


his skills, while legion, have never lent themselves well to altruism. to say that sejun doesn’t care about others would be a lie, but self-sacrifice isn’t a word he’s overly familiar with. there’s always an undercurrent of what’s in it for me? running through his actions. it’s not a crime to want to benefit from whatever you’re doing, is it? 

he’s never been one for charity work, as a result. gets the concept, broadly, but he’s hard pressed to devote time he could be spending on anything else to do a selfless good deed of the day. he won’t be seeking out opportunities to help the community or whatever on his own, but when a request falls into his lap–more like is flungand hits him square in the face–he finds it harder to say no than to say yes. 

“you’ll just be collecting food donations,” his ex-classmate says, handing him a puce vest with the name of her charity organization on the back. “it shouldn’t be too hard for you!” 

“yeah, yeah.” he heaves a sigh and sweeps his hair back. the vest is a little tight across the chest, and he gears up for several hours of discomfort. “you’re buying me dinner after this, right?” 


he grins. “it’s a date.”

“i have a boyfriend,” she reminds him, and sejun’s grin deepens. 

“he can come too.”

rolling her eyes, she gives him a few more instructions and leaves. 

she’s right; it’s not a hard job. sejun keeps a bright smile on his face and entreats shoppers at the busy supermarket to spare some food donations for those who need it. it’s a lot of talking, a lot of complimenting and flirting, a lot of knowing justwhich heartstrings to tug at, which point to apply pressure on. he’s good at this–convincing others to open their hearts and their wallets for his purposes. that carries its own satisfaction, separate from the charity work itself.

another volunteer comes to relieve him after two hours. “wow,” he comments, peering into the donation bin. “you collected a lot. sure you don’t want to join us full-time?” 

sejun shrugs off his vest and hands it to the man with a wry smile. “nah, i have other things to do.” he pauses, eyes taking on a mischievous glint. “i’ll pledge a donation to you guys when i hit it big, though.” 

“yeah, alright.” the volunteer’s skepticism is clear in his voice. “good luck with that, my man.” 

that’s fine, sejun thinks. he doesn’t fully believe his own words either.

-.✦・。゚rkopenevent: rkcharity
           raising money for the hospital clowns
           performing selena gomez - me & my girls  -.✦。゚

When Ryujin stepped out of her apartment today she made sure to look her very best, having planned for a special kind of performance with her dance group. Wearing comfortable clothesthat is fit both for the weather and her personality she can’t wait for her turn, hair loose just as always because she can’t be bothered to do something about it. It is not uncommon for her to make the pavement her very own stage but what is different today however, is that they aren’t performing just for the heck of it. They have a purpose and have made a decently big sign that explain just what that purpise is. Ryujin is proud to be part of something like this.

★ YOUR SUPPORT.   -.✦。゚

The performance transition into the next phase which is Ryujin’s and the boys that she’s been paired with for the day. There is more than enough time for them to set themselves up and get into their zones, she couldn’t be bothered when one of them pretend to sniff her neck because that’s part of the act. Moves are light as she pretend to escape their gestures, slowly she bend down in a crooked position as though a possessed and broken doll. They part eventually when the song transition into the bridge, choreography starting off mild and the moves become even bigger and bigger the closer they come to the refrain. Ryujin is in front, boys in the back.

While the guys dance synchronically she seemingly does her own thing, having her very own little choreography before all three drop down on all four to headband. Ryujin’s loose hair flies perfectly, and next they shift side with the one foot bent. She’s glad that the sweatpants are so big that she can fit knee pads under them or else her knees would be in so much pain right the moment dropped to the pavement. Flipping over to the back they wiggle their feet a few times, then spread them out in a quick split before rolling over to the stomach to hump the ground.

Dirty, perhaps, but Ryujin couldn’t care less. The better the performance the more money they might be able to raise for the hospital clowns, and she isn’t one to be oversensitive. Moving as planned they eventually shift from lying on the ground to standing upright again, there isn’t too much left of their performance now and they all do their own thing now. Ryujin’s dance shows as though she feels strangeled by their presence while the boys come off as though they are chasing her in the club, in an attempt to get away she end up trapped on the ground.
