#rival ceos


Everyone and their mother knew that the CEO’s of SI and Parker Industries fervently disliked if not hated each other. Whenever the two had to meet, be it at a gala or meeting between their two companies, they would immediately be at each others throats.

It was because of this known fact of the pair that the world was shocked when a series of paparazzi photos went viral. Photos that showed Parker leaving Stark’s home early in the morning including one where he’s kissing the older man, quite passionately in fact, goodbye. But that wasn’t the most shocking of the pictures after all a lot of people had joked about their rivalry hiding a sexual tension. No that was a close-up of the pairs hands. Hands that were wearing a set of matching wedding rings. A pair of rings that considering how worn they looked did not seem to indicate that this was a new development in the Stark/Parker rivalry

@starker-bingo fill: I3 - Rival CEOs

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