
One of the best decisions I’ve ever made was buying a motorcycle in Norway. I’ve learned

One of the best decisions I’ve ever made was buying a motorcycle in Norway. I’ve learned so much throughout this riding season that has trickled off the road aNd become some sort of creed. I’ve become more focused, and I’ve learned to be more disciplined. The road demands your attention 100% of the time. You need discipline on the road to make fast and calculated decisions that really sometimes mean the difference between life and death. It’s you, with your machine between your legs and thousands of miles of unforgiving asphalt flying underneath you at a hundred kilometres an hour. Riding has shown me freedom of a different kind -one you’ll only know if you’ve rode a motorcycle. A freedom that comes not only by the joy and thrill that you experience by being on the road- the sights, the sounds, the smell and the experiences, but also the constant test of stamina and endurance and sometimes pure misery that you somehow always manage to make it out on the other side. That is freedom-having no limits. In any direction. I’ve also learned to become better at my craft- I made my riding gear. I learned how to make it tough and make it last by putting it on the road and finding my faults and weak spots. Now, I look at everything I make with the same eye. I’ve also made some really good bonds with great people that I know will last a lifetime. I’m already excited to see what the road will bring next year. ~Biker vest and pants will be for sale in my upcoming collection release on Sunday. #toxicvision #respecttheroad #harleydavidson #harleywomen #sportster #chopper #ratbike #handcrafted #leathercraft #vest

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