
 Awase : Rin, can you close your eyes for a moment?Hiryu : Don’t told me that—  Awase : JUST C

Awase : Rin, can you close your eyes for a moment?

Hiryu : Don’t told me that— 


Hiryu : ..okay? 

Hiryu : ( I’m so wonder what he’ll do.. Is Awase going to kiss me when i’m unguarded or something? / he’s so cute omg) 

Hiryu : ( .. It’s nothing? What are you doing Awase? Are you embarrassed me that much? If you don’t kiss me now i will… ) 


Hiryu : HEY, Awase. Did you take a pic of me? What ‘bout my kisses? Give me a kiss right now Awase. 

Awase : Eh? Wha- 

Hiryu : c'mon, just hurry, give me some kisses. 

Awase : But I— 

Hiryu : NOPE.

(Translated by @eclairlove1b)

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—For the dancing and the dreaming
