#richie tozier smut


sharing • richie tozier & bill denbrough

(richie tozier x reader x bill denbrough smut)

requested: Hey. This sounds really weird, but I was wondering if you would write a threesome smut with Bill Denbrough x fem!reader x Richie Tozier. I was kinda thinking it could be about how they both fell in love with the reader and are trying to both impress and flirt with the reader. Btw… I love your work!

warnings: drinking, fem! reader, use of the word “girl” once i think, pining, drinking games, threesome smut, oral (m receiving), a bit of gagging, choking, spit stuff, some degradation, praise, threesome!, smoking i think, pining, CAMP COUNSELOR AU!

this has been sitting in my drafts for so long. i finally got motivation to finish it so pls lmk what u think! i made it a lil diff from the request but i hope u love it :)

HUGE shoutout to clueless for the suck and blow game i literally used to play this so much in hs its so dumb <33

[losers + reader are 21+]

8.2k words LOL

the wind nips at your nose and cheeks as you step out of your shared cabin. 

the side of the mountain across the lake is painted with reds, oranges, browns and yellows, a beautiful contrast to the bright cerulean blue of the lake. it’s cold this morning, but you know by afternoon it’ll be in the 80’s. the dried needles crunch under your feet as you leave your cabin, the birds chirping early and singing to you as your legs carry you to the dining hall. it’s early enough that most of the kids are still sleeping - and today you’re on music room duty with bill and ella, so you had to get up early anyways. 

up here, in the mountainous wilderness as the leaves change, the air is cold but not freezing. up here, where you can roast marshmallows and drink cider until you feel ill, you feel content.  

this camp is where you have spent the better majority of your fall breaks since you were young. and now, you’re here for three months during your gap semester to be a counselor along with about ten other people your age. being twenty-one and a camp counselor at the place that basically raised you is odd. but, in all honesty, it’s even more fun to be here after you aged out, now with a smaller group of people your age, more freedom, and authority. 

you get to share these woods and this wilderness, your perfect piece of the world, with these kids. 

“y/n,” a voice calls. your stomach flips and you smile as you crane your head, “richie.” you breathe. you nod at him as the boy joins your side, walking with you towards the hall. 

this isn’t your first time seeing richie since you all arrived several weeks ago - but you once again notice how his hair’s longer this year, a curly mop of hair that shines in the autumn sun and contrasts his freckled skin in a way that is so distinct it can only be him. you can’t help but notice his freckles and his smirk, sculpted cheekbones and pearly smile. 

you sigh, thinking back to then when you’d arrived hoping that maybe this would be the season where you finally got over your stupid schoolgirl crush on richie. 

“you have a good summer?” he asks, smile bright, cheeks red from the cold. just his attention makes you feel weak - ever since you were in high school, barely 17, you’ve had a stupid crush on him; his flirtiness, his leadership, his aloofness, his care for you. you’re nodding, “y-yeah, i did. did you? you look tanner than usual." 

his dimples are very faint, and his eyes are piercing as he watches you, "not sayin’ much, darling, i still look like a sheet of paper. but you could say i spent some time outside. great summer.” you both come up to the corkboard on the entrance to the hall, where it lists the stations open and activites for the day: your name listed under music, richie’s under rope course. 

“stuck with bill today, i see.” richie teases. you huff a laugh, nodding and rubbing your eye. stuck, yeah. richie laughs at your expression, holding the door open for you to walk in, “don’t drool on your shirt, y/n.” he teases. 

you flip him off.

bill denbrough… golden boy of the camp; everyone loves him. your mom loves him. 

you’re pretty sure you do, too. 

bill, like richie, has been coming to this camp for just as long as you; the two of them are best friends, grew up with stan and beverly and eddie and ben and mike all in the same town. in fact, the two of them used to be very close with you when you were campers, but after a few autumns away from camp when you’d moved states, you’d lost touch with them. 

then, a few years ago after you got to the end of high school and moved back for college, you came back as a counselor to find that they had both learned how to dress, richie learned how to properly style his hair, and matured - bill plays baseball for their college team, richie the announcer for home games - and after last fall you’ve discovered that they’re both basically irresistible in your eyes. 

and, as much as they tease you, they both still just see you as a friend. 

so it’s bad enough that you have a crush on both of them, but when your muddled mind allows both their faces to slip in to your fantasies at the same time while you’re dreaming with your hand down your shorts in the middle of the night, it makes this whole situation much more painful. 

“-hey, you know we’re having a bonfire tonight?” richie asks, raising his eyes to you. you snap back to him, raising your brows. “you’ll be there, right?” he asks hopefully as he pours himself some apple juice and tea. 

you groan, pretending to not want to. richie’s scooping the last of the hashbrowns from the first morning helping onto his plate and you whine, nudging his arm, “leave some for me, god.” you protest. 

he looks at you, “tell me you’ll be there tonight and i’ll give you some.” he says with a boyish smile, causing your legs to weaken. but you roll your eyes, “you never were good at sharing, tozier.” you mutter. 

he raises his brows, staring at your face and making you feel bare, “i’m great at sharing, y/n. just ask bill.” he says with a wink. your stomach flips, “i don’t even want toknow what you mean by that.” yes you do.

sighing, hoping to avoid his teasing remarks about you and his roommate, you walk towards the other side of the breakfast bar, trying not to grin as you hear him follow.

“y/nnnnn…” richie says, dragging out your name, slinking up to you as you pour some oatmeal into a bowl, sprinkling it with cinnamon. he tucks some hair behind your ear, breath hitting your neck. you feel goosebumps spread over the area, reaching your arms. “please?” he whispers into your ear. 

you shiver, shoving him away from you as you feel your face heat up. he’s always been so charming, and he knows it. “no way in hell am i going after that.” you state, shaking your head as richie laughs, holding his stomach.  “you’re such a flirt.” you say, the smile on your face betraying your words. 

“sorry, you just bring it out of me." 

you roll your eyes at that; ”everyone brings it out of you.“ you mutter under your breath. he tosses a grape at you in rebuttal. 

you obviously were going to go. since this is a sleepaway camp for kids, it was honestly rare that you got to hang out and do normal young adult stuff, given that the nearest liquor store was twenty miles away and the only person at the camp with a fake (up until this year, where almost all of you are legal age) was bill, who you couldn’t even spend more than five minutes with alone before turning into a blushing puddle of giggling shyness. 

"bill will be there. maybe you can finally make a move.” richie winks again.

you narrow your eyes at him, watching his lips as they shape into a teasing smirk. “what if i don’t want to make a move?” you ask, even though you both know that you do. it’s not a secret to any of the camp counselors - or even the owners for that matter, a couple in their 50’s - that you harbor a huge crush on bill. 

richie just hums, “see you there, y/n.” he says as he passes you, making his way to the end of the dining hall where most of the other counselors sit. 

the day passes with ease and before long it’s ten-ish and you and ella, your roommate, are at the bonfire with the other counselors. 

it’s really fun, as it usually is, especially now that you’ve decided you’re not going to let your stupid fear of richie and bill finding out your dirty secret ruin your fun at camp this fall, especially not tonight, because as you get more and more drinks in the more you start to find everyone really, really hot, and find yourself more and more flirty. 

you’re all settled in a circle after a rough game of two truths and a lie where beverly and eddie both tied for last place and had to drink nearly every single round, and mike’s protest of ‘not drinking enough’ during the game had people bouncing around ideas for ways to get more drunk. 

but the next game suggested is even more juvenile.

“-suck and blow?,” you state incredulously, “seems like a game that’ll catch a case of some disease.” you mutter, shaking your head. “you don’t know how it works?” ella asks, cheeks rosy from where she sits across the fire, and you smile, shrugging. “we don’t play stupid games like this where i’m from.” you joke. 

ella snorts. "you live twenty minutes from me. we went to the same high school.“ 

”-are we going to play or not?“ eddie asks, his cheeks pink. you’re not sure if it’s from the heat of the fire or the mulled wine that he’s sipping on, but you nod, finish your cup, and get up, moving to refill it with the spiked apple cider from the jug. it's steaming warm and keeping your fingers from losing feeling. "fine, fine. not like i can stop you guys, and i’m not one to back down from competition.” you sigh.

richie grins from his seat on the left of you and stops shuffling the deck of cards in his hands, fanning them to you. “pick one then, princess.” he says, the other counselors laughing. you roll your eyes, pulling out the ace of spades, grinning proudly as you show it off. “now what do i do?” you ask. richie takes the card from your hand, “you hold it to your lips, suck the air out so it stays, and have to pass it to the person on your left without it falling.” the others are talking amongst themselves, besides you and one other counselor who hasn’t played, steven. “if it falls, then you have to take a shot and do a dare." 

you blink, shrugging, "easy enough.” and then richie starts, passing the card easily to eddie who is next to him, eddie fumbling it to the girl next to him, a new counselor, and she passes it on. you watch, sipping on your drink as the card makes its way from person to person, across the circle of at least seven of the twelve of you, and you briefly wonder how eddie did this so well even with all the…germs. but then the card drops as steven loses suction on it, and everyone whoops and hollers. you laugh as he takes a shot with an eye roll, “this is stupid,” he says as he winces from the tequila. 

it’s decided steven has to skinny dip in the lake, and so he runs off with a middle finger in the air, dropping his underwear once he’s all the way on the edge of the dock and then diving into the water quickly. you’re all laughing, and bev picks up the card and claims that once steven’s back, he has to try again. 

luckily he’s back soaking wet and smirking after only about a minute, and on his next try with the card it’s successfully passed to bev. but then you’re panicking, heart thumping as you realize that bill is to your right, joking with one of the other counselors, beer in his hand as the other one taps a rhythm on his leg. your heartbeat starts to pound. 

but oh god, you’re gonna have to be so close to bill for this, oh, god, this is going to be so embarrassing, what if you sneeze? you sneak a peek at richie, who watches you lazily with a smirk lit up by the bonfire in front of you, and then your mouth dries because holy shit you’re going to have to pass the card to him after, too - oh shit. shit. 

but soon you don’t have time to think because bill’s got the card against his lips, eyes bright and big and beautiful and jesus he’s leaning in so you do too. 

the presence of his hand falling to stable himself on the back of the log, right behind you, warms you as your eyes close so you don’t have to stare at his beautiful face because you’re literally so close to him and you’re kind of about to be sick with desire - 
and then you feel a light, light weight hit your legs and you feel the card press against your lips, but it’s not a card and so your eyes open in shock as you register another pair of lips on yours. 

people are cat-calling and laughing just as you kiss back, shocked at bill’s soft, warm lips and the smile you feel through them as he leans further into you, his lips steady against yours until he pulls back. 

“well jesus, save some for us, denbrough.” stan drawls blandly from across the fire, sending the others into a laughing fit. even bill chuckles a bit when you finally make eye contact. his cheeks are bright red and he grins bashfully, “oops.” he says, eyes searching yours as a smile grows on your face and you let out a laugh, still utterly shocked. you shift, tingles running through your body. 


then bev’s handing both of you shots, and you protest at first but give in once eddie makes the argument that the card did, for a millisecond, touch your lips and that you both dropped it. so you take your shot and gag a bit as the fire follows it down to your gut, glad you haven’t had enough to drink and that you still feel fine. 

bill’s still blushing and it’s probably the cutest thing you’ve ever seen in your life as he smiles down at his shoes, converses tracing small swirls in the dirt as the others debate an adequate dare for the two of you. 

after some quarreling, ella declares that you and bill have to walk all the way to the head counselors’ cabin, which is a good ten minute’s walk through the woods, and bring back a souvenir to prove it. they’re a married couple who are in their late fifties, and they’re so fun and kind that you see them as moms rather than bosses, but you groan at the task. “come on, that’s such a long walk." 

"good thing you’ll have company.” richie says, winking at you. you flush hot again and look up as bill stands, shrugging, “let’s go, y/n. unless you’d rather we go skinny dipping like steven?"  he gestures to steven, who smirks at you and raises his glass, though he's shivering and pale as a ghost.  

you roll your eyes and take bill's hand as you stand, letting him guide you away from the group of teens sending you knowing looks and muttering suggestive things to you as you pass. 

it’s quiet for a few seconds as you and bill make your way to the woods, your bodies close enough to feel each other every few paces. "at least the moon is bright. we can actually see where we’re going.” you say, eyeing a patch of mushrooms and remembering that time when you were a few years younger and bill and richie thought they were psilocybin. 

“god, remember when richie thought those were shrooms? and he and i ate them and were sick for like a week.” he mutters, pointing to the patch, and you let out a laugh, “i was just thinking about that,” you say honestly, eyes meeting his. 

he raises a brow teasingly, “oh, you were thinking about me?” luckily his charm doesn’t completely turn you onto your ass this time, and you fight back with a smile, “yeah, thinking about how stupid you are." 

his jaw drops at that and his eyes are wide, "oh, i’ll show you stupid,” he says mischievously and then you’re taking off, trying to run away as bill reaches out to swipe at you, a loud shriek of laughter escaping your lips as you narrowly escape his prying fingers. he chases after you, catching up to you easily and sweeping you off your feet quickly, making you howl as he starts to tickle you. 

“bill, stop!” you laugh, heaving breaths as his fingers roam all over your stomach. your hands try to grab his, your laughter winding you as he smiles at you. your stomach is filled with butterflies. 

you flail in his arms and then he’s setting you down, hand falling to your shoulder to nudge you back against the bark of a tree, causing your heart to skip. the forwardness of this action has your breath heaving, throat dry at his boldness. your legs feel weak, and the way he nudges you against the bark makes heat pool at the apex of your thighs. 

and then you let him gently come closer to you, your eyes watching him as he nears you, suddenly feeling very hot at his proximity.

“hey,” he starts, his own breath slightly winded from the run, “i can’t help it that you’ve got a great laugh.” he says, hands caught in yours as you breathe him in. “plus, what else are we supposed to do since we have to do this dare - which is your fault, by the way." 

your eyes widen and you smirk, "oh, that was my fault, was it? well, i’m sorry, but i’m pretty sure you let the card fall, bill.” you say, and he laughs, “maybe.” he admits, hand lightly tracing your hip. his touch makes you jolt slightly towards, shocked and inadvertently grinding on him, finding him already half-hard. his breathing hitches at your movement. 

 you bite your lip, flushed and embarrassingly very turned on, “sorry, th-that was… i didn’t mean to." 

bill raises his brows, eyes still hooded, the tension thick in the air. "oh, really?” you bite your lip, leaning forward enough that your lips ghost his as you whisper, “i was just not expecting…this.”

his brows raise, “really? you didn’t expect it at all? haven’t i been laying it on pretty thick the last few weeks?" 

you flush, shrugging, "i mean… not so suddenly." 

then you fall back onto your feet and he hums, leaning on the arm that was balanced against the tree above your head. "that’s just an excuse.” he mutters, eyes on your lips.

he’s so close to you, and you can’t help yourself as you lick your lips. "an excuse like the card falling?“ you ask. he hums lowly and you swear your heart stops and you feel yourself heat up again, biting your lip as you release his hands, one of yours falling instinctively to his chest as you look up at him. "yeah,” he whispers, “something like that." 

it’s you who closes the distance, your lips finding his this time with intention and fervor. your stomach flutters with butterflies as his hands finding purchase on your hips, one sliding to your cheek. his lips taste like beer and some of the warm spiced wine, a flavor so sweet and enticing that you let his tongue swipe your bottom lip, pressing as close as you can to him. you sigh as his tongue slips into your mouth because god, you’ve wanted him for so long. 

he groans to himself as his fingers slowly slide to graze over the clothed apex of your thighs, his smile against your lips evident when you buck into his hand. his fingers graze the button to your pants, and you take initiative, desperate to feel him against you; you’re aching. 

his hand unzips your pants, hand sliding in to rub you over your panties, feeling how damp you are. “you’re a dream, y/n.” he whispers into your hair, breath hot against your neck, rubbing his pointer finger against your clothed clit, making you bite back a strangled moan.

he’s kissing your neck, making you break out in shivers at the feeling of his lips on you. “bill,” you gasp, sounding choked and just as desperate as you feel. he smirks against your neck. the feeling is euphoric, half because of the alcohol making your senses that much more heightened, and half because as much as you aren’t willing to admit this out loud, you’ve dreamed about this for years. 

his hand slips out of your pants and then he’s muttering, “open up.” softly, pulling your hair away from your face in a way that briefly reminds you of richie earlier today.

then bill’s tapping his fingers against your lips. you oblige eagerly and he smiles lightly, slipping his fingers into your mouth. he watches you intently as you suck on his long fingers, your tongue swirling around them. his fingers are cold in your mouth, and as he slides them out after a few moments he kisses you soundly. 

“be quiet, okay?” he whispers into your ear as he swirls his fingers through your slick folds, teasing your clit and making you grip his shoulders tight.

"we’re in the middle of the woods,” you start, “i don’t think anyone is going to-” you’re cut off by the feeling of bill slowly, shallowly, slipping one finger inside of you. you gasp at the sensation and the angle as you’re stood, bill in front of you gently pushing your back into the tree. 

you tilt your head back, moaning as he starts to pump slowly, picking up the pace after a few shallow movements of his fingers. his lips graze your neck, and then a soft, “what were you saying?” falls from his mouth, into the shell of your ear. 

you’re writhing once he ads a second finger and you have to grip his arm, sighing in pleasure. his fingers are warm inside you now, the cool of his skin brushing against your clit making your legs weak. he’s muttering dirty things in your ear and you can’t help but clench in pleasure as he rubs your clit with his thumb, kissing up the column on your throat. “wanted to touch you for so long, y/n, every fucking day.” he says lowly. 

as he’s fucking you with his fingers, your hand snakes down his chest and to his pants, palming his half-hard on, causing his to pull back and grin, and be it a moment of weakness or genuine desperation for bill to push you to the edge - you whimper, “i’ve wanted you for p-probably longer." 

he changes angles of his fingers, hooking them slightly after he hears your words, his other hand palming your chest over your sweater before slipping under. “so fucking beautiful.” he mutters into your ear, pressing a kiss to your neck as his bare hands leave trails of goosebumps over your bare skin, your legs getting weaker as you near your orgasm. you can’t help the gasps and pants that leave your lips; you’re embarrassed how quick he’s coaxing it out of you, but after the stunt at the firepit and how long it’s been since you had any kind of real pleasure, you’re not surprised. 

you moan as he’s curling his fingers and hitting the perfect spot inside you, making you clentch your legs inadvertently. he tuts, pulling your legs back open and rubbing your clit harshly. “you gonna cum on my fingers, princess?” he asks, pulling your jaw you you’re staring into each other’s eyes.

the words immediately make you think of richie, how he’d called you that, and how condescendingly bill had just said it. you wonder, briefly, if there was some kind of competition between the two roommates. of course, that couldn’t be right. richie always teases you about bill, you’ve basically accepted that he doesn’t see you in that way. 

still, the thought of the two competing for you pushed you right to the edge, pleasure coursing through your abdomen and making you cup bill’s jaw. 

you nod, words failing you as you whimper and gasp a weak yes. his fingers move into you expertly, deftly and roughly and you want to scream in pleasure. “bill,” you whisper as you almost hit your peak, but then he’s pulling his fingers out and away from you, causing a gasp to leave your mouth in shock and loss. 

"not right now, you’re not.” he whispers, kissing your cheek. as your foggy eyes clear up, you see his own eyes, dark and mischievous as usual, his mouth parted in lust, breath hitting your lips. he’s zipping your pants back up; then you watch with a lilt in your heartbeat as he lifts his hand, sucking your juices off his long fingers. you feel weak, shocked, confused - “bill?” your voice sounds ragged and you’re embarrassed. 

he looks at you as if it’s obvious, “if you’re going to cum tonight, i’d like for it to be around my cock." 

it’s silent as you stare at him for a moment, sure you’ve died and gone to heaven. you feel your throat dry, but you tilt your head, any offer to fuck bill you’ll take, even if it means enduring some teasing. 


so then he kisses you languidly before pulling away with a wry grin. “would you look at that, we’re at marie and mia’s cabin.” he announces casually, readjusting his pants and pulling his hoodie lower, jutting his head towards the woods behind you. 

“bill, we’re still like five minutes away from their place-” you say, but he’s picking up a pinecone from the ground, “-look, can’t believe we got this from their tree and they didn’t notice.” he insists, giving you a look. you sigh with a smile, “oh.” you say quietly, face feeling hot. you’re on shaky legs as you follow bill back towards the campfire, stomach flipping as your mind reels. 

did that just happen?

when you make it back to the campfire, the others start hollering and hooting when you appear, having been playing a game of medusa while awaiting your return. bill presents the pinecone with a middle finger and a smile, you standing almost shyly behind him before you find your seats. 

“that could just be any old pinecone.” stan argues, smirking. you shake your head as bill rolls his eyes, always ready with a sharp rebuttal: “what the hell else would have taken us that long, stan?" 

ten pairs of eyes stare at you and bill, and you feel your face set on fire, the silence settling as they all look at each other, knowingly. "whatever. you guys are disgusting, let’s finish the game.” you say, concealing your grin as bill laughs beside you. the others murmur and as you both lean down to grab your drinks from the ground, bill whispers in your ear, “they have no idea,” in a cocky voice. you lean back, taking in his teasing look, and you nudge his shoulder. “fuck off and just play the game, denbrough.” you hiss, biting back your grin. 

it was a few hours before people started going their separate ways, retiring to their cabins or going to see if there’s a way to break into the kitchens. mike’s had a bit too much to drink tonight and much to your chagrin, bill agrees to take mike back to his cabin, so you’re left with a burning feeling of desire and soaking underwear at the bonfire. 

you’re not drunk at all, barely feeling anything more than a slight buzz, so you pout around near the campfire, drawing in the dirt with a stick while you try to get bill off your mind.

“what’re you doing down there by yourself?" 

that’ll do it. 

you look up with a smile to richie, relieved to hear his voice - perfect distraction. "waiting for you to come take me wherever you’re going, i guess.” you say, blinking flirtily at him. he raises one brow, cracking a smile that accentuates his dimples in the dying fire, “afraid to say i’m just going back to my cabin. got some vodka there that i gotta finish off before room checks tomorrow.”

you tilt your head, “need help topping it off?" 

"i’ll never say no to you, y/n.” richie says, pulling you up to his height and wrapping an arm around your neck as you wave good-bye to the others. 

bill and richie’s cabin looks basically the same as yours and ella’s but with more trash, a guitar, two skateboards, and clothes strewn about. richie flips on the switch, a lamp in the far corner near their couch barely flickering to illuminate the room. “cozy.” you mutter, winking at him when he runs a hand through his hair. “bill and i broke the other one with a frisbee.” he admits, blushing. you roll your eyes, sitting next to him as he slides out a small handle of lemon vodka from under the couch. 

“you don’t really need me to help you with that.” you say, regarding the amount left - there couldn’t be more than four shots left sloshing in the bottom. he smirks, “maybe i just wanted to get you back to my room." 

you give him a look, which he returns, challenging you to argue with him. something in your stomach flips and you clear you gesture to the bottle, "why do i feel like you drank this all yourself?" 

richie laughs, taking the bottle from you, "i told you i’m good at sharing princess, why don’t you believe me?” you hum, “well i’ll believe it when i see it.” you mutter, ignoring the heat pooling in your seat again at the nickname. 

the two of you finish the bottle easily and then you’re sitting with warm cheeks watching richie as he swallows the last drop. “well, i can’t go back yet.” you say, shaking your head with a groan. richie raises his brows, “and why’s that?” he’s leaning back against the couch, having taken off his sweatshirt minutes ago. 

“ella took stan back to our cabin.” you say, grinning at richie's reaction, “good for him.” he hums. you snort, “yeah, good for her.

"stan does it for you, does he?” he says, and you try to detect a hint of jealousy in his voice, feeling disappointed when you come up empty. damn richie and his nonchalant attitude. “no,” you sigh, “but at least she’s getting somethingtonight.”

richie smirks and sits up slightly, “you know you usually get things that you want by asking, y/n.” he says lowly, eyes running over your figure. “what makes you think i want something?” you say, equally as quiet, finding yourself leaning towards him subconsciously. 

“i know you,” richie whispers, eyes low, voice even as you feel your heart thump against your chest. “why else would you come back with me?" 

"maybe because i wanted more alcohol.” you argue, and richie’s grinning, humming as if deciding something for himself, and it kind of drives you crazy as he leans back against the couch, his smirk all-knowing and punchable. kissable. 

fuck it. 

“maybe it’s because your douchebag roommate couldn’t make me cum tonight.” you say, thankful for the bit of liquid courage that let you admit this but still let you have the clarity to make decisions you’d make 100% sober. 

“couldn’t or wouldn’t?” richie says, having nearly no reaction to your words. he’s looking at you with dark, dark eyes, amusement and lust painted onto his expression. you press your thighs together to relieve some of the pleasure you desire to feel. 

you swallow, throat dry as you stare at him, at a loss for words. god, it’s like he knows. 

“does that matter? same outcome.” you snap, suddenly embarrassed, flustered, turned on. richie’s biting his lip, eyes raking your form and making your heart flutter in desire. “poor y/n,” richie says in mock, “didn’t get to cum." 

you flip richie off, moving to stand up, unsure why you’re staying here after embarrassing yourself like this. 

"c'mere, i can make you cum.” richie says, as if he’s telling you the date or offering you a piece of gum. “if you say please." 

"get bent, tozier.” you say, “as if you could." 

he shrugs, not taking your bait, making you work for it. it’s silent as you stare at each other, slowly gravitating closer until you’re almost touching noses. "it’s just a word, y/n." 
"fuck you, richie.” you whisper against his lips, but then you kiss him, lips pushing against his fervently, the kiss heating up quickly. his hands are very warm against you, tugging you closer as one tangles into your hair. your hands spread over his chest, splaying over his shoulders and feeling the lean muscles as one hand drops to squeeze your ass, hitching your leg up. 

“be my guest, princess.” he says, teeth nipping your lip as he pulls away, his breath hot and hinting of lemon. with that, you’re shoving his shoulders so he falls onto the couch, his hair fanning out as he looks up at you. you climb onto his lap, aching as you tentatively grind your hips against his, feeling his large bulge strain against the fabric between you. the feeling sends jolts straight through to your core and making you shiver. “so pretty like this,” richie mutters, his hands finding purchase on your hips and guiding them as they slide against his, both of you moaning lightly. “my pretty y/n, just wants someone to make her cum." 

if you weren’t so fucking needy in the moment, you would have slapped him across the cheek; instead you snake your hand into his hair and tug on some curls, causing his throat to be exposed. you nip a few times as you kiss the expanse of his neck, rocking against him and so needy you would do just about anything. your mind flashes to bill’s fingers inside you earlier, how close you were before he slipped away. 

"please fuck me richie,” you say, not caring how desperate you sound; if bill won’t, maybe richie will. he grins that stupid boyish grin and his fingers deftly pull your sweater off, groaning at your bare chest, the air still cold enough to make your nipples harden at the exposure. 

“take off your underwear.” he mutters and you climb off him with shaky legs, the commanding tone in his voice shocking and making you shiver. he’s pulled off his boxers, his cock springing up, hard and leaking with precum, against his stomach. you whine and he smirks, tugging you back onto his lap and guiding you back to your position. you’re soaking and it’s obvious as it slowly coats richie’s dick and your thighs, rocking your hips and jolting in pleasure every time the tip of him nudges and slides on your clit. 

“god, such a pretty cunt, so needy for me, hm?” he asks, soothing your hair as his eyes stay on you. “i need you, richie.” you gasp, honest as you bite your lip. he’s eager, you can tell; his eyes are blown wide, hair messed, and lips cherry red and bitten in lust. he’s guiding you up to your knees, straddling him, as he runs his tip through your slick folds. you take himself from his hand and guide him to your entrance, staring into his eyes as you let yourself sink down onto him slowly, making you mewl. he’s halfway in when you stop, his size making your legs shake, a full feeling filling you up. “you feel so fucking good, y/n.” he mutters, hands roaming over your bare chest. 

you start to move your hips, and then you slide the rest of the way down and richie lets out a moan, hand finding your hair and tugging, exposing your neck. your toes curl as you look down, watching as he starts to thrust into you, setting a pace. 

“tell me, y/n,” he mumbles as you fall onto his chest, his hands splaying across your bare back before rocking his hips up. you let out a low moan. “do you think of me?" 

you are about to nod, but he continues, "or are you thinking of bill?” your heart stops and you still your hips, leaning back. “what?” you choke out, and richie’s hand caresses your jaw, a soft grin on his face. “or are you thinking of us both?" 

you feel your face heat up, "i…” he tuts, tapping your cheek and slowly guiding you back to moving your hips down on him, “you know, i’m pretty close with your roommate… and she knows things about you. like the things you want…” he pulls you closer, kissing and nipping your earlobe, “things you fantasize about." 

god damn ella. you wish you could kill her right now. 

"sounds like-” you break off with a gasp of pleasure as richie pinches your nipple, “sounds like your own fantasy, richie." 

"i think we’ve all thought about it, princess,” he hums, “i know for a fact that bill would love to share-" 

your hand shoots to his throat, stopping him from finishing his sentence as you squeeze. "don’t joke with me about that.” you state. he just smirks, his own hand finding purchase on your throat and pulling you close to him, squeezing and making your own grip loosen on him; “i’m not messin’ around, doll. just saying, if you ever want two…" 

you can’t help as you thrust your hips against his harder at the thought, his cock pushing against your walls and pleasure coursing through you. he pulls you to his mouth, whispering against your lips, "you know which cabin to go to." 

and then he lets go of your throat and yours slides down to his chest, a gasp and a smile from you. holy shit, maybe they would both want to hook up with you. 

"now do you think you're ready to cum?” he asks, cocking his head. you hum, kissing him harshly, “please, richie.” he sits up slightly, with him still inside you, and then starts kissing down the column of your neck, 

“well shit.” a voice sounds in the room, and your head snaps to the door, where bill stands with his shirt in his hand, bare-chested, jaw slack, eyes trained on your bare chest. 

“b-bill.” you mutter, shocked and embarrassed, hands raising to cover your breasts. richie’s smirking, but he does pull the blanket over your body. you almost wish he hadn’t. 

“hi, billy. what’s with the shirt?” richie asks casually. bill’s staring at you, eyes not leaving. he looks… hungry. his jaw clenched, cheeks red, lip bitten between pearly white teeth. 

“mike… got vomit on it.” he drops the shirt, walking closer. “you look nice.” he says to you boldly, eyes raking over you as if trying to remember the sight of you riding richie when he’d walked in. you smile, heart thundering, eyes flittering down to the bulge in his pants, feet from your face. butterflies flutter in your stomach. 

“s-so do you.” you squeak out, causing richie to stifle a chuckle. your face heats up again, trying not to show as richie slowly starts to move his hips under the blanket, his cock hitting perfectly inside you. you squirm slightly. 

“i’ll just-” bill gestures to the door, muscles in his abdomen flexing, “i’ll just go." 

"no!” you shoot out, on a limb, the pure desire doing the talking for you. bill stares, brows raised. a smirk creeps onto both of the boys’ faces. “i want you to stay.” you admit. 

“bill, what do you think?” richie pipes up, and bill’s smirking, walking towards you and kneeling on the ground, eye-level with you as you still straddle richie, his cock deep inside you. “can we share for a night?" 

"do you want us to share you, y/n?” bill whispers, teasing look on his face. you’re burning with desire, not even realizing that you’re moving against richie for relief. “yes, please, bill.” you gasp as richie starts to thrust up into you again. 

“good girl,” he says, pulling the blanket from your shoulders, his hand cupping your jaw and kissing you languidly, strongly; you moan into it, inhaling sharply as a hand falls to toy with your clit as you move yourself on richie. 

richie’s large hand smoothes over your belly, smirking, “why don’t you be a good girl as suck him off, okay princess?" 

you swallow dryly, nodding you you turn your head. bill rises, palming himself before pulling off his pants and boxers, his cock hard in his hand. you try to keep your legs bouncing on richie as he fills you up perfectly, but your legs shake in pleasure and you distract yourself by kissing bill’s tip, smearing the precum. 

you flatten your tongue along the bottom of his cock, loving the sound of his groan as you take him into your mouth, sliding a bit before bobbing. the quiet groan he lets out as you take him as far as you can is sinful. bobbing your head, you hollow your cheeks and relish in the feeling of bill’s cock in your throat, stretching you out and making you moan around him as richie fulls you out and stretches your pussy. 

"our pretty little slut,” bill mutters, hand tangling in your hair as you try to hold yourself still with him all the way down your throat, as far as you can take him. “doing anything we say, just willing to be our plaything." 

richie grabs your hips, lifting you slightly and thrusting up hard, setting a rough pace that has you pulling away from bill and gasping, the feeling causing your eyes to roll back. bill’s hand is moving from caressing your jaw to holding the back of your head, carding through your hair. "keep going.” he says, his hand guiding your head as you suck him off, eager to make him feel good. “so good, look at you." 

but then, you feel yourself start to near the edge again, clenching tight in pleasure and breath stuttering as you gag around bill’s cock, richie’s thumb furiously massaging your clit. 

"aw, she’s already going to cum.” richie says condescendingly, making your stomach flip in desire. "uh, uh.“ bill tuts as he pulls himself from your mouth, a trail of spit trailing from your lips. you gulp, breathing heavily as richie pulls out of you, leaving you burning with desire and an empty feeling. "why?” you mutter smallly, and bill hums, “i said if you were going to cum tonight, it’d be when i was inside you, remember?" 

you shiver, aching to finally feel bill inside you. "c'mere, up.” he orders, and you climb off richie and on shaky legs, get on your hands and knees. richie gets up, and bill mumbles, “taste yourself on richie. tell him how good you taste." 

and then richie’s cock is laying heavy on your tongue, hands and knees on the couch, and your legs shake as they close, desperate for some kind of release.

but then, bill spreading your legs behind you and tutting, one hand falling to slap your ass. you jolt, a moan leaving you as you lean to start to suck richie off, slit already dripping down your neck and now onto the couch. "tell him how good you taste." 

you pull off of his cock, gasping, "i taste- i taste so good, rich.” you mutter, feeling hot. richie soothes your hair, “i know, pretty girl.” and then he guides you back down, his length seeping into your mouth and making you gag slightly. 

your legs start to close a bit and bill again tuts, opening them back up and kissing your inner thighs. he then spits, causing you to jolt again at the feeling, your stomach swirling with ecstasy. 

“look at that puffy pussy.” he says, relishing in your reaction as your cheeks heat and you let out another moan around richie’s length, obeying him as your eyes close and open in bliss. you feel his hard length against you and you rock back, desperate for release. "so needy.“ bill mutters, and then with little to no warning he's pushing into you fully, one hand falling to slap your ass again. 

tears prick at your eyes at the feeling of him fully stretching you out, going deeper than you expected. you hold onto the couch in fists, eagerly sucking richie off and looking up at him with pleading eyes. as bill starts thrusting rough into you, his hand falls to your hips.

“look at those puppy eyes, so desperate.” richie tuts, hand falling to your cheek and feeling himself in your mouth. he moans, “tell me, how long have you had a crush on bill, hm?”

you know your cheeks are nearly on fire now, whimpers leaving your mouth as bill thrusts into you deep enough that it moves your whole body, your hand shaking as you pull off, instead opting to jack richie off, your eyes half-lidded with pleasure. 

“yeah, y/n,” he mutters, lips falling to ghost over your neck before biting gently and pulling away, “how many times have you thought of me fucking you like this?”

you just moan, whimpering in pleasure, so close to your bliss. "i- i’ve wanted…” you’re gasping, “wanted it for so long, so long." 

"so fucked out, can’t even think straight.” richie mutters, hand leaning to tweak and tease your nipples. 

“gonna cum, please, can i cum,” you moan, desperately moving against bill. richie moves to lay in front of you, and as if you were made for it, you go back to sucking him off, loving the way he feels in your throat. 

“no, baby, you’re not cumming yet. not until i say so.” bill says, slapping your ass. you whimper, arms nearly giving out, trying your hardest to hold off as he fills you, his thick cock stretching your walls.

he’s slamming into you so hard and hitting your spot perfectly that you rake your nails down richie’s thighs, making him hiss in pleasure. after another minute, you’re whimpering and muttering nonsense, trying your hardest to wait for bill and richie to let you cum.

“do you want to cum, y/n?” he mutters as he fucks you into richie’s dick and you let out a loud moan as you clench around him, pulling off richie for a moment, “please, please.”

“what d'you think, rich?” bill hums, and your legs nearly give out. “cum for us, y/n. be good and show bill how long you’re wanted this." 

and you’re immediately hitting your high and shaking in pleasure. your eyes roll back lightly as you moan, already sensitive as you ride out the best orgasm you’ve ever had. 

bill keeps fucking you, richie jacking himself off as he watches you ride out your high. bill's hands are on your hips as you whimper, richie’s tip hitting your tongue as you stick it out. 

bill pulls out after a deep thrust, moaning and flipping you around, onto your back as you gulp for breath. you’re laying on the couch, still clenching around nothing, over stimulated as a tear leakes from your eye. 

bill moans your name, hitting his own high as spurts of cum paint your stomach, warm against your skin as he rides out his high. richie cums not long after with the aid of one of your shaking hands, and he cums all over your tits, his thumb spreading himself all over you. 

it’s silent in the room for a few moments, all of you catching your breaths. richie gently plays with your hair as you lay your head on his thigh, exhausted and still trying to catch your breath. bill gently gets up, walking into the bathroom and returning with a warm, wet rag. he cleans you gently, kissing your bare skin as he goes. 

"i guess we should share more often.” richie says gently, making bill shake his head with a smirk and you weakly punch his other sigh. 

taglist:@itlover8000 @michaelwheelers@deadlyperfectionist1228@kmt123whatsthetea @decafcoffew 
