


Since we are about to be censored tomorrow, with allegations of child pornography being a root cause and removal of the app from the iTunes Store. I did my best and reported all instances of underage sexual post. Reported members who were engaging in sexual chat while under the age of 18. Though my reports seemed to not be taken seriously. Many of which remained on the application. On a related note I was able to make a difference on the Grindr application. This year I was able to make a big difference in the life of a child being abused. A person on the app attempted to request I engage in sexual relations with him, then he changed the story to include his child. At that point I knew I had to act. I contacted local law enforcement since location settings were on. App support on Grindr worked with law enforcement and myself to attempt to get more information on this individual. Within 24 hours we caught the father abusing his child. The child was taken into emergency custody, the father was arrested, and all because I stepped up and did what I was supposed to do. I was was nervous, due to my discretion, but I had to do the right thing. Because of that a child is safe, and a predator was taken into custody. We all have obligations to report wrongdoing. Tumblr is eliminating people from freely posting, which is censorship. Censoring many on this app will now allow sexual predators to go deeper into the dark web, where less people can see and report wrongdoing.

Now, this app/website has been fun. I’m glad I was able to sexually express myself and find likeminds and different minds to process and not think I am a freak/monster. I’ve made friends and even a best friend. I’m unsure what the next trend will be. MySpace went to Facebook. Tumblr will be….. Who knows? Please reach out and let me know the next trends. Also, feel free to chat with me if you’d like. My information can be found below if you’d like to keep contact, start a convo, or tell me the new trend. In summary, we all need to stand up for those who cannot and report wrongdoing to actually make a difference. Thanks to all my followers you’ve all been amazing!

KIK: Gaymerguy1989

Snapchat: Gaymerguy1989

Gmail: [email protected]
