#rise raphael


raph/mona lisa in the multiverse

1980s/2012:Pre-Crossover. See canon Ramona content!

2014/2016:Pre-Crossover. At the newly formed EPF base post-Kraang invasion, the Turtles are kept prisoner for mutant testing in an attempt to replicate Sachs’ experiments. Raphael is put in solitary confinement with Mona bint Al-Yasa, a notoriously lethal soldier turned mutant. Together, the two plan the ultimate prison break to destroy the EPF base and free all the mutants trapped there.

After learning about Mona Lisa’s existence in multiple universes, it leaves an imprint on the other Raphaels that maybe they, too, have their own Mona Lisa out there for them. Their destined soulmate.

2007:Post-Crossover. After their first and only inter-dimensional ninja turtle crossover, the guys are suddenly found in the custody of Officer M. Ona, a dimension cop. She detains the turtles for breaking their dimension’s law against travel, and chaos ensues.

2003:Post-Crossover. Mona Lisa aka Elizabeth Doe is the result of lots of mutant testing done by Bishop– she’s the first real super-soldier. She’s put against the TMNT against her will, and slaps them around a lot. She spares Raph’s life, and bears the punishment for it. Raph from that point on is determined to free her from Bishop’s control.

Rise:Pre-SECOND Crossover (Rise and 2019 weren’t in the first). Raph has a HUGE crush on the latest mystery-mutant, Mona Elisheva, a peppy cheerleader who is the most oblivious person alive. She has a penchant for getting herself into trouble and somehow manages to stop villains on accident. The only thing really stopping him is his own shyness, and her giant overprotective fathers.

2019/Batman vs. TMNT: Post-Second Crossover. While the TMNT are out with the BatFam on a mission, Raphael meets his in-universe soulmate– Mona Al-Ghul.
