#rest in peace

Rest in peace, Kentaro MiuraRest in peace, Kentaro MiuraRest in peace, Kentaro Miura

Rest in peace, Kentaro Miura

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rest in peace ram dass he was such an intelligent, old soul. i really wanted to meet him one day; i tried to win several meet and greet contests with him. i have artwork from a book he wrote tattooed on me :((((( i’m sure he’s fine and at peace but man i’m sad. rip to a great 1

RIPCharlie Watts

Mais um dos gigantes do Rock nos deixou hoje e como disse Joan Jett: “Ele foi o baterista mais elegante e digno do Rock n’ Roll, tocando exatamente o necessário, nem mais e nem menos”.

1941 - 2021.


No words can possibly express the sadness I’m feeling, knowing @qinni is no longer with us. It hurts so much to know one moment she’s here and another she’s gone, but I really hope wherever she is now, it’s in a better place than this.

For those who knew her, she was a huge inspiration, and she was one of the bravest and most talented people to inspire so many others.

Please remember her. Her name was Qing Han, and she will keep on living through her beautiful artwork.

Rest easy.

I truly wish I knew about her art sooner. It’s some of the most gorgeous pieces I’ve ever seen.

I really hope she knows how many people care about her, and will continue to care about her ❤️ Rest In Peace Qinni.❤️


I was unable to definitively find the artist who did this, however I would love to know.

Inktober Day 5: PH & RIP! - you know… typical Saturday.

Inktober Day 5: PH & RIP! - you know… typical Saturday.

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