#religious trauma tw




as much as christians want it to be the case, someone talking about their religious trauma with christianity actually isnt “propaganda” nor is it unkind or rude to literally talk about how things they did hurt you. instead of buckling under a victim complex maybe you should examine how you yourself have probably promoted things that hurt people instead of getting mad that someone who is literally oppressed by christianiy isn’t specifying which brand hurt them and apologizing for talking bad about it because i promise you the denomination doesn’t matter. there are so many of us from all denominations who were traumatized, you’re very entitled if you want people to step over your feelings because you’re in a specific one.

If a group doesn’t believe that there can be any legitimate criticism of their group and/or legitimate reasons to leave (or no one can ever reach whatever standards they have for either), that’s a massive red flag that the group is controlling and abusive
