

One thing I cant quite just understand is the one with feminism and spritiuality.

I get that not only the big world religions, but almost every existing spiritual or religious cult has been or is deeply patriarchal and needs to be critisized immediately.

But you know in Germany there is a saying called  “alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen” which basically means selling the old shit in a new package.

For example, when it came to gay and lesbian marriage while some were happy that LGB people were equal to heterosexuals in that way, others argued that marriage itself was an outdated institution and we should focus more on the establishing and equalizing of all sorts of families instead of just expanding the overhault.

The same goes with religion/spirituality.

Just replacing male with female godesses just wont do it. Furthermore, every right critisizm involves - at least for me- also questioning the idea of the supernatural itself and the search for answers in it.

I would even go ahead that much and say that there is no place for such things in a modern, enlightened time.
