#temper tantrum

Today was going like any other day. Baby Christy* was playing with his toys in the living room on hi

Today was going like any other day. Baby Christy* was playing with his toys in the living room on his soft, teddy bear blanket. He was wearing a pink dress and a pink teddy bear diaper. I was in the kitchen mashing up carrots and peas to go along with his lunch. That’s when I heard yelling.

I ran into the living room as fast as I could. Baby Christy was throwing his toys around, crying, and screaming. The baby was throwing a tantrum for no reason. So I picked him up and and pressed him against my breast and soothed him. He quieted down. I decided that the tantrum must be because he was hungry so I brought him in the kitchen and put him in his high chair. I placed a bib on him and then brought his food to him. I went back to the counter to get the spoon so I could feed him.

All of a sudden, he started banging his bowl up and down, screaming all over again, causing the food to go all over him, his pink dress, the floor, you name it. He and the kitchen was a mess. I told him I was going to count to three for him to stop, and as soon as I got to two, Baby Christy threw the bowl on the floor.

Did I yell? No. I took him out of the high chair and carried him to the bathroom. I took the now dirty dress off and his diaper. He stood in the bathroom screaming and naked. I sat on the toilet, bent him over my knee, and brought my hand down as hard as I could onto his pale white ass cheek. As soon as my hand made contact, he screamed out as the loud sound echoed in the bathroom and a handprint appeared on his ass. I spanked his ass 5 more times on each cheek, turning his ass as red as a strawberry. I put him back on his feet where he stood there crying. If a baby is going to act up, then a baby will be spanked.

I then washed him, put a new dress on him and put him in his crib. As he cried Mommy out to me, I turned around and told him if he want to be a bad baby, he now was going to sit on his red ass in time out,until he was ready to be a good boy and eat. I then shut his bedroom door, leaving him crying in the dark.

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She grew legs

A girl and her mama

Yes, how dare I force-feed her when she’s obviously hungry!

Instead of eating any one of the 9 different food offerings, River decided to have a hangry temper tantrum and wreck her cage.  On closer inspection, she even managed to rip some of the lettuce and stuff it behind her litter box.  That’s a new one!
