#reki kyan


yes reki has to apologize to miya for breaking his promise and not being a good friend but miya also has to realize that his teasing contributed to reki’s declining self-worth. hes 13 so its understandable that he doesnt realize it but like. there should still be some acknowledgment of his and shadow’s behaviour not being okay. tbh im not even hoping for an apology, id be happy if they for once just told reki to his face that he’s good at skateboarding without insulting him

rlly old renga from a while ago

me, sweating: haha of course i actually know how to draw cherry!!

hi renga community


me when reki would be offscreen for like 2 minutes

[ID: a drawing of Reki Kyan from Sk8 the Infinity. it shows him in a strawberry dress, laying on the floor. It has blended shading and fairly detailed lineart. In the forground are more strawberries /End ID]

Redraw from last year! OG under the cut

[ID: A similar drawing, but with cel shading and less detail. /End ID]

“we’ll spread our dreams around im proud of my muddy shoes it’s not a game choose your life”

paradise by rude-a
