? For some time now, the "Jungle” forum has been all about that.“

The bulletin board is primarily used as a communication tool by members of the "Jungle” clan. Of course, important information cannot be exchanged in public places, so on the forums they are exchanged with rambling chatter and rumors of uncertain origin. Sukuna finds no value in such things.

However, if he wishes to understand the situation before and after, it will be worth looking into.

Sukuna opens “Jungle” and accesses the forum.

Suddenly there was an item “About 'Beauty☆Angel’” on the list.

Most of the feedback received was critical of him becoming a J-Rank without experiencing the mission and management that allowed him. To become a J-Rank, you have to complete quests day and night, but many players fail each time and suffer point deductions. To them, their existence as a J-Rank skipping that process is unforgivable.


As he scrolled through the messages on the PDA, he checked those opinions and said.

“Most complaints suck. If you don’t like it, you should try it.”

The simple opinion was strangely the same as the words he said “Beauty☆Angel” in the video.

“Jungle” does not address the efforts, research and contributions made so far. True power and result is everything. If you realize that you are better than that man, you can subdue him. As the pictures show, he is not running away or hiding, and on the contrary, he has stated that he will always accept challenges from the clan members.

In a sense, it is an attitude that seems clean.

Kuroko opens his arms and looks at Sukuna with his electromagnetic green eyes.

“I agree. Actions are more important than discussions. That’s why I’m thinking of doing it.”

“So you plan to fight him?”

“'Beauty☆Angel’ is very strong, but if you and I join forces, there is a chance to win. Of course, there is a risk, but the 100,000 point is worth it.”

Sukuna says in amazement.

“Even though you sold me out, you dare to say this kind of thing.”

“I only sell unnecessary information. If you were the master, you wouldn’t have done much to treat the person behind you who hadn’t taken any action.”

Kuroko’s head armor, the eye part of it, lit up a dark green glow.

“I’m not telling you what to throw at it, but they always use each other in "Jungle”. You know that, Five.“

Sukuna pondered.

Kuroko is right.

Both Sukuna and Kuroko are members of the "Jungle” clan, but they are not allies. They are in this place to take advantage of each other. In fact, Kuroko makes heavy use of Sukuna, selling his whereabouts and even trying to conveniently choose him as a partner.

The position is very clear. Kuroko will not betray Sukuna. Because the day will never come when Sukuna believes in Kuroko.

If you don’t trust, they won’t betray you.

It was something he had learned a lot since that day.

Sukuna responded, carrying a long staff on his shoulder.

“There are conditions.”

“I hear you.”

“This is about you. What you’re looking for is a one-shot kill in a surprise attack. So what you want is a role that catches his eye. Isn’t that right?”

“That’s how it is.”

Sukuna smiled.

“There’s no point in you going out when I’m already defeated. Even a U-Rank like me, I can hold my own against this guy.”

“That means?”

“I’ll get a lot of points. It’s 8:2.”


“So it’s 7:3. If you refuse, I’ll go.”

Kuroko was silent for a while and then answered.

“Okay. Even 30,000 is enough to get the money back. However, if you fail, I’ll abandon you and retire immediately. Don’t think I’ll help you.”

“Like each other.”

Sukuna shrugged and responded, Kuroko taking control.

“Negotiations have concluded. Let’s develop a detailed strategy.”

“First, from the point of identifying where you are.”

“That is not necessary.”

Sukuna is impressed by Kuroko’s words.

“You’re already looking into it. As expected.”

“I didn’t look it up. "Beauty☆Angel” lists his actions and meals on the “Jungle” site.“


Sukuna made a strong voice.

Kuroko took out the PDA from his pocket and tossed it to Sukuna.

“Look at it.”

Sukuna looked at the PDA screen half suspiciously.

“Jungle” has the ability to post photos in real time and add comments to them, just like normal SNS.

And it looks like it’s making full use of that feature.

The dinner of the day, the scenery of the urban landscape and the amusing images are projected next to him as a self-portrait, and comments that seem to be a mix of haiku and poem are lined up. All images are reflected at a perfect angle.

Sukuna’s impression was still frank.

“What’s he doing?”

“'Beauty☆Angel’ writes in his diary every day his actions and impressions, as well as his plans for the next day. Among the "Jungle” users, he keeps his personal information meticulously. This guy will be the first to expose.“

Before, Sukuna thought that attitude was clean.

That was not the case. Always revealing his whereabouts is more than a suicidal act. It is said that there is no moment when he feels relaxed, whether he is sleeping or eating.

Kuroko says clearly.

"Based on this information, more than a dozen U-Ranks challenged "Beauty☆Angel”, and it was all revenge. No matter what kind of purchases he made, no matter how many people he was dealing with, this guy survived without any problem.“


“I’m talking to you because he has the ability, but he has no other talent. You and I are the last of the U-Rank who haven’t challenged this guy.”


Something resembling a smile reached Sukuna’s mouth.

“I’m looking forward to it.”

He believes that this guy will do whatever he wants. That’s why he posts that self-portrait image and lets everyone know of his plans, inviting other users. He is quite confident in his ability and has decided that “Jungle” users cannot nullify it.

In short, he is irritating Sukuna. He didn’t like that attitude.

“I’m motivated. I’ll show you something. Kuroko, I’ll build a strategy.”

“Umm. First, from "Beauty☆Angel”’s future plans, select a suitable location for the attack.“

"Kuroko. Wait a minute.”

“What’s going on?”

“Every time I hear that name, I lose my strength. Would you like to change it to a different name?”

Kuroko looks at Sukuna seriously and collapses.

“Don’t complain about people’s names, Five.”

Sukuna closed his mouth as if he were before a teacher.


The houseboat leaving the pier heads for Tokyo Bay as it glides downriver at night. Couldn’t even hear the noise of the city until the top of the river. As the scent of the tide began to mix with the autumn breeze caressing his cheeks, Mishakuji Yukari narrowed his eyes.

Sitting on the edge of the boat, he looks up at the sky.

It is an autumn night sky that is as beautiful as it is transparent.

The starlight is dotted and the full moon shines brightly and is white. It’s been a while since the mid-autumn moon, but Yukari still screamed at the beauty of it.

“Autumn night, the moon is similar to a dumpling.”

That is not his phrase. It was a haiku by his teacher, Miwa Ichigen.

The “Colorless King” Miwa Ichigen and Mishakuji Yukari, were teacher and student in the past.

When he was still young, he met Miwa and was fascinated by his beauty. Yukari was for a long time the only member of his clan. He believes it was a close relationship, more like an older brother than a teacher and a disciple, meanwhile disciples were made and the Colorless clan became more and more of a home.

It was a boring but cozy place for Yukari. He once thought that it would be okay to bury his bones in the field where he lived with Miwa.

But that didn’t happen.

Yukari pointed his sword at Miwa. Miwa responded with a smile.

The serious witness ended with a violet defeat. Yukari tried to win or lose with his own life, but Miwa just shook his head silently.

Then Yukari abandoned Miwa.

At that time, he couldn’t explain the psychology of himself well that he challenged Miwa.

He was driven by the need to pump from within. Suffering from death and disease, slowly, but surely, the “Colorless King” weakened, and he wanted to burn his fiercely burning beauty in his eyes before the flames of his life were exhausted.

(“You are a beast, Mishakuji Yukari.”)

Remembering Hisui Nagare’s words, Yukari’s gaze turned dim.

He doesn’t want to fight; he doesn’t want blood. He just wants to see beautiful things.

However, it seems that Mishakuji Yukari was born with such a nature that he finds something really beautiful in fighting blood.

That is…

The moon that he looks at was still beautiful, even if it was far from the fighting and the blood.

Now, somewhere on this earth, there is a teacher or a disciple also looking at the same moon. Facing a moon-white dumpling, like those three people used to do.


That month was dark.

A slowly gliding ship was about to pass under the bridge. A little awake, Mishakuji shrugged and tried to head back to the houseboat, but stopped.

He may have been the intuition of a good swordsman, or it may have been because he heard the faint sound of an explosion of electricity.

At the same time that Yukari looked up, the moon lit up in the air.

It’s not a full moon in the sky, but a bright green crescent moon. Similar to a guillotine blade, it landed directly on Yukari’s head.

Yukari’s gaze instantly took on the color of battle.

“On top”, given by the swordsman Yukari was attacked at full speed, he received the crescent moon that had fallen on his head. The blade with a different skill, flapped violently with the green crescent, and they eventually moved away from each other.


The owner of the crescent moon made a bored voice as he stepped on the edge of the ship and ensured his footing.

“Was it a flop? I thought it would work.”

Yukari looked at him. He stopped trying to ask if he was a member of the “Jungle” clan.

It is not beautiful to hear what you do not want to ask. So Yukari said with a smile.

“What disdain you have for ruining an elegant moment.”

“As if I cared. If you don’t want to be disturbed, you should have hidden yourself.”

An electric blade emerges from the long staff. That was the true identity of the crescent moon. With a weapon similar to the death god’s sickle, the boy spoke bluntly.

Yes, he is a child.

Much younger than Yukari. He doesn’t even seem to be of the age to be a high school student yet. It is said that the “Jungle” clan is a gathering of people of all levels, but this was the first time he had seen such a child among the top ranked fighting on the front lines.

Of course, that doesn’t mean Yukari didn’t fight.

When he appears in front of Yukari with a fighting spirit, he is an enemy. It doesn’t matter if he is a child or an old man. The option of turning your back on an opponent who was willing to fight did not exist in Mishakuji Yukari.

Yukari asks, holding his gaze.

“What’s your name?”

What will you do when you hear it?“

Yukari makes a deeper smile in a childish tone.

"The last surprise attack was pretty good. I’ll give you 65 points, kid.”

The boy’s face was angry.

“Don’t treat me like a child. That’s the most annoying thing.”

“If so, tell me your name. Are you an adult who can’t even introduce himself?”

“I’m Five. Remember the name of the guy who beat you!”

Five kicks the ground. Yukari looked into his eyes.

They face each other.

They used a single attack to connect the blows that rose from the ground. A green spark burns a strand of his hair, but he can’t back down and roars through the air.

The returned attack tried to hit the opponent’s body.

At that moment, a new electric blade was born from the long staff, avoiding Yukari’s strike.


Five, laughs. The two swords flutter again, and using that as a fulcrum, Five fires a kick out of the air. Yukari protects himself with his left arm and his feet dig into the opponent’s upper arm. As he swung his arm around as he stood, Five’s small body bounced out of the darkness, spun, and landed on the roof of the houseboat.

The ferryman jumped out in a hurry.

“Client? What’s up?”

The ferryman loses his word when he sees Yukari holding his sword. Yukari says, without looking at him as he opens and closes his mouth.

“It will be over soon. Back off.”

“Yes, but…”

“Do you want to be cut too?”

The boatman retracted.

“Hey, he’s a noisy jerk.”

Five pulls the long cane from him as he places his foot on the roof of the houseboat.

The edge is different from the previous one. It is not a sickle, but a three-pronged spear. Apparently, that weapon changes shape at Five’s will. Not only that, the sheet can be generated from anywhere.

Yukari, however, focused more on Five than on his weapon.

Five was working.

In the dead of night, a green smile floats in the reflection of the electric blade. It seems that this battle itself is fun and unavoidable. As if waiting for the moment to kill Yukari.

Yukari gasped as he held his sword “Ayamachi”.

“Five. What do you want to be a J-Rank for?”

It is a question he has asked many times.

Most of the answers have caused disappointment in Yukari. Far from the endless possibilities that Nagare dreams of, the members of the “Jungle” clan had only one purpose that was so familiar they could look down on it.

Is the guy in front of him really different from them?

Five clearly answered Yukari’s questions and hopes.

“I do not like it.”

Yukari blinked his eyes at him.

He doesn’t answer the question. He thought so, but Five doesn’t seem like a stupid kid who misunderstands the question. Rather, he felt that something deeper was hidden there, and Yukari was fascinated.

“What don’t you like?”

“What’s decided. That’s all.”

Five’s eyes did not resemble a child’s. Far from innocence, there is a deep darkness there.

“I don’t like him, the "Green King” who is trying to do something with you, and “Jungle” who just dances without thinking about anything. I hate him. Behind the scenes, I feel like they are trying to rule the people.“

Then, Five distorted the edge of his mouth.

"I feel sorry for you. Then I’ll get points, become a J-Rank, meet the 'Green King’ in person, and if I don’t like him, I’ll beat him up. I’ll blame you for sure.”

Yukari sighed and looked at Five seriously.

He doesn’t like the King, so he tries to become a J-Rank.

He has never heard of a clan member, who belongs to a clan but does not respect or admire the King, instead trying to challenge him with hostility.


Yukari reconsiders and laughs inside.

Because he knows a member of the clan who defied the King without hostility.

However, there is a huge gap between Five and that man.

“You’re lost.”

At Yukari’s mumbled words, Five makes a suspicious voice.


“No, I wonder if it will be exciting, because if you lose, there should be a place to go home.”

Five’s expression changed completely.

“I have nothing. I have no place to go, no place to call home, or even where I am right now. I don’t care because there is nothing.”


“So, that’s right. You’re not lost. You're…”

Yukari laughs softly.

“You are a beast.”

It is the same word that Nagare once described Yukari with.

He feels weird about it. If so, is it a battle between beasts? It seems that it has nothing to do with beauty, or that is why it is pure and beautiful.

“That’s how it is.”

Five responds with a lip smack. Dangerous colors inhabit his eyes.

“The beast will eat your throat from now on!”

Five flexed a lot and ran like a bullet.

A three-pronged electromagnetic spear attempts to directly pierce Yukari’s neck. Yukari quickly flashed his sword and tried to dodge.

For the time being, Five twisted his hand.

The three forks rotated like a mixer, mimicking the blade. The sword does not move as if it is firmly fixed.

Five, scream.


Almost at the same time, a black ninja appeared from behind, and under Yukari’s feet.

The ninja, who had his entire body covered in water, turned his dark green glowing gaze to Yukari’s motionless back. Two weapons move smoothly, trying to cut Yukari’s back.

Yukari drops the sword.

The sword, which was fixed by the balance of power, spun in a circular motion in the air. Taking aim the moment he turned exactly 180 degrees, Mishakuji grabbed the handle with his opposite hand and jutted out to the rear. The black ninja withdrew both weapons and prevented the dangerous stab.


Realizing that the surprise attack had failed, Five attempted to forcibly kill Yukari. He takes another step and tries to plunge the spear into Yukari’s chest.

Yukari’s supple body turned.

The tip of the spear grabbed his side and pierced the ninja behind him.


A clear impatience appears in Five’s expression. Yukari’s mouth loosens and he approaches Five.

“If you want to go through my throat, wait a little longer. You little beast.”

Young facial features distorted by anger.

Yukari hit his face with his fist.

A small body flies and crashes against the edge. Yukari spins his sword and approaches a five who is drooling slightly.

There was a voice behind his back.

“You are ruthless with children.”

Yukari looked back.

The ninja was frail on the spot and was holding his face. The mechanical mask is fluttering and sparking.

It looks like it was destroyed by the previous blow.

“I’m not in the habit of forgiving my enemies.”

“I see. That’s correct.”

Yukari shook his head and struck the point of his sword.

“I haven’t heard from you yet. Why are you trying to beat me?”

The mask shorted out and the ninja removed it after a moment’s hesitation.

Yukari was a bit surprised to see the real face.

“I am a professional. I work for money and business.”

The ninja’s body sank into the houseboat.

It was time to go. Even if he moved fast, he wouldn’t have been able to finish it.

Yukari looks over to where Five was.

As he expected, Five was not there. Maybe that ninja took it with him. The vivid withdrawal technique seems to have been expected in advance.

Peace of mind is back on board.

“For a professional, he’s sweet with kids.”

Yukari answered bluntly and shrugged.


He woke up in pain.

At the same time that he wakes up, he also realizes that he is suffocating. He has trouble breathing. When he opens his mouth and takes a deep breath, the oxygen finally spread to his lungs.

When he touches his nose while he is confused, he feels unprecedented pain.


A calm voice called out to Sukuna, who shook his body and endured the pain.

“I’ve already given you first aid. Don’t touch it.”

There, Sukuna finally noticed that someone was sitting next to his bed. A woman of strange age.

Her golden hair is tied up with a black ribbon and her sleepy eyes peek out from behind her glasses. She seems like she was watching Sukuna asleep. She is wearing a yukata and her knees are propped up on a cushion.

Sukuna moved away from her and is attacked by pain.

“Stay away.”

Sukuna looks around him, exhibiting his alertness.

It was an empty Japanese room of about eight tatami mats. The light bulbs placed in the four corners illuminate the interior of the room with fantastic lights. The furniture is surprisingly small and there is nothing but a white futon in the center and a Japanese bathtub near the wall.

“What is this? Where am I?”

The woman shrugs to answer Sukuna’s questions.

“It’s one of my hideouts in Tokyo. You’re the first stranger to set foot here. Be honored.”

As she spoke, he knew who was in front of him. Sukuna looks into her eyes.

“Are you Kuroko?”

Her glossy lips formed the shape of a smile.

“I’m not satisfied with having to expose my face, mainly because my mask was destroyed, but I’m not so cornered that I have to hide my face in private.”

Sukuna can’t react to her words. He is doing his best to understand the situation that he has in front of him, opening his mouth.

There are many questions that he would like to ask her, but the first thing he does is ask…

“You are a woman?”

Kuroko has a clean face.

“Yeah. What’s up with that?”

“Isn’t that right now?! I’ve always thought of you as a weird old man who’s been dressed up as a ninja all along?!”

“Old stranger…”

Kuroko snorted a little and looked at Sukuna.

“Don’t define me by your own beliefs. I hid my identity, but I didn’t want to hide my gender.”

“What do you say?”

“I would have been wearing a seami.”

Sukuna thinks about Kuroko’s fighting clothes. Certainly, he feels that the image was sharp. However, humans who see Kuroko’s appearance will not notice that place. Rather, they are more attracted to the mechanical mask on her head, the clothes like a special unit, and the sword-like weapons on her back.

Kuroko’s true face, laughing, was somehow good.

“What I want from the team is functionality, but that doesn’t mean I’m neglecting design, although no one has identified my gender in that.”

“That’s how it is…”

At the same time, Sukuna’s belly screamed.

Involuntarily holding his stomach, he looks at Kuroko with a bad feeling.

Kuroko wasn’t laughing, and stood up.

“I’ll bring food. What do you prefer, sushi or pizza?”

Sukuna barely answers.



Kuroko quietly opened the fold and left the room.

After that, only Sukuna remained.

Questions fluttered through his head nonstop, thought moving freely from his body.

Anywhere, the first thing you need to do is test your strength and secure an escape route.

As he stood up, he saw his PDA and his long cane placed on top of the Japanese bowl.

He opened a window in the wall on the opposite side of the model, so that the night view of downtown could be seen.

The window is also unlocked. The PDA was able to boot without any problems. He can also use some special ability. If he wants to escape, he can escape right now.

Knowing that, Sukuna crouched down on the spot.

He took off his tie. He fingered the bandage around his nose. Tearful pain ran through him and brought back the memory.

The attack was completely unsuccessful.

Sukuna and Kuroko couldn’t compete with that man at all. A killing blow was evaded and Sukuna received a bitter blow to the face.

When he found out, he was here.


“I should have advised you not to touch it.”

Kuroko, who returned with a basin, narrowed her eyes at Sukuna’s thick, stagnant eyes.

She didn’t say anything and put a tray next to his bed. On top is a package of sushi and a small size pizza. Kuroko removed the lid from the sushi pack, picked up the roll and then mysteriously looked at Sukuna.

“You do not eat?”

“I will eat.”

Sukuna moved in front of Kuroko and took a piece.

After eating the first slice of pizza and picking up the second, Sukuna finally asked Kuroko.

“What happened after that?”

“I escaped the ship with you. That man didn’t follow me.”

“So you bothered to take me, when I was passed out, to your hideout?”

With open suspicion in his voice, Sukuna said that.

“What are you planning, aren’t you to do that?”

Kuroko shrugs.

“I helped you because I decided I wouldn’t increase my risk. With my "ability”, a boy is easy to carry.“

"Is a lie.”

“If you can’t believe it, that’s fine. You don’t have to trust me.”

In response to Kuroko’s simple words, Sukuna turned around, a lump forming in his throat.

To think that he lost, that fact alone is eroding Sukuna’s chest.

It’s not like he’s never failed a mission so far. He clashed with other players and was defeated, but those losses were not decisive. At that time, even if he couldn’t compete, he climbed up the ranks, he was filled with different abilities, he challenged them again and always won. So he will do it again.


After finishing the meal and taking a break, Sukuna asked.

“What’s next?”

“What’s next?”

Kuroko repeated the question like a parrot. Sukuna was frustrated and picked up the PDA and showed it to her.

“It’s the next strategy. The subjugation mission is still going on. If I don’t beat that madman at some point, I’ll fail.”

“There is no such thing.”

Kuroko’s voice was as solid as her common sense.

“I’m leaving this mission. We and that guy are very different.”

Sukuna frowned severely.

“What’s wrong? Are you scared?”

“I can accept it that way. I’m not a dreamer to challenge him in a battle I can’t win. It’s painful to deduct points for mission failures, but I’m happy with other business.”


She falls silent and looks at Sukuna depressed, Kuroko continues saying,

“Somehow… are you going to challenge him again?”

Sukuna looks at Kuroko askance. He didn’t reply, but his gaze seemed to convey his intentions.

Kuroko takes a sip of tea from a bottle and exhales.



Sukuna opens his mouth and repeats the question.

When asked why, there was no response from Sukuna. However, only the determination to do so fills the place.

Sukuna challenged that man and lost.

So he has to win next. He has to keep trying until he wins. Or until he loses and dies. It wasn’t something Sukuna could forgive, like losing and doing nothing, because that means running away.

Sometimes you can’t help but lose, but you’re not allowed to just lose and run away.

Kuroko looks at Sukuna, sighs and tells him…

“I really appreciate that about you.”

“I saw that you were someone driven by calculations rather than emotions. It would be easier for me to do business in the future if there was such a person. That is also the reason why I helped you.”

But Kuroko shook her head.

“That’s exactly what that man said. There’s nothing on you.”


“I don’t know about the future, the purpose, or even where I’m headed. I was driven only by anger and irritation. I couldn’t stand the pain and was swept away, just like a beast in their hands.”

Sukuna’s heart pounded. Like a flash, the scene came to life in his mind.

The back road that the two of them passed. The cheesy taste of the sweets and cider they drank together. A childish vow to run through “Jungle” together and a cheerful smile shining at his side.

For the first time, he had met a person he could respect. He really wanted to be like that boy.

His first friend in life was a fake prepared by an adult.

So there is nothing in Sukuna. When he knew that what he had grabbed was fake, Sukuna threw it away. He abandoned everything around him and ran away to live alone.

Sukuna only has irreparable injuries.

He is still bleeding. He is suffering. So, being touched by that was just a pain for Sukuna.

When he noticed, Sukuna leaned forward, reached out and grabbed Kuroko’s chest.


Sukuna tells her grabbing her.

“What do you know? What is my purpose?”

Kuroko’s reaction was always cold.

“I don’t want to understand. If you want understanding and sympathy, you should run to "Homura”.“

She lightly dispelled Sukuna’s hand and stood up with the yukata collar straight. The eyes behind her glasses are cold and clear.

"If you’ve finished your meal, you must leave quickly. You are free to continue the mission. It’s useless to help, but it’s probably your choice.”

Kuroko suddenly stopped trying to get out of the Japanese room.

“What are you fighting for?”

It was like loneliness. He slumped over, looking up at the ceiling slightly.

“That man asked a very central question despite his playful tone and appearance. In a clan like "Jungle”, it may be more important than you think to determine your own purpose.“

After that, Kuroko left.

Sukuna was sitting there and looking at his PDA.



CHAPTER 2: THE KILLER GIANT (Part 2) / Parts: 01/02/03/04


“Wah, I’m sorry!”

The super bag that he was holding with both hands was forcefully thrown to the ground, and Iwafune Tenkei sat on the cushion.

“Iwa-san! Okaeri! Okaeri!”

Kotosaka, with his green feathers, flies into a room that isn’t that big. The broken front door, the old tatami, and the refrigerator door, which is about to become suspicious, have notes with various wisdom of life.

In the center of the old four and a half mats, there was something that looked nothing like it.

“Welcome back. Iwa-san.”

The “Green King”, Hisui Nagare.

He has his entire body bound with restraint clothing and is in a wheelchair. The mechanically designed chair is a custom-made item, and the arm he usually keeps allows him to do a number of things.

So he shouldn’t worry if he leaves Nagare alone.

“Hey, Nagare. I told you to eat!”

Iwafune does a preaching when he sees that he left the cold breakfast in the chabudai.

“Sorry. I’ll eat it as soon as I’m done.”

However, as he answers, Nagare doesn’t even see Iwafune. Not because he looks down on him, but because he is absorbed in the sight in front of him.

“Jungle” floats in front of Nagare.

Several hologram windows float in the air, constantly projecting information. Iwafune Tenkei is “King” like Nagare Hisui, but he still doesn’t know what that information means. There is probably no one in the world who is comparable to the “Green King” in terms of information processing.

But that is not all.

“You said the same thing when I came out! It’s cancelled! It’s cancelled! If you don’t finish, I’ll take your battery!”

When Iwafune, who had seen his work screwed up, put his hand on his wheelchair battery and threatened him, Nagare suddenly reacted. After a moment, the holograms go dark one after another.

“I’ll eat it right away. So don’t remove the battery.”


His arm reached out from the wheelchair and began to fill the bowl with rice from the rice cooker. He is right-handed. With more than a decade of life in a wheelchair, Nagare can move his arm like a limb.


He cuts the egg batter with a fork and knife and pops it into his mouth with rice. Iwafune asks Nagare what he’s eating, as he scratches his chin.

“But again, you were very focused. Did you find anything interesting?”

“Yes. I found something that looks interesting. Really interesting.”

Nagare narrows his eyes as he sticks his shinko on his fork. Only a green electricity ignited in the cutlery.

“From the information I got from the attack three months ago, I finally got the identity of the existence called "knowledge system”, which was classified as the top secret.“


Iwafune bows his head. He is also a member of “Jungle”, but he was a child when it came to the practice of such attack instructions and confidential information.

Nagare continues as he chews on the shinko.

“As I explained before, the "intelligence system” is officially hidden because it seriously violates people’s human rights and privacy.“

Nagare seems animated having a conversation about this. It was good, but he wondered if he made a mistake bringing it up.

"The essence of the "single system” is the establishment of a complete monitoring system using a wide area network. Once this system is activated, not only the surveillance cameras installed in the public, but also the PDA calls owned by each citizen, all information, up to registration, will be under state control.“

"On top of that, they are extremely powerful and therefore dangerous in identifying the information and people they target.”

Iwafume is confused and answers.

“I see. I didn’t get it.”


Nagare then briefly sums it up.

“In short, it means that our whereabouts may be lost.”

“Hey, really?! Oh, should I dress up when I go shopping next time?!”

Nagare shook his head at Iwafune, who finally became alarmed and fluttered hastily.

“For now, that’s not necessary. The "intelligence system” hasn’t even passed the testing stage yet. It seems that practical use is still ahead.“

"Hmm.” Iwafune crossed his arms.

“But we have to take action.”

“Yes. For the time being, I have put under control all the public surveillance cameras within the "upper” range of action. Even if Iwa-san appears in front of the camera, the ‘intelligence system’ will not recognize you.“

Iwafune exhaled in relief.

He would say so himself, but Iwafune Tenkei is the "trump card” for Nagare. That is the significance of why he is hidden. He doesn’t know if it’s just a matter of fact, but he has to hide his existence until the crucial moment.

“The elder from the "Golden Clan” took a lot of risk, right? Won’t that system be a big problem when it activates and tries to catch us?“

"Well, that’s going to happen. However, the "Golden King” and “Tokijikuin” don’t seem to be extremely involved in this system. The main participant in the operation is “Scepter 4”.“

Since the Kagutsu incident 12 years ago, of the seven missing kings, the last to appear was the current "Blue King”, Reisi Munakata. The “Scepter 4” clan left behind by the predecessor “Blue King” was quickly unearthed and regained its function as an organization to suppress the crimes of foreign Strains.

While tilting the bowl of miso soup, Nagare gives his impressions.

“To enter such a dangerous system, the new "Blue King” seems to be quite confident, but it is doubtful that he has the ability to match his confidence.“

Then he adds fish.

"Habari Jin would not have tried to use something like this.”

Hearing the words, Iwafune looked up at the ceiling and thought.

(“That’s it, Habari.”)

Iwafune was familiar with his predecessor “Blue King” Habari Jin and his clan “Scepter 4”. It was when he was still called Otori Seigo and led the Gray clan, “Cathedral”.

But now all that does not exist.

Habari was killed, Seigo became a missing person, and “Cathedral” was razed to the ground. He hears that Munakata has almost completely revamped the old “Scepter 4” human resources. Only the name is the same, now it is a different organization.

Everything has flowed into the past, leaving him alone to remember.

Iwafune breathed out those feelings with a sigh.

“Oh. Although with "Tokijikuin” we have enough, even the rookie is our enemy.“

"Affirmative. "Jungle” has not yet formed a clan body to counter it.“

It has been seven years since he decided to form "Jungle” for the first time. After several test versions, Nagare created the current “unlock”. The number of users is constantly increasing and there is no problem moving them like limbs.

“The lack of human resources is our bottleneck…”

“Hitobusoku! Hitobusoku!”

Kotosaka, who stopped by Nagare’s side, yelled loudly.

In “Jungle”, the user is the clan member. So there are many.

However, the number of people who can “use” it is extremely small.

Jungle rank is not something that increases as your complete quests. From N-Rank, the points required to rank up increase dramatically, and you can’t continue unless you complete dangerous missions and earn high reward points.

Few players try to take on the danger and get promoted, and the number of people who can get past it is even rarer.

Currently, no one has risen to J-rank through quests.

Iwafune put the boiled seaweed on rice and poured kyusu tea into it. It’s Ochazuke.

“The raid mission three months ago went well. The user who took the tip of the spear got enough points to be promoted to J-Rank.”

“No way, he doesn’t feel that way…”

Iwafune tweeted more and more, and Nagare took the soft Ochazuke.

“He is a very talented person. Therefore, he wants to maintain a certain degree of independence. Also in "Jungle” in a certain way, each member of the clan makes his own decisions. Thanks for the food.“

"Yeah, bon appetit. Well, the form is good, but thanks to that, I want to say that there are no more people who can rank up.”

“Sure, we may need to hurry up a bit. I’d like to secure a bit more human resources before the "single system” kicks in.“

Saying that, Nagare lifts his face.

A hologram screen loomed in front of that line of sight. The photos of the members of the clan that are active and the profile of "Jungle”, accompanies it.

“Offers up-and-coming players with high-difficulty quests. If they complete enough quests, they’ll soon be promoted.”

“What kind of mission?”

“Fulfill your wishes.”

He quickly knew who he was.

Iwafune has a color of anxiety.

“That guy? Are you okay?”

“I want to do it. It’s not nice to be picked up by an executive without doing anything. I understand that we need a demonstration to motivate other players.”

“No, that’s not what I’m worried about. I’m asking what happens if that mission fails.”

When asked, Nagare mysteriously shook his head.

“If you fail the mission and lose all points, you will have to start over from the starting rank.”

“That’s the point! You are…! That’s why it’s hard to get human resources!”

Iwafune insists as he hits the chabudai, but Nagare doesn’t seem to get it yet. This young man is an unmistakable genius, but there is a point where the demands on others are too high.

Nagare muttered “Hmm.” and said:

“I understand. If Iwa-san says that much, let’s make some adjustments.”

“Are you sure?”

Then Iwafune notices.

One of the people in the image of “Jungle” players floating in the air, is very young. Or rather, he is…

“Isn’t he a child? What has he been doing in "Jungle” so far?“

"Rather, it seems that children tend to rank up faster because they aren’t bound by additional ethics or common sense. That player is… Ah.”

Nagare narrows his eyes. Iwafune knows that he finds him “funny”.

“Gojo Sukuna. He is the player I look forward to the most right now.”

He probably has hidden potential. Contrary to the neat appearance of consuming boring fast food and drinks, he has a rough atmosphere.

“Over the past three months, he has risen through the ranks at an amazing rate and was recently promoted to U-Rank. Will he be able to make it to this "secret base”? Attention.“

Saying that, Nagare just laughed.


At the window railing, a parrot stopped.


When Sukuna noticed, he shook his head. It is a gesture as if he is asking what he is doing here. Sukuna walks over, opens the glass window and groans at the same time.

“Well, you stop coming to this house like that.”


H.N. The “Green King” returns such an answer through the parrot.

“This is my "hideout”. I don’t want to stand out. And if a colored bird like you stops by, everyone will pay attention!“

Sukuna speaks rudely to him. The parrot jumped to the window, looking at Sukuna with a bowed head.

"This won’t stand out.”

Sukuna searched for a counterargument, but in the end he couldn’t find one.

This is the fifth time that the “Green King” has appeared around Sukuna.

At worst, he showed up during the mission. In such a situation, he was different, so he just watched him, but it still distracted him. “The next time I see you, I’ll turn you into a roast bird.”

He eventually disappeared during the mission.

Instead, he started showing up at Sukuna’s hideout.

His hideout is a room in an ordinary apartment in Tokyo. He can’t rent a house because he’s underage, so Sukuna through “Jungle” recruited a stranger whose face he doesn’t even know to do it. No one knows this place more than Sukuna and the guy he recruited, but he doesn’t like the fact that the “Green King” found it easily.

When Sukuna returned to bed, the parrot entered through the open glass window. Sukuna looks at him and then collapses.

“Do not do it.”

Immediately, the parrot spread its wings in anger.

“Kuwa, Kuwa! Shirei! Shirei!”

He flies up and tries to attack his obsession with his claws. Sukuna shrugged hastily and evacuated to the corner of the room.

The parrot was intimidatingly stagnant for a while, but finally landed on the table. He makes a calm voice as if the constitution has fallen.

“I apologize. Kotosaka was excited, but please don’t be too rude to Kotosaka.”

Sukuna arches his eyebrows as he holds his heaving chest.

“What is he? He’s just a parrot.”

“Kotosaka is my clan member. He’s not a human, but he has personality and pride. Treat him like a worthy person.”

“Sonotori! Sonotori!”

Kotosaka yells. Sukuna looked at Kotosaka and the “Green King” over there, with eyes that looked like monsters, but he finally shrugged and replied.

“Well, it doesn’t surprise me anymore that an animal is a member of the clan.”

Since he entered the world of different abilities, he has already encountered many amazing things.

Seven kingdoms and the seven kings that rule them, the true map of power that rules this country.

One of them, compared to being on the other side through Kotosaka, there is no such thing as an animal with a will.

Anyway, Sukuna thinks.

“Even if you don’t use that, there are plenty of other ways to do it.”

Kotosaka shook his head as he flapped his wings.

“What other method would there be?”

“You can set up a surveillance camera or let an appropriate player record. If you use jungle points, you should be able to gather as many people as you want.”

“We do it for low priority observations. I only use Kotosaka with the highest priority to talk to whoever I want.”

“And you want to talk to me?”

“Affirmative. I am very interested in your actions.”

Kotosaka’s crystal ball eyes really look at Sukuna. Sukuna flinched at the inorganic gaze.

“Gojo Sukuna. The only son of the Gojo family. Ever since you left home three months ago, you have survived this society using all means. Making the most of "Jungle”, you hid your identity, hired people to act as points contact and secure food, clothing and shelter without relying on anyone. It’s not something elementary school students can do.“

Sukuna frowned.

No wonder the "Green King” has his own information. With “Jungle”, the information clan and their king, H.N., it would be easier to find out than to break an eggshell.

That does not mean that the discomfort decreases.

“Don’t surround people. Don’t make me angry.”

“I have no intention of offending you. I just want to let you know why I’m interested in you.”


Well, he can believe it. H.N. he’s a freak, a big guy, a black curtain, but he doesn’t seem like a bad guy. He investigates Sukuna only because, as stated, he is interested in Sukuna.

The “Green King” keeps saying.

“There are many other players who do not choose any means to get up in "Jungle”. However, very few on their own can complete dangerous missions and continue to be successful. If you become a younger player to achieve it, it can be said that it will be the first time in “Jungle”.“

Sukuna sits on the couch and looks at Kotosaka with piercing eyes.

"What do you mean?”

“Why don’t you join the team and take action? Most players do, though they say it’s much safer and more efficient.”

Sukuna squeezes the long staff. He looks away from Kotosaka and in a careless voice he says,

“I can do it by myself, so I don’t need that. I hate swarms.”

That word was half true.

The feature of “Jungle” is that it is “free”. No matter what the members do, the above has little to do with it. They just use “Jungle”. They can’t even see each other’s faces, they are only connected by interests.

The relationship was comfortable for Sukuna.

That’s because he doesn’t have to trust anyone from the start.

Kotosaka turned his head several times, as if chewing on Sukuna’s words.

After that, the “Green King” had a light tone.

“Is it related to what caused you to leave your house?”

He entered the danger zone.

No wonder the “Green King” knows this. Since he has researched it, he probably knows their relationships as a matter of course.

However, the moment someone else spoke the name “Him”, he realized that he would lose control.

“If so, what’s up?”

Sukuna echoes a voice like a cold copper plate. Whether he noticed it or not, the “Green King” still says in a light tone.

“If so, you are reducing your potential. I feel like it’s a waste. It’s a loss. You shouldn’t be stuck in the past and close off the future.”

Skill “Thunder Blade”, activate.

A glowing electromagnetic blade emerged from the long staff. Sukuna answers quietly, with an equally dangerous look at the helpless parrot.

“Are you talking about the future and the past? I just live in the present.”

“For what?”

Sukuna couldn’t answer the question he suddenly asked him.

So that he lives, Sukuna is stunned when he realizes that he has no answer for returning in the middle of a cliché sentence.

Now, he is here to escape from his parents’ house. Sukuna believes that he will go crazy and compromise if he stays in that house for a second. Therefore, for Sukuna, fleeing and living are synonymous.

But what’s the point of a life of just running away? Isn’t that what it means to be stuck in the past?

“If you find the answer, I will come to hear it.”

By the time Sukuna reacted, Kotosaka was already flapping his wings and jumping onto the window railing.

Sukuna stood up and shouted an angry voice at Kotosaka looking back.

“What are you doing? What is the purpose?!”

“My hope is to expand people’s possibilities. There is nothing else.”

With just that, Kotosaka took off and disappeared into the sky.

Sukuna angrily closed the glass window and bit his teeth.

So, ignoring his hiding place, a desolate room with the bare minimum of necessary furniture, it was also similar to Sukuna’s world.

There is nothing he wants; he only has what he needs. If there is something extra, he will get in the way when he runs away. Sukuna knows this well.


Just to escape, to live, to want nothing, isn’t it that you’re stuck in the past?

When Sukuna had such a thought in his mind, a noise echoed.

Sukuna raised his face as if it had been turned around and confirmed the direction of the sound.

It is the front door. The lock that should have been locked is unlocked and the doorknob turns slowly.

Sukuna’s actions were swift. When he opened the door, Sukuna had already jumped out the window with his long cane and PDA in hand. He pinned the door, but he doesn’t know how much time he can buy until someone breaks in. This hiding place is no good anymore. He has to find another.

Sukuna jumps from the hallway, grabs onto a pillar and jumps higher. Landed on the rooftop of a private house.

On the back of Sukuna who tried to run as he was, a voice dubbed with a megaphone was heard.

“Wait! Gojo Sukuna-kun!”

The thought of being stupid stopped Sukuna. He doesn’t know what he thinks, but he shouldn’t say someone’s name out loud in a place like this.

Sukuna turned around and saw a man standing near the hallway. He has a megaphone and looks at him. There is no tension in the expression. This eliminates the possibility of the chase being from “Scepter 4” or “Jungle”.

He wishes had escaped like he was.

“Your mother is worried! Let’s go back!”

That word stopped Sukuna, because he knew the identity of the one who was chasing him. These guys are the minions of the “house of his parents”.

The past came to capture him.


Sukuna looks at him with his feet on the ceiling.

The guy with the megaphone who succeeded in naming his mother may have thought so. Even with a smile on his mouth, he raised his voice even higher.

“Your mother says that if you come back, she won’t tell you anything! Are you satisfied that you’ve been worrying her for so long? A child can’t live alone! Come with us.”

“Shut up!”

A cloudy voice interrupted the joke.

Or maybe he wouldn’t have done it without the “Green King’s” contact.

Sukuna descended from the rooftop to the street. The guy with the megaphone has a relieved look, men dressed in black appear from the car behind.

Activates the skill “Physical Strengthening”.

He activates the ability “Thunder Blade”.

The unique ability of “Jungle” runs through his entire body. The beating of the heart carries black emotions to every corner of his limbs. An electric blade extends from the long staff like a sickle, and Sukuna carries it on his shoulder.

The guy in black took a step back in a hurry. Sukuna smiled like an imp.

After a few minutes…

Crushed concrete walls, sheared pillars, overturned cars, and the men in black bending and falling. A very destructive sight was spreading over the ground.

He can hear the patrol car’s siren from a distance. It will take less than a few minutes to arrive. Before that, he has to do what he has to do.

The guy with the megaphone crossed the street and looked at Sukuna with a scared expression.

“So? Who did you hear about my whereabouts from?”

Sukuna’s power is concentrated in his chest. The guy with the megaphone rages to escape from him, but the strength of Sukuna, who was pushed by his power, far exceeds that of a normal person. All man can do is raise a voice of anguish.


He can see that the compressed auxiliary bone makes a cracking noise. If he pushes it any further, it will break.

The bone could pierce his lungs and heart and kill him. Sukuna narrowed his eyes and dropped it.

“I haven’t killed anyone yet.”


“But now I feel like I can do it. It’s your fault.”

Heaving a sigh from the edge of his mouth, the megaphone bastard showed pitiful horror. Sukuna says more, looking mercilessly at the one who shakes his head desperately.

“If you don’t want to die, answer the question. Who sold me?”

“I do not know!”

“Hey, tell the truth.”

He pushed him further. A sound of flapping and cracking in the bones. His eyes go black and white with severe pain and he screams as he spits.

“That’s true, I swear! They just gave us the order to catch you! I don’t know anything!”

Due to his fear and pain, Sukuna decided that what he said was true and clicked his tongue. He can’t use it.

“Then I’ll change the question. Which side are you on in the first place? Front or back?”

“Oh, it’s the back. We belong to the Shinonome group and have some connections with the backup agent. Maybe this information is from that agent as well.”

“Who told you I was here?”

When he waves the electric blade and show it, the guy with the megaphone got angry.

“If I had known you were a talented person, I wouldn’t have done such a stupid thing. Damn, your parents, what should I say if it was an extra request!”

It seems that it was his mother’s idea, that made Sukuna give up. Sukuna gave a dry laugh.

“I’m sorry for you.”

Saying that, he jumps from his heart.

The pressure is suddenly gone and the bastard with the megaphone coughs. Sukuna buried a green leaf in his neck. When he poured the green stream as much as he wanted, he jumped up and shot it into the wall, and it finally fell down.

Sukuna muttered.

“It’s Kuroko.”

The “backup agent” is probably Kuroko. He hears that he’s not only fulfilling the “Jungle” mission, but he’s also using his skills to do normal back office work (although it’s a strange expression). Theft, sabotage, kidnapping and murder.

Kuroko didn’t catch Sukuna. It’s not because he couldn’t, it’s probably because he’s sorry to spend points on it. Instead of stopping him, he sold his personal information for money.

So Sukuna had a question.

Why didn’t Kuroko tell him that he was a talented person?

Regardless of society at large, the existence of people with powers is open to the public in the underworld. The lost talents that do not belong to the clan are called “Strains”, and there are many who become children of the subsequent organization. If they were with a talented person, it would not have been so easy to escape.

As he was asking himself that question, the PDA rang with an incoming call.

Unannounced incoming call. Sukuna frowned and answered the call.

“Have you been successful?”

“Looks like you got away from the chase, Five.”

Angry, the power went into the hand holding the PDA.

“Hey, Kuroko. Are you playing with me?”

“I have no such intention and no time. Therefore, I will go to the main topic.”

Then Kuroko said,

“I want to fight with the Lord.”


The reason Yukari Mishakuji became a member of the “Jungle” clan is because he was fascinated by Hisui Nagare.

He first saw it seven years ago. At that time, Nagare was a child who was still innocent. The king in the form of a child appeared and revealed himself in front of the “Golden King” and the “Colorless King”.

He wanted to defeat the “Golden King”, he was strong and hostile.

Yukari doubted what he saw.

He once witnessed many kings, but it was the first time he saw a person that he challenged Daikaku Kokujoji in battle head-on. Even Kagutsu Genji would not imitate such a thing.

That is, the younger king declared war on the stronger king.

He can laugh at the child’s recklessness. The boy who obtained the power of the king was out of control without thinking about anything. He was pried out of ignorance and fascinated.

However, Nagare was serious.

In his eyes, the coolness to discern the situation and the passion for his hidden ambitions were equally present. The revolutionary’s eyes sparkled as he determined the difference in his ability and still defied difficulties.

Yukari was fascinated by the brightness of him. He thought he was beautiful.

His beauty was still imprinted on Yukari’s heart.

His beauty was not spoiled at all when he passed the time and he reappeared before Yukari. On the contrary, Hisui Nagare, who dreamed of “transforming the world”, was dazzlingly shining.

That is why Mishakuji Yukari decided to serve Hisui Nagare.

He promised to be an embodiment of that cold ambition and hidden passion.

Because he found a different brilliance than his former king, Miwa Ichigen, in his way of life.

And now…

Mishakuji Yukari walked the alleys of the city as the top executive of “Jungle”, a J-Rank.

The time is around midnight and the area is quiet, without people or noise. The moon on an autumn night hides behind the buildings to the left and right, and the light does not reach it.

Even in such a dark place, Mishakuji Yukari did not break his smile. The appearance of walking with a long sword on his back and fluttering dark purple hair was dignified, and he couldn’t find a full-fledged loophole.

Yukari continued to walk behind the fortress in the dark alley, and finally his foot stopped.

It was a vacant lot like an air pocket between the buildings. Surrounded by buildings on all sides, there is no room for people to escape. The only way back is to go back the way you walked.

Yukari spread his arms and looked up at the square night sky, saying,

“Isn’t it boring just watching? Why don’t you come play with me?”

A slight unease shook the night air.

The silence continues, a few seconds. A voice echoed from the back alley.


It was a pair of men who slowly appeared from the darkness.

“I knew you were looking, but you came with an unpopular cousin? Isn’t that right?”

One is a young man with a frivolous smile who carries a guitar case on his back. The other is a muscular giant. They both look at Yukari, clenching his fists.

Yukari laughs a little and looks at them with his arms outstretched.

“Because no matter how long you wait, it won’t work. That’s why I created a situation that’s easy to do. I want you to thank me.”

The giant narrows his eyes and mutters like a soliloquy.

“Did you invite us?”

“Hey. Thanks. I don’t want to bother getting points.”

As the young man raised his hand while he laughed, multiple figures appeared from behind. They all wear a mechanical mask that emits green electronic light.

“They’re N-Rank. It’s our advantage, but they’re pretty good. Don’t think you can escape.”

The rankers took out their PDAs and weapons. Some are armed with something that looks like a gun.

However, there was no influence on Yukari’s expression.

First of all, this is the situation he wanted. When he saw the scene he expected, he couldn’t have shaken his heart, and, on the contrary, he felt the heat welling up.

It is the heat of battle.

The young man saw Yukari and snorted.

“Even so, what did you do? Right after becoming a J-rank, you were able to get a prize of 100,000 points. Did you aim for the king’s life?”

The voice was a mixture of ghosts and jealousy.

It is not impossible. Yukari didn’t become a J-Rank after a regular mission. He was promoted to a J-rank executive, upon being directly invited by the “Green King” Hisui Nagare. For clan members who challenge high-difficulty quests every day to get that position, it wouldn’t be convincing at all.

Yukari shrugs and says nothing.

“I haven’t done anything weak, because I asked for a subjugation mission.”

The giant frowned.

“What do you mean?”

“That’s all. I offered a reward so more clansmen could challenge me.”

The young man and the giant looked at each other.

“In other words, what? Did you give yourself a reward?”

“Yes, that is correct.”

The young man murmurs from the bottom of his heart.

“Oh, is it also a desire to kill yourself?”

Yukari made a deep smile.

“I gave myself a bounty to prove that I am the right person for a J-Rank, so that all members of the Jungle clan will know.”

Then he gently draws the sword. The boys wearing the green masks buzzed.

“If one appears to defeat me, it should be a J-Rank. The stronger our king’s arm, the better. I’m the test stone for that.”

The duo’s expression tightened.

What Yukari said was something natural in “Jungle”. The strong and the smart rise. If they weren’t satisfied with Yukari becoming a J-Rank, they can prove that they are better than Yukari by overthrowing him.

At the thought he laughed brightly, confirming that the carelessness was gone from his face.

“Since I answered your question, can you answer my question?”

“What is?”

“What are you going to do if you beat me and become a J-Rank?”

“Ah. If you think about it, gain power?”

The young man shook his head, snorting like a fool.

“It’s decided. If you go "up”, you can get even greater power. The best way to do something greater is to be close to the King!“

The giant was silent for a while and then answered.

"It’s all too narrow now. If you go up, you’ll have a little more freedom.”

Power and freedom.

That’s what “Jungle” marks. It is natural that they want it. Clansmen Mishakuji has clashed with so far have said something similar, though the details are different.

For this reason, he was thinking of waking them up.

Hisui Nagare’s dream is to make all mankind kings. Nagare thinks that everyone has the possibility of all colors, he sees the world with another look.

However, for that reason, the dreams of the “Jungle” clansmen were too uniform. Although he is the person who chooses what to do with the power, the options are too limited.


What attracted Yukari was the brilliance of the person himself. He is not really interested in the “Jungle” that he created. Now, asking this question is nothing more than Yukari’s interest.

Therefore, Yukari dispelled the sword and showed a gesture to end the story.

“Yes, I understand.”

He points the tip at them and declares war.

“Let us begin.”

The giant muttered under his breath.

“Just do it.”

The N-Ranks are distributed in a fan shape. The attack aimed at Yukari who was against the wall at once, and the appearance of him disappeared.



By the time the young man shouted, Mishakuji had already run up the wall to the left of him and was about to attack the nearest N-Rank. He cuts the green mask looking at him and drags the real face. Yukari turned his bright smile on him and plunged the sword into his nose.

“Damn, keep your distance! That’s a weapon! We can’t lose with that!”

“I think so?”

With a soft voice, Yukari runs through the gaps between the N-Ranks. Each time, the sword looked and pointed at Yukari.

Yukari understood. That is that young man’s weapon. It must be the style of the duo, where he defends the giant and shoots the young man.

Yukari makes a deep smile. He doesn’t know that he’s scared, even if he has a sniper gun in a long straight line. Carrying a sword, he is still speeding up and closing in on the duo.

“Even so, take this!”

The young man screamed and his muzzle sizzled.

Yukari’s sword moved at God speed.

A green spark lit up the darkness behind the alley at the same time as the discordant sound.

Yukari keeps running as if nothing happened.


After all, the young man provoked even more. Two shots, three shots. The sword flashes at an invisible speed, and each time the green spark flashes, it scrapes the wall of the building approaching left and right behind Yukari.

At that moment, the young man seems to finally understand what is happening.

He is cutting the incoming bullet in two.

A voice close to a bad sound comes from his throat.

“What? Is it an electromagnetic bullet? It’s fast enough to react!”

“Whether it’s a tortoise or an eagle, if there’s a wall in the way, I won’t stop.”

The masks, the weapon and the PDA are cut. Yukari approaches the youths who have impatient expressions.

A green wall blocked the way.

The green wall repelled the sword that flashed at once. Yukari gets caught up in an unexpected thought and kicks the ground to get away.

The green wall seems to come from the giant’s PDA. He calmly spoke to the young man next to him.

“I will withdraw.”

“I know!”

Then the duo turned towards the back alley.

Yukari looked around him. The N-Ranks, who were still fighting, also dropped their weapons when they saw the bosses escaping. Yukari is amazed at the lack of preparation, but it would be a mistake to expect such things from those who are only used.

Yukari runs into the back alley with a sword in one hand.

Aside from the others, he has to get rid of the bosses. Otherwise it cannot be a “test”.

Then, Yukari who entered the back alley knew that he had been ambushed.


There is a wall that glows green in the dark about 100 meters ahead. From that space, a long rifle pistol turns towards Yukari. Like a carnivorous beast facing his prey.

“What should I do in such a case?”

Yukari ran away.


“K-Chibis, Cell Phone Wallpapers” by Naru-kun. Part: 03/03
