

I never thought I’d be exposed with my naked pictures on internet with my name. I don’t mind that much if it’s just on Tumblr but some pictures were showing up on google results when you googled my name so I deleted posts. There’s one post though I did not post. Someone took pictures of me from xvideos.com and found my name and used my name as description for pictures and that shows in google and I am unable to delete. I’ve even messaged the poster several times to remove but not one single reply. I’ve even reported picture still no reply. Again I don’t care if I’m naked on internet but showing up in google search results when you search my actual name is a different story. I’d post link to picture to report it but some people would just reblog it. So I will avoid doing that.

“I do my best to wash away the sight of you

I do my best to clean my slate

And make it better

But the damage, the mistakes

Are still there

No matter how much I delete

No matter how much I remove you from my life

The memories are there

The mistakes, the regrets still remain

People won’t forget what was and what happened

I am still accountable for things I wish I didn’t do at all

I am no longer that naive, idiotic girl

I’m trying to remove you from my life

But remnants of your remain

I can’t erase people’s memories

I can’t even erase my own

I’m better than I was then

I stand taller than I ever did

But my mistakes are still on me

I hold a throny rose for every mistake

Beauty came from them in making me grow as a person

But pain resides within

And they are there for all to see

Will people ever look past my mistakes?

Past my scars?

Past the times I thought I had to when I had a choice to not?

I am a mistake that no one will ever look past

Aren’t I?”

“Removing in my life”


