

-.✦・。゚rkopenevent: rkfreestyle
           for park junse’s school project-.✦。゚

There is one thing to be able to memorise raps that has already been made by others, but it’s definitely something completely else to make one’s own. While Ryujin learn easily and can do verses as an act of mimicry she would never call herself a rapper, so she is taken aback by a request of freestyling by a student called Park Junse. She is about to decline, her expression already scrunching up like it usually do when she is about to laugh awkwardly, when he state that it’s for a school project. Suddenly she just can’t say no, the dancer want to help.

Not that she know what she is helping with, other than giving him content for his project. That has to be enough though because honestly, freestyling on the spot isn’t easy. At least she’s a little experienced in the sense of knowing many raps by heart, but she know that the quality of her upcoming verse is going to be the ultimate piece of trash. She’s given nothing to work with whatsoever and is left with her pure imagination, mind pitch black for a couple of seconds as it work on full speed. Her stare is blank while she think, but then she suddenly begin.

There is a thunderstorm coming
So I might just be going,unknowingif it’s true
It’s an issue, dont continue, step inside for a minute
Please be safe,yesterday’s weather will come back
Ah… come on, let’s get a snack
