

Thyn'a Sindyrl remembered well the day that she hired her first retainer. She was still early in her adventures, yet to become a hero, yet to become a Dragoon and only just becoming a part of the Scions. She’d moved to Gridania after falling in love with the Twelveswood, and put her mercenary life behind her to join the Lancer’s guild. She was still fresh-faced in many ways at this point in her journeys.

After rescuing a retainer that had been sent on an Ill-conceived venture, Thyn'a met with the Retainer Vocate in Old Gridania’s market place. Parnell, a buxom Midlander with dark hair and eyes, was very helpful in walking her through the process of hiring her first retainer. As an Adventurer, a retainer’s salary would be covered by the Adventurers’ Guild, and they would provide recompense should anything go awry, such as said retainer disappearing and making off with her things. Parnell asked Thyn'a a few questions about what she needed in a retainer, and was told to return the next day to meet with the candidate she would be matched with.

Thyn'a spent the next twenty-four hours excited and nervous to meet her new companion. She’d dressed up in her best clothes for the meeting, which wasn’t much as she was still a pretty obscure adventurer of little renown at the time. A plain hole-free smock, with a pair of her least worn leathers. She wasn’t sure if it mattered, but it was a sort of business meeting and she thought it best to make a good first impression.

Thyn’a entered the markets via the Shaded Bower, the room bustling with many a Disciple of Hand and Land trying to make an honest gil, and Adventurers combing the market board for good deals on gear and potions.

The Roegadyn’s long strides brought her across the room in less than ten steps, and as the counter came closer, Thyn'a couldn’t help but notice the Elezen man that held Parnell’s attention. Her eyes were immediately drawn to his, though he and Parnell had yet to notice her presence. His eyes were a piercing ice-blue, more pure than the snowy plains of Coerthas, a color that she was very fond of, they were focused but kind as they graced Parnell with his gaze. He was handsome, with sun-kissed skin, his hair almost the same color as her own, a warm red-brown not unlike terracotta. it was straight and looked soft as it bounced behind him, pulled back into a knotted ponytail. His outfit was the usual affair for retainers, a garish bright blue with red sleeves and collar. A matching bowtie was wrapped ‘round his elegant neck. Dark fitted slacks adorned his long legs, tucked into white socks and matching dark gaiters. Thyn’a thought the outfit was atrocious personally, but he somehow still looked good in it. Though she had yet to glean any of their conversation, she could tell from both of their open and friendly postures that the chat was a pleasant one, like two friends catching up.

As Thyn'a approached, finally Parnell’s eyes were drawn away from her company and the Midlander smiled as recognition lit her eyes.

“Miss Sindyrl, Perfect timing!” Parnell’s voice was full of enthusiasm. “This Gentleman is the retainer candidate that we’ve chosen for you - Faustigeant!” she gestured towards the Elezen man, allowing him to introduce himself.

As the man’s eyes finally met her’s, Thyn'a was greeted with a look of surprise, quickly followed by a kind smile. He had been seated on the counter, leaning over as he spoke with Parnell, but now he pushed to his feet, rising to his full height. He was half a head shorter than her, but his confident open posture made her feel smaller. It wasn’t very often that Thyn'a felt small.

“Madam Sindyrl, how excited I have been to get to meet you.” Faustigent swept into a grand bow, his hand scooping up hers as he lowered his head to place his lips gently on her knuckles. He didn’t blink once while addressing her, and though it was a stereotypically Elezen gesture, Thyn'a still found herself wide-eyed and blushing as if she was a young maiden and not a battle hardened warrior.

“Ah-” Thyn’a gaped like a fish as he righted himself, gingerly letting go of her hand with a knowing grin. “I’m sorry, Faustigeant was it?” Thyn’a looked between the Elezen man and Parnell to confirm that she had gotten his name correctly, and when they both nodded she swooped into a polite bow of her own, hands folded in front of her as she did her best to stay calm and collected. “It’s very nice to meet you, Faustigeant.” she added quickly.

“Had Parnell told me I was to be employed by such a charming young lady, I might have just taken the job without pay.” Faustigeant chuckled, looking back at the Midlander, his gloved fingers thrumming along the counters’ hard top.

‘Young… Lady???’ Thought’s reeling, Thyn’a could feel the heat creeping across her face as she stood there unable to find any words. It wasn’t often she was flattered so much.

Parnell without missing a beat scoffed and retorted “You say that as if you’re sure Miss Sindyrl will want your services.” The Midlander raised a brow looking Faustigeant up and down as if she was sizing him up.

“Parnell you wound me. Have you no confidence in my skill as a retainer?” Faustigeant feigned hurt, a hand over his heart to emphasize the pain.

“O-oh! Of course I’m sure he’ll be a great retainer, I would be honored to have him in my service!” Thyn’a stepped forward closer to the desk, the disingenuity of his act completely lost on her as she spoke to Parnell. Both Parnell and Faustigeant paused in their bickering, seemingly shocked at the earnestness of her words. Silence followed between them for a moment, though they were still surrounded by the sounds of the market, crafters banging and clanging away at their inventions. Thyn’a, as invested in the moment as she was, could only hear her steady breaths and the sound of her fluttering heart.

Faustigeant’s face bloomed into a grin that Thyn’a couldn’t quite read and he once again moved close to her, searching her face for something before he spoke again

“I shall carry out milady’s wishes to the best of my ability.” It was a vow, spoken with such conviction Thyn’a felt as if she were a Queen being honored by her knight.

Thyn’a knew then very much that she’d had a crush on this man that she’d barely just met.

Parnell had quickly assured Thyn’a that she didn’t have to settle on the decision right then, and offered for them to chat a bit before signing the contract. Though Thyn’a was sure in her decision in the moment, she allowed herself to be whisked off by Faustigeant for a drink at The Roost, where they properly sat to discuss things.

Thyn’a found that Faustigeant was a polite man, while very flirtatious, he was also very professional. He had a good read of people and wouldn’t allow for his teasing to cross any boundaries. Faustigeant bought himself a strong ale, and Thyn’a a cup of tea, at her request, and they found themselves chatting well into the evening.

Thyn’a learned much about him that night. He was a Duskwight, though he managed to fly under the radar of discrimination as he didn’t look unlike most of Wildwood blood. He was born under the boughs of the Twelves’ Wood, though he lost what little family he had to the Calamity. Before becoming a retainer he was a caretaker at the Treespeak stables, so he was very good with chocobos and could assist her with her own as she was still getting the hang of caring for her feathered steed.

To her surprise Thyn’a found that he was also a Lancer, much like herself. he took up the lance as a means of protecting his beloved City-state, though he stopped short of becoming a Wood Wailer, or joining the Twin Adders as he didn’t feel he was serious enough for the conscripted life of a soldier. Being a retainer allowed him a much less rigid life, and he looked forward to traveling alongside her and being able to be of service to someone that was willing to also fight for his homeland.

It was well into the evening before they realized the time, and Faustigeant offered to allow her to retire to her room at the inn, but as it was not yet so late that the Retainer Vocate would be closed she insisted that they go finish their paperwork to make the partnership official.
