#silence in the library


the doctor’s final chapter

i’ve had this hc rattling around in my brain for a while now, and finally decided to fic it.

at the end of his life, refusing to regenerate, the doctor decides to upload himself to the library to be with river for eternity


doctor/river + bonus / charlotte lux, ella, joshua (children of the data base)

Deep in the Pennsylvania forest, an unsuspecting Punxsutawney Phil looks for his shadow.

Digital illustration of Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead. Its a vertical, low angle, head on shot of the library isles. Tenth doctor is looking at the camera with his sonic in hand. River has a hand held oout in front of him and looks concerned. Donna is on the right, looking a bit scared. In the foreground, theres two cropped Vashta Nerada posessed suit. Theres wavy text on the bottom reading "silence in the library" and text at the top reading "for gods sake count the shadows."

Almost every species in the Universe has an irrational fear of the dark. But they’re wrong. ‘Cause it’s not irrational. It’s Vashta Nerada.

made this last year but i still love it <3
