

mina’s september heartz evaluation! (2/2)
performingrollercoasterby seolhwa (chungha)

there are many interpretations to “rollercoaster”, but one thing is for certain is that this song is about love. back when this was first released, mina didn’t pay as much attention to the lyrics as she had to now. but now that she decided to perform this song for her evaluation, she had to think about how she could get herself into the mindset. 

while her main reason for choosing this song was because of how funandbright the song was, compared to what seolhwa would release in the future, she found more reasons to loving the song every time she looked at the lyrics and danced to the song. while she loved the independent nature that the heartz’s group evaluation song had, mina definitely could not deny that she’s a bit of a hopeless romantic. maybe not so much hopeless anymore, considering the fact that she actually has a boyfriend now, but her feelings for the other definitely come through as she performs the song to her coaches. 

mina isn’t public about her relationship. if she was, she wouldn’t even be in this dance studio right now. she’s definitely told chungha about it when the other caught her smiling at her phone while in their shared bedroom. she obviously told daniel because it’s daniel. if she kept any more secrets from him after the secret about being casted, she knows that she’ll feel guilty about it. but besides those few, mina hasn’t told anyone else about them. 

so when she sings this song with him in mind, no one else can know as to why she puts her heart into the performance. the thrill of having butterflies in her stomach feeling similar to that as reaching the top before taking the fall. the experience of these feelings similar to that uncertainty on when the drop comes. and the rush of adrenaline as she confesses her feelings, similar to the feeling of finally reaching the fall. 

and every kiss restates the same four words that make her feel an overload of happiness. “i like you, too” is essentially the moment she realizes that she wants to ride an exciting rollercoaster again. so that she can feel the happiness and butterflies she had felt the first time with every interaction with him. 

but she gets her cool moment in the dance, too. she doesn’t completely portray herself as overfilled with love. “look,” with a wink 

and with that, she ends her evaluation with a bow and a big smile, feeling more satisfied with this performance than the last. 

look out


he’s not too sure if he’s ever felt this kind of thing before. but he likes it; it’s a different kind of happiness altogether. and in order to keep this happiness, he wants to do everything he can. he smiles at his girlfriend and gently pinches her cheeks. she’s so adorable, and soobin will never tire from thinking that. “of course,” he replies. 

in order to show his determination, he gets on the bicycle. because despite his love for all things that aren’t troublesome, his feelings for mina hold greater. and if there’s any way possible that he can comfort her, he at least wants to try. 

it’s supposed to be a couple’s bicycle, and in that moment, soobin doesn’t think about how the weight doesn’t quite balance since he’s the only one sitting. but he wants to reassure mina. and what better way to do that then by doing something that your parents told you never to do? “look,” he says, and he begins to pedal. everything goes smoothly, until soobin makes the wise decision to life both his hands from the handle. “even with no hands it’s completely fin ––” thunk!he falls off the bicycle ( in a not very cool way ), and groans.

this is. embarrassing. and it also hurts. thankfully, he isn’t injured badly, just a few scrapes here and there. he turns to look at his girlfriend and gives her a thumbs up, groaning as he does so. he’s never been a good actor, so he can’t exactly hide the pain. “it’s completely fine,” he says, before he falls back to the floor in pain. “babe…”

though mina was still worrying about riding the bike, she’d be lying if she said his smile and him pinching her cheeks doesn’t make her feel any better. if she thought she had it badbeforeshe started dating him and getting butterflies just from seeing his face, she would not know what to say to thatmina about thiseffect on her.

she watches him go on a couple’s bicycle on his own and she looks at him with a look of worry. it’s only natural, really. but she doesn’t stop him, as she wants to see him prove his point to see if it’d make her feel any better about the situation going on. that’s obviously hermistake as a girlfriend, but she doesn’t think too much about it. that is… until he lifts his hands off of the handles. “soobin, i don’t think that’s a good idea,” she tries to warn. but it was too late as he falls off the bicycle.

despite the anxiety that fills her brain on whether the boy was okay, a loud pfftleaves her mouth as she finds herself laughing out loud at the situation. the fact that she (and probably he) knew it was a bad idea, yet he still followed through with it and faced the consequences? it was comedically perfect.

but then she quickly stops as she finds herself rushing over to his side. stupid mina! your boyfriend’s probably in pain! “oh my GOD! are you okay?” she asks, her voice painted with worry. “i knew this was a bad idea! i don’t even know how you can say you’re all fine after a fall like that!”
