#river song

The photos from megacon 2015 i never shared- Meeting Karen gillan,Alex kingston, stan lee and sean pThe photos from megacon 2015 i never shared- Meeting Karen gillan,Alex kingston, stan lee and sean pThe photos from megacon 2015 i never shared- Meeting Karen gillan,Alex kingston, stan lee and sean pThe photos from megacon 2015 i never shared- Meeting Karen gillan,Alex kingston, stan lee and sean p

The photos from megacon 2015 i never shared- Meeting Karen gillan,Alex kingston, stan lee and sean patrick flannery… I now have 2 more one with freema (Martha jones) and one with tom kenny which is who voices spongebob but that was at comic so the picures you see are just megacon .., 


you ever hate how you look when people take photos of you try taking them with already beautiful and dolled up celebs XD

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i saw this on pinterest and had a whole nuclear meltdown.

i mean like, i would’ve given a limb for this to happen. when i say meltdown i mean nuclear, guts coming out of my eyes crying meltdown. i love them so much. you could beat me to death with a physical copy of this picture and i would say thank you. put this picture on my tombstone and label it ‘she literally screamed, cried, and threw up bc she loved it so much’

it made me feel warm and whole inside. but it also made me so fucking sad that im on the fucking LEDGE.

the doctor’s final chapter

i’ve had this hc rattling around in my brain for a while now, and finally decided to fic it.

at the end of his life, refusing to regenerate, the doctor decides to upload himself to the library to be with river for eternity


doctor/river + bonus / charlotte lux, ella, joshua (children of the data base)


According to TARDIS wiki, it was actually Jack Harkness and River Song knocking on poor little Orson Pink’s door at the end of the universe. I guess they did it in the R&J audio story? THEY WERE PLAYING A PRANK. THEY WERE PLAYING A PRANK TOGETHER BY BANGING ON THE DOOR TO MAKE ORSON THINK SOMETHING WAS OUT THERE.

This knowledge TOOK ME TF OUT

If that’s not the absolute most Jack and River shit you’ve ever heard.

if two people were at the end of the universe and wanted to pull that kinda bullshit just to scare the socks off of some sorry soul, it would 110% be Jack and River. And it was.


River Song

I’ve spent more time on this one then I should, but I really wanted her to come out pretty

archdemonblood: I deserve every single unfollow I get over this.  Excellent matching of options to carchdemonblood: I deserve every single unfollow I get over this.  Excellent matching of options to carchdemonblood: I deserve every single unfollow I get over this.  Excellent matching of options to carchdemonblood: I deserve every single unfollow I get over this.  Excellent matching of options to carchdemonblood: I deserve every single unfollow I get over this.  Excellent matching of options to carchdemonblood: I deserve every single unfollow I get over this.  Excellent matching of options to carchdemonblood: I deserve every single unfollow I get over this.  Excellent matching of options to carchdemonblood: I deserve every single unfollow I get over this.  Excellent matching of options to carchdemonblood: I deserve every single unfollow I get over this.  Excellent matching of options to carchdemonblood: I deserve every single unfollow I get over this.  Excellent matching of options to c


I deserve every single unfollow I get over this. 

Excellent matching of options to characters, all of these are 100% in-character, 10/10

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