#rendezvous hotline smau



Fun facts

✨Y/N had a full fledged panic attack after that notification from Rendezvous hotline, she deadass stood in front of the mirror for 20 minutues and kept repeating, “I’m a bad bitch, I totally got this” until she felt better☠️

✨Tooru’s love language is bullying, dont mind his slander

exceeded the image limit again, so you’re gonna have to imagine a divider again hon’

☎️-Rendezvous hotline


Synopsis: Crushed under the burden of a terrible job and an even worse boss, Y/N has barely enough time for her meals, let alone love. So when her friends suggest (read: bully) her to try a new dating app, she hesitantly takes the gamble.

Its just a dating app, what could possibly go wrong?

Pairing(s): Miya Atsumu X fem!reader, Koutarou Bokuto X fem!reader, Kuroo Tetsurou X fem!reader, Terushima Yuuji X fem!reader, Sakusa Kiyoomi X fem!reader

Genre: fluff, crack, angst

Warning: suggestive themes

Author’s note:

✨I’m trying to work on my time schedule, and I’ve finished preparing the plot for this as well, so hopefully I’ll be updating twice a week now!

✨I’m not really sure if i could make the rules for the dating show clear, so in case you have any doubts, slide into those dms bb *bites lip*

✨ weekly reminder to come shout in my askbox/inbox about whatever you’d like!!

imagine a divider again lmao

Taglist (open, send an ask to be added!): @artemisnotfowl@syaziahvg@swan-chan@kawaii-angelanne@kellesvt@ish-scribbles@doctorspencereid@normalisthenewnorm@syndellwins@sakusakei-omi@kiyoomisbean@nachotrash@pikaa-pink@twistedvalkyrie@cherryblosom111@kac-chowsballs@bnha-meme-sanctuary@je-suis-argent-miel@jewlmin@mekiimaki@riceballsandanime

Yaaaaay!!! Update!!! We’re going to EROS hahaah i deadass thought about yuri on ice and the cute pork bahahahahahaha i’m so excited to read about the dates!!! Yeeessss!!!
