#reiterating that person’s point






genuinely so fucking tired of people leveraging the “groomer” argument against people who support sex ed because scientific literature over decades shows that comprehensive sex education starting around kindergarten actually prevents children from being sexually abused and groomed because it teaches children the correct words for their body parts and also teaches them concepts of privacy, personal space, bodily autonomy, the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touching, and the fact that sex is something that only adults do. children with this knowledge are not only better equipped to identify abuse and predatory behavior and communicate that its happening to a trusted adult, but also prevent it from happening in the first place by recognizing when something is happening that shouldn’t.

sex education does not sexualize children, it prevents children from being sexualized. anyone who is against early foundational sex education and claims they are doing it to protect children is a fucking liar.

I got the talk extremely early – so early, in fact, that I literally do not have any memories from before I learned what sex was.

When I was three years old, and my mother was pregnant with my little brother, I asked my parents where babies came from, and in response, they bought me a “Visible Woman” anatomy model, and read me books about human biology, including human reproductive biology. As a result, I become a huge anatomy nerd. I learned organs and bones the way that other little kids learned dinosaurs. I took my Visible Woman doll to show and tell. And whenever I had a question, even an awkward one (eg. “but how does the sperm get all the way to her uterus?”) my parents answered it – enthusiastically, and completely clinically.

Again, I was three. A vagina and a penis were about as sexual to me as a spleen and a gallbladder were, and my parents talked about them in roughly the same manner. “Some organs are used for digesting food – some organs are used for breathing air and pumping blood – and these organs can be used for making a baby. You baby brother is growing inside your mommy’s uterus because your parents had sex, and that allowed two cells to meet, and those two cells have grown and grown, and become more cells, and it’s going to become a whole person! Isn’t science cool?” I learned what sex was, and what an erection was, and all of the other mechanics of human reproduction, at a level of granularity farbeyond what almost anyone is actually proposing for teaching in schools, and sexual desire never entered into it. Not even close; not even once.

When I hear people claim that teaching about sex is grooming, it raises my hackles way up because… how are you imagining teaching a child about sex, if it reads as grooming to you? My parents taught me about the human body because science is wonderful and knowledge is power. I’d teach my own children in exactly the same way. How would you do it?

If you think that the only way to talk about sex is to be overtly sexual with the person that you’re talking to? If the only way you can imagine an adult explaining sex to a child is by abusing them? That’s a you problem, and you need help.

I am dead serious. If you cannot imagine having this sort of conversation without actively sexualizing the child you are speaking to, that is a real issue, and I am genuinely concerned that you may be a danger to those around you.

There are two types of people that benefit from the lack of sex-ed: predators and authoritarians (the overlap between the two is not a coincidence)

That is so undeniably false I don’t even know where to begin.

One the only predators I see are the ones who are trying to show porn to 5 year Olds. Ie all you leftists who coincidentally want to also preach your trans bullshit and groom kids into thinking they are hay making them confused for more grooming. And on top of that you guys are trying to prevent parents from knowing about it.

Two. The only authoritarians I have ever met are leftists. Since you know anyone who is left wing is always authoritarian. To a T.

“that is so undeniably false i dont know where to begin” you say in response to a post linking scientific literature while providing absolutely no evidence of your own aside from evangelical fear-mongering talking points. great work
