#requests please



Ok everybody! I need your help! Too long I have went that I’ve not actively been my artsy self and I miss that person and now I’ve really gotten out of practice. Being a part of this Tumblr community and seeing the wonderful artists on here ( @artistefish@grapefruitwannabe@mmhinman to name a few) have inspired me to get back in the game. Too long I have let my busy life get in my way of doing something I really love. So I’m asking you all to please send me in request. Whether it’s a redraw scene, or something you have come up with on your own please give me ideas. I need practice! And I need motivation and ideas to light a fire under my ass! I talked to @keichanz about this before posting. This is something I’m both excited to start doing and nervous. Thank you in advance for supporting and giving me ideas to get me back in to practice!

@artistefish I welcome any and all requests you have! Send em to me baby!