#tmnt headcanons




Mikey, in every incarnation: is clever, witty, emotionally intelligent almost to a psychic degree, picks up on ideas easily, has a rich imagination.

A surprising number of fanfic writers for the last 30 years: Haha, Mikey doesn’t know what words mean, Donnie has to dumb everything down, Mikey is too dull to understand the point, haha.

Other fanfic writers: Hey, can we stop doing that already?

I like to remind people of the TMNT movie when Mikey is skateboarding and distracted but easily “translated” Don’s techno speak. He does this fairly regularly through the 2003 series.

Having recently rewatched both, I shall hard agree. Also, both the 2003 series and the 2007 movie had him very involved in research and information.


cute human things the turtles pay attention to

  • Your ears??
  • Not in like a WEIRD way
  • but they do be just grabbin your ear and futzing with it
  • if you pull your ears and puff your cheeks like a monkey they cannot stop the involuntary “awww”
  • if you have big ears they’re going to be very much adored.
  • Lots of poking your ears and nose
  • things that the turtles did not originally pick up on:
  • social grooming
  • absolutely mystified when you wanna give him scratches
  • why would you Do That?
  • mildly offended because he thinks you’re comparing him to a pet
  • of course once you put it into context of like, brushing and braiding someone’s hair, or just generally showing affection, he starts to get it
  • New Primate Instinct Unlocked
  • Now he’s touching your hair all the fucking time. if you have curly hair you need to tell him to stop or he’ll mess it up
  • will get sad if you tell him though
  • let him help you with your hair he wants to so bad
  • Odd fascination with nail polish/nail art
  • maybe it’s because you have like, so many fingers, and your hands are a different shape, but they’re so interesting??
  • Watches you type on a keyboard in a rapturous daze
  • pokes your tummy a lot bc he doesn’t have an exposed one
  • poke poke poke
  • if you’re tummy is squishy he’s gonna futz with it a lot. squish squish squish.
  • prepare for lots of pinching and poking
  • doesn’t realize a pinch can hurt at first and is like ??? i killed you??
  • the turtles truly are both mystified and extremely disturbed when they watch you crack your back
  • Leo gets actually nauseous if you twist your back around
  • Also, the turtles are all very Intrigued by your back in general
  • there have been multiple instances of your turtle watching your shoulder blades move under your skin, since theirs are so hidden all of the time.
  • Absolutely mesmerizing watching your spine and all of your muscles just work
  • good news! this means your turtle is Very inclined to give you a back massage
  • your turtle loves your body as much as you love his okay
  • you’re just so little and sexy and soft and he loves it


Siblings things that sting

It’s very cute and very nice to think that 4 brothers living in a house would always get along… but sadly for them that’s not how it works (lucky for us though, since I have content to create out of their misery)

  • Leo showers too long, but insists on showering first, which is often a source of conflict
  • Leo will say he’s Splinters favorite son to annoy RaphandMikey, while Donnie already assumed he’s not Splinters favorite
  • Leo is protective over the remote and will strategically place it somewhere his brothers wont instantly see so he can easily access it
  • Raph pushes buttons to see how far he can go, usually does it with Leo
  • When arguing, Raph will get really close to his brothers and tries to force them with his body
  • Donnie calls his brothers names like dumb*ss or shellbrain
  • Donnie will give his brothers the silent treatment when he’s angry with them
  • When he was younger, Donnie one time plugged Raphs nose in his sleep as an experiment to see if he would a) open his mouth or b) choke, Raph woke up and wasn’t very happy about it
  • Mikey has no sense of privacy and will go through his brothers stuff
  • Leodoes have a sense of privacy, but as the oldest,Leo gets overly-involved in his brothers lives anyways
  • MikeyandRaph eat their brothers leftovers that they were saving
  • MikeyandDonnie don’t change the empty toilet paper roll
  • They used to all fight over the beanbag chair but now Raph usually sits on it
  • As kids they had a rule that if Splinter brought something back to the lair in their color, they had an automatic claim to it (for ex. a red race car toy would go to Raphael)


Splinter does actually have a favourite son (studies¹ show that around 70% of dads and 74% of moms acknowledged favoring one child) and it is Leonardo, though Splinter would never tell his sons this. It is also not a matter of loving Leo more then the others, it is just that Leo and Splinter get along better personality-wise and Leo is responsible and easy to take care off. Splinter loves all of his sons to death and realises how different they all are and how each of those differences make them great individuals.

Leo doesn’t actually think he’s Splinters favorite son, because he believes Splinter would never pick a favorite out of his brothers. If he knew he was Splinters actual favorite, he wouldn’t bully his brothers with it, because it’d be a sensitive topic and he wouldn’t hurt his brothers feelings on purpose.

Raph feels as if Leo is better then him and achieved the goals he had set for himself before he can (for ex. that Leo became the leader) and therefore it really annoys Raph when Leo says he’s the favorite son because he feels like it’s true.

Mikey feels like he would be Splinters favorite son because Mikey prides himself on making friends and being likeable overall, that’s kind of his thing.

Donnie assumes he’s not Splinters favorite son because he’s not as social as Leo and Mikey, nor as strong as Raph, and while his talent lies with technology and science, that is nothing his father particularly takes interest in. He knows Splinter loves him and that’s what matters.

  1. Shebloski, B., Conger, K. J., & Widaman, K. F. (2005). Reciprocal links among differential parenting, perceived partiality, and self-worth: a three-wave longitudinal study. Journal of Family Psychology, 19(4), 633-642. doi:10.1037/0893-3200.19.4.633


cute human things the turtles pay attention to

  • Your ears??
  • Not in like a WEIRD way
  • but they do be just grabbin your ear and futzing with it
  • if you pull your ears and puff your cheeks like a monkey they cannot stop the involuntary “awww”
  • if you have big ears they’re going to be very much adored.
  • Lots of poking your ears and nose
  • things that the turtles did not originally pick up on:
  • social grooming
  • absolutely mystified when you wanna give him scratches
  • why would you Do That?
  • mildly offended because he thinks you’re comparing him to a pet
  • of course once you put it into context of like, brushing and braiding someone’s hair, or just generally showing affection, he starts to get it
  • New Primate Instinct Unlocked
  • Now he’s touching your hair all the fucking time. if you have curly hair you need to tell him to stop or he’ll mess it up
  • will get sad if you tell him though
  • let him help you with your hair he wants to so bad
  • Odd fascination with nail polish/nail art
  • maybe it’s because you have like, so many fingers, and your hands are a different shape, but they’re so interesting??
  • Watches you type on a keyboard in a rapturous daze
  • pokes your tummy a lot bc he doesn’t have an exposed one
  • poke poke poke
  • if you’re tummy is squishy he’s gonna futz with it a lot. squish squish squish.
  • prepare for lots of pinching and poking
  • doesn’t realize a pinch can hurt at first and is like ??? i killed you??
  • the turtles truly are both mystified and extremely disturbed when they watch you crack your back
  • Leo gets actually nauseous if you twist your back around
  • Also, the turtles are all very Intrigued by your back in general
  • there have been multiple instances of your turtle watching your shoulder blades move under your skin, since theirs are so hidden all of the time.
  • Absolutely mesmerizing watching your spine and all of your muscles just work
  • good news! this means your turtle is Very inclined to give you a back massage
  • your turtle loves your body as much as you love his okay
  • you’re just so little and sexy and soft and he loves it


I got this request a long time ago, I cant remember from who: Hello! I’m curious about the 2014/2016 brothers various kinks and in another ask/answer, you mentioned something about their sense of smell regarding knowing if their S/O is turned on. How sensitive are their senses? I love your answers!

Keep reading


cute human things the turtles pay attention to

  • Your ears??
  • Not in like a WEIRD way
  • but they do be just grabbin your ear and futzing with it
  • if you pull your ears and puff your cheeks like a monkey they cannot stop the involuntary “awww”
  • if you have big ears they’re going to be very much adored.
  • Lots of poking your ears and nose
  • things that the turtles did not originally pick up on:
  • social grooming
  • absolutely mystified when you wanna give him scratches
  • why would you Do That?
  • mildly offended because he thinks you’re comparing him to a pet
  • of course once you put it into context of like, brushing and braiding someone’s hair, or just generally showing affection, he starts to get it
  • New Primate Instinct Unlocked
  • Now he’s touching your hair all the fucking time. if you have curly hair you need to tell him to stop or he’ll mess it up
  • will get sad if you tell him though
  • let him help you with your hair he wants to so bad
  • Odd fascination with nail polish/nail art
  • maybe it’s because you have like, so many fingers, and your hands are a different shape, but they’re so interesting??
  • Watches you type on a keyboard in a rapturous daze
  • pokes your tummy a lot bc he doesn’t have an exposed one
  • poke poke poke
  • if you’re tummy is squishy he’s gonna futz with it a lot. squish squish squish.
  • prepare for lots of pinching and poking
  • doesn’t realize a pinch can hurt at first and is like ??? i killed you??
  • the turtles truly are both mystified and extremely disturbed when they watch you crack your back
  • Leo gets actually nauseous if you twist your back around
  • Also, the turtles are all very Intrigued by your back in general
  • there have been multiple instances of your turtle watching your shoulder blades move under your skin, since theirs are so hidden all of the time.
  • Absolutely mesmerizing watching your spine and all of your muscles just work
  • good news! this means your turtle is Very inclined to give you a back massage
  • your turtle loves your body as much as you love his okay
  • you’re just so little and sexy and soft and he loves it


Master List of Works

This list will be continuously updated as I write more fics. Please note that the majority of my work is NSFW. In fact, I’ve only noted the SFW ones. Enjoy!

If you would like to make a request, read my rules first please. Clink on a link to see lists of fics pertaining to that character or subject.

Like my work? You can tip me on Tumblr or buy me a coffee!

All Four Turtles/Turtle of Choice







☘️Threesome Series

Into the Shadows (ongoing chapters)

TMNT NSFW Prompt List (currently closed till I get caught up)

⚠️{REBLOGS ONLY, no reposts}⚠️

Reblogging for the newer followers! I appreciate all your support and encouragement!!

as much as I like All Seeing Leo stories where he totally knows the reader likes him, I will KILL for Comically Oblivious Leo who is smart and perceptive in battle but not at ALL in relationships. like shoujo love interest levels of obliviousness. The himbo energy of it all

y’all really sleep on the fact that the turtles grew up in an all male household. these fuckers leave the toilet seat up in YOUR OWN HOUSE and will argue with you that there’s nothing wrong with it. yes this includes YOUR turtle. only feminine ridicule can stop him

raph/mona lisa in the multiverse

1980s/2012:Pre-Crossover. See canon Ramona content!

2014/2016:Pre-Crossover. At the newly formed EPF base post-Kraang invasion, the Turtles are kept prisoner for mutant testing in an attempt to replicate Sachs’ experiments. Raphael is put in solitary confinement with Mona bint Al-Yasa, a notoriously lethal soldier turned mutant. Together, the two plan the ultimate prison break to destroy the EPF base and free all the mutants trapped there.

After learning about Mona Lisa’s existence in multiple universes, it leaves an imprint on the other Raphaels that maybe they, too, have their own Mona Lisa out there for them. Their destined soulmate.

2007:Post-Crossover. After their first and only inter-dimensional ninja turtle crossover, the guys are suddenly found in the custody of Officer M. Ona, a dimension cop. She detains the turtles for breaking their dimension’s law against travel, and chaos ensues.

2003:Post-Crossover. Mona Lisa aka Elizabeth Doe is the result of lots of mutant testing done by Bishop– she’s the first real super-soldier. She’s put against the TMNT against her will, and slaps them around a lot. She spares Raph’s life, and bears the punishment for it. Raph from that point on is determined to free her from Bishop’s control.

Rise:Pre-SECOND Crossover (Rise and 2019 weren’t in the first). Raph has a HUGE crush on the latest mystery-mutant, Mona Elisheva, a peppy cheerleader who is the most oblivious person alive. She has a penchant for getting herself into trouble and somehow manages to stop villains on accident. The only thing really stopping him is his own shyness, and her giant overprotective fathers.

2019/Batman vs. TMNT: Post-Second Crossover. While the TMNT are out with the BatFam on a mission, Raphael meets his in-universe soulmate– Mona Al-Ghul.


cute human things the turtles pay attention to

  • Your ears??
  • Not in like a WEIRD way
  • but they do be just grabbin your ear and futzing with it
  • if you pull your ears and puff your cheeks like a monkey they cannot stop the involuntary “awww”
  • if you have big ears they’re going to be very much adored.
  • Lots of poking your ears and nose
  • things that the turtles did not originally pick up on:
  • social grooming
  • absolutely mystified when you wanna give him scratches
  • why would you Do That?
  • mildly offended because he thinks you’re comparing him to a pet
  • of course once you put it into context of like, brushing and braiding someone’s hair, or just generally showing affection, he starts to get it
  • New Primate Instinct Unlocked
  • Now he’s touching your hair all the fucking time. if you have curly hair you need to tell him to stop or he’ll mess it up
  • will get sad if you tell him though
  • let him help you with your hair he wants to so bad
  • Odd fascination with nail polish/nail art
  • maybe it’s because you have like, so many fingers, and your hands are a different shape, but they’re so interesting??
  • Watches you type on a keyboard in a rapturous daze
  • pokes your tummy a lot bc he doesn’t have an exposed one
  • poke poke poke
  • if you’re tummy is squishy he’s gonna futz with it a lot. squish squish squish.
  • prepare for lots of pinching and poking
  • doesn’t realize a pinch can hurt at first and is like ??? i killed you??
  • the turtles truly are both mystified and extremely disturbed when they watch you crack your back
  • Leo gets actually nauseous if you twist your back around
  • Also, the turtles are all very Intrigued by your back in general
  • there have been multiple instances of your turtle watching your shoulder blades move under your skin, since theirs are so hidden all of the time.
  • Absolutely mesmerizing watching your spine and all of your muscles just work
  • good news! this means your turtle is Very inclined to give you a back massage
  • your turtle loves your body as much as you love his okay
  • you’re just so little and sexy and soft and he loves it


Siblings things that sting

It’s very cute and very nice to think that 4 brothers living in a house would always get along… but sadly for them that’s not how it works (lucky for us though, since I have content to create out of their misery)

  • Leo showers too long, but insists on showering first, which is often a source of conflict
  • Leo will say he’s Splinters favorite son to annoy RaphandMikey, while Donnie already assumed he’s not Splinters favorite
  • Leo is protective over the remote and will strategically place it somewhere his brothers wont instantly see so he can easily access it
  • Raph pushes buttons to see how far he can go, usually does it with Leo
  • When arguing, Raph will get really close to his brothers and tries to force them with his body
  • Donnie calls his brothers names like dumb*ss or shellbrain
  • Donnie will give his brothers the silent treatment when he’s angry with them
  • When he was younger, Donnie one time plugged Raphs nose in his sleep as an experiment to see if he would a) open his mouth or b) choke, Raph woke up and wasn’t very happy about it
  • Mikey has no sense of privacy and will go through his brothers stuff
  • Leodoes have a sense of privacy, but as the oldest,Leo gets overly-involved in his brothers lives anyways
  • MikeyandRaph eat their brothers leftovers that they were saving
  • MikeyandDonnie don’t change the empty toilet paper roll
  • They used to all fight over the beanbag chair but now Raph usually sits on it
  • As kids they had a rule that if Splinter brought something back to the lair in their color, they had an automatic claim to it (for ex. a red race car toy would go to Raphael)


Splinter does actually have a favourite son (studies¹ show that around 70% of dads and 74% of moms acknowledged favoring one child) and it is Leonardo, though Splinter would never tell his sons this. It is also not a matter of loving Leo more then the others, it is just that Leo and Splinter get along better personality-wise and Leo is responsible and easy to take care off. Splinter loves all of his sons to death and realises how different they all are and how each of those differences make them great individuals.

Leo doesn’t actually think he’s Splinters favorite son, because he believes Splinter would never pick a favorite out of his brothers. If he knew he was Splinters actual favorite, he wouldn’t bully his brothers with it, because it’d be a sensitive topic and he wouldn’t hurt his brothers feelings on purpose.

Raph feels as if Leo is better then him and achieved the goals he had set for himself before he can (for ex. that Leo became the leader) and therefore it really annoys Raph when Leo says he’s the favorite son because he feels like it’s true.

Mikey feels like he would be Splinters favorite son because Mikey prides himself on making friends and being likeable overall, that’s kind of his thing.

Donnie assumes he’s not Splinters favorite son because he’s not as social as Leo and Mikey, nor as strong as Raph, and while his talent lies with technology and science, that is nothing his father particularly takes interest in. He knows Splinter loves him and that’s what matters.

  1. Shebloski, B., Conger, K. J., & Widaman, K. F. (2005). Reciprocal links among differential parenting, perceived partiality, and self-worth: a three-wave longitudinal study. Journal of Family Psychology, 19(4), 633-642. doi:10.1037/0893-3200.19.4.633