


10/10 does not mean I found no fault within the book, it just means I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Map: Collected and Last Poems of Wisława Szymborska: 10/10 The Cynicism found in poems and break from other poetic conventions is refreshing and enjoyable

Persuasion by Jane Austen: 7/10 Might be your cup of tea if you prefer real books, I found it pedestrian, and much prefer the stories of the Brontë sisters

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemmingway: Unread

As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner: 10/10 Meant to be found ironic in the way that it is an inversion of the classic Hero’s Journey of Greek Mythology (specifically that of The Odyssey)

Oedipus Rex by Sophocles: 5/10 While the symbolism in it is apparent and lends itself to deeper interpretations, there is no other subtlety present in the play, largely as a result of the genre

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka: 10/10 Kafkaesque is timeless and unbeatable in its exposition of problems with the modern way of living and in the very thought process we behold

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe: Unread

Short Stories by Flannery O’Connor: 10/10 Liberal use of symbolism and metaphors lends itself to a far richer interpretation, the cynicism expressed in the short stories is refreshing


I have finished Things Fall Apart

I give this a 10/10.  It was not what I expected.  I definetly feel like there is an overwhelming amount of American and European literature out there, but I haven’t seen much African literature (whether it be because of language barrier, or I am just looking in the wrong place).  I found that the way the book was written (focusing on Umuofia as a whole rather than any one specific character) allowed the reader to understand the narrative from multiple perspectives.  If anyone has any book recommendations which provide an African view rather than a European or American one I would love to hear them! I am looking to expand my literary horizons.

Goodmorning Lovelies


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