#river the bunny


Since Simon’s support has been compromised by the little human giving him a daily cut of the baby food, you are now my new partner in bunny shenanigans! Consider this your probationary period where you get on the job training.  First up is your skills assessment.  Your first mission is to distract the little human.  3…2…1…Go!

Soon to be a morning nap, I think.

That the pellets I refuse to eat are made of the same hay that I doeat?

I’m ignoring you so hard right now!

I think she’s dreaming of ways to pee in my shoe.

River had another hangry tantrum.  I think it’s because I had mixed in broken up pellets into her other ‘candy food’, so she wouldn’t touch it.  At least she started eating some oats after a force-feeding consisting of banana-blueberry baby food, finely ground and sieved alfalfa pellets and oats (her shipment of critical care was delayed and won’t arrive until the end of the month).  Good to know that I can make a substitute if I need to!

Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend!  Stay safe out there and we’ll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.

Do you have cranberry?

Yes, how dare I force-feed her when she’s obviously hungry!

Instead of eating any one of the 9 different food offerings, River decided to have a hangry temper tantrum and wreck her cage.  On closer inspection, she even managed to rip some of the lettuce and stuff it behind her litter box.  That’s a new one!

After greeting their new bunny friend, Scoots McGee, River felt the need to reassure Mr. Giraffe that he is super cool too.

River made a new friend today!

Instead of hopping into the cube, River was like, “Nah, I’m good–I’ll just use this as a chin rest!”

Finally, the last of the nasty storms have passed our area and we were lucky enough to keep power and not have any issues!  I caught River thanking Mr. Giraffe for all of his help during the tornado warnings before she hopped out of our make-shift shelter.

Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend!  Stay safe out there and we’ll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.

River prefers to self-identify as ‘fun sized’.  We can see why the fine folks at Nathan’s opted not to go with that slogan, though.

Somebun decided to treat themselves to a spa day and gave themselves a carrot baby food mani-pedi.  Naturally, River was a bit miffed that I interrupted her ‘me time’ to attempt cleaning her up.

She needn’t have worried–those tootsies are perma-stained!  (Well, they may regain their original white color after the heat death of the universe, but I’m not counting on it.)

Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend!  Stay safe out there and we’ll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.

River has been a good little eater this weekend!  She has even expanded her baby food options to include: apple, banana, banana-blueberry, carrot, and pumpkin-banana-carrot.  She also started eating the critical care log again, so that’s even more calories and fiber–yay!

I heard a giggle come from the living room and found big human feeding River. He said, “Clearly, she got into the Cheetos again!”

Action Cheeto bun!  Sorry for the blurry pic, but I had to yank the camera away before she could nose-bonk it and get carrot baby food all over the lens.

And she wept, for there were no more cages to conquer.

Well, River’s battle with the washcloth and paper towels put her in a good mood and I managed to get a nose-bonk out of this, so that’s nice!  She was not a fan of me cleaning the baby food off of her face and ear, though.
