

Peter reuniting with Tony in the afterlife where they can finally be together as the lovers they always wanted, but never got the chance to be in life.

@starker-bingo fill: N2 - Reunited

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Childhood sweethearts Peter and Tony spending an afternoon playing together at their local playground

@starker-bingo fill: O2 - Kid Fic

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Tony and Peter showering together only for them to end up having sex instead of washing like they planned

@starker-bingo fill: G4 - In the Shower

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I want to be the only hand you ever need to hold

@starker-bingo fill: I4 - Holding Hands

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Tony and Peter spending winter evenings snuggled up together wearing comfy sweaters and drinking hot chocolate in front of a fire

@starker-bingo fill: O4 - Big Sweaters

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Peter and Tony taking their kid on a day trip to the zoo

@starker-bingo fill: N4 - Zoo

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Peter surprising Tony by using his super strength in order to pin Tony to the wall and make love to him

@starker-bingo fill: B4 - Wall Pinning

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Everyone and their mother knew that the CEO’s of SI and Parker Industries fervently disliked if not hated each other. Whenever the two had to meet, be it at a gala or meeting between their two companies, they would immediately be at each others throats.

It was because of this known fact of the pair that the world was shocked when a series of paparazzi photos went viral. Photos that showed Parker leaving Stark’s home early in the morning including one where he’s kissing the older man, quite passionately in fact, goodbye. But that wasn’t the most shocking of the pictures after all a lot of people had joked about their rivalry hiding a sexual tension. No that was a close-up of the pairs hands. Hands that were wearing a set of matching wedding rings. A pair of rings that considering how worn they looked did not seem to indicate that this was a new development in the Stark/Parker rivalry

@starker-bingo fill: I3 - Rival CEOs

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Tony and Peter getting married

@starker-bingo fill: N3 - Wedding

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There were many things Peter liked about his relationship with Tony from their scientific discussions to their sexual chemistry. But if he had to say was his favourite it had to be their size difference. The fact that Tony was so much bigger than him meant that Tony could easily wrap himself around Peter when they hugged. Something that never ceased to make Peter feel safe and loved.

@starker-bingo fill: B3 - Size Difference

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When King Anthony died in battle defending the kingdom it broke something in his consort. Without his sovereign and husband by his side the world seemed dull and empty to the young widower. That was until less than a week since his loves death he found a book forgotten within the castle library that gave him hope to be reunited with his king.

And so the widowed consort of the king soon found himself breaking in to his husband’s crypt to steal away his body to their chambers before delving into dark and forbidden magics to try and return his love to life.

Although the young man knew that should the spell fail or succeed he would be with his husband regardless. Either through bringing him back to life or by admitting to the guards his crime of practicing, although unsuccessfully, necromancy. And thus reunite with Anthony once the sentence for such an act had been carried out

@starker-bingo fill: N3 - free space

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Tony Stark had photographed many people over the years and they had quite honestly started to blur together for him.

That was until he met the latest model he had been hired to photograph, one Peter Parker. There didn’t appear to anything particularly special about the young man at a glance, he was beautiful sure but so was every other model he met, yet something about him just drew Tony in. Something that made Tony want to see him again and not necessarily just for work.

@starker-bingo fill: O3 - Photographer Au

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Peter wearing thongs that show from underneath his jeans in an attempt to seduce Tony during their lab sessions together. Not fully expecting the older man to do anything about it until one afternoon Peter’s constant teasing day in day out finally broke his control and he took Peter to his bed.

@starker-bingo fill: N1 - Thongs

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Tony caring for Peter after an especially rough scene together

@starker-bingo fill: I1 - Aftercare

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Hydra agents and lovers Peter and Tony using their access to the Winter Soldier’s code words in order to remove all others in between them and becoming the new heads of Hydra

@starker-bingo fill: O1 - Hydra Au

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@starker-bingo fill: N1 - Grind

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Happily married witches Tony and Peter living quietly in their mansion where they can conduct magical research and love each other in peace

@starker-bingo fill: B1 - Supernatural Au

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Tony and Peter taking a romantic vacation to Paris

@starker-bingo fill: I5 - Paris

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When I laid my eyes on you for the first time…

I’m not dead But super late for the @starker-bingo 2022! This is my first entry for the High-School Sweethearts. I went for some 2000s shojo manga style with obligatory cherry blossoms… yeah, anyway…
