#remember this thread



( … )

he pulls out his phone to take a look at the messages and he snorts as he reads the last one. typical. he puts his phone back in his pocket and as he’s about to get knock on the door three times, per request of the younger, he hears the sound of the door unlocking and immediately puts his hand back down to his side as he watches soobin open the door. and rather than being welcomed warmly like a normal person, he’s greeted with “oppa” and it makes him snort again.

he manages to regain composure quickly, though. he’s dealt with this kid long enough to be able to mirror his actions. poker face on, he replies in a monotonous voice. “i’m sorry, jagi.”he wants to physically cringe from using that word, so he quickly lets out a little laugh from embarrassmentbefore he goes back to actually serious. “things came up, so i’m here to annoy you now.” 

soobin’s never been one to ask too many questions. and contrary to popular belief, it isn’t because he thinks it’s a hassle (which it is), but it’s because he knows that at most times, people set boundaries. though when it came to yeonjun, it wasn’t because the older boy had a ‘boundary’ of sorts set up, but it was because soobin knew him, perhaps knew him well enough to not have to pry too much. 

“okayyeobo,” he takes a step aside, and opens the door further, allowing yeonjun to take a step inside. at this point, he believes that his place has become a spot for most of his friends to hang out. not that he minds, it’s a lot less travelling for him, even if it meant that he had to stock up on more food. one thing was less troublesome than the other.

“things like your brother?” he asks, he already suspects as such, but he understands if yeonjun would want to avoid the older male. from what he’d heard, he would want yeonjun to avoid him too. “nobody’s home so it’s just the two of us. how romantic,” he takes a seat on the chair and proceeds to eat his chips. 

“do you wanna talk about it? or do you want to play video games and curse at the world? i’m fine with either. the most upsetting thing to happen to me today was when a fifteen year old called me a noob on fortnite. fucker,” he snorts, before he takes out another bag of unopened chips and passes it over to his friend. “i’m all ears. mostly. not all, but mostly,” he jokes.
