
               [ ♦ ] ROYAL ENT @royalent • Oct 12               LUXE              THE FIRST FULL ALB

              [ ]ROYAL ENT @royalent • Oct 12
              THE FIRST FULL ALBUM

              2020.10.17 SAT 6PM

              #LUXE#럭스 #RUMOR #아예 #AHYEAH

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  • YIK YAK  ━━     ﹡

“nayoungie ~” her voice rings into the room before she makes her appearance in the doorway ; a hand knocking on the open door. her head pops in to check if the other was in. ( luckily, she was ) unlike the other girls, nayoung had the fortune of having the only solo room in the dorm. after all the other members had moved out, and the rest of the roommates situation had been sorted, it was left to nayoung’s capable hands. after having gone over the schedule, again, with the manager ( something about how naeun had to be more on top of her members or something like that – as if naeun wasn’t already feeling guilty for not doing enough the past few months ) ; naeun had made to seek out nayoung. 

stepping into the other’s room, she immediately dives onto the other’s bed, seeking the warmth of the other girl. “your photoshoot with black yak is tomorrow,” she says into the other’s side as her arms wrap along the girl’s midsection. she hopes she hadn’t accidentally launched herself onto nayoung’s bed while she was taking a nap ( maybe she should have checked before doing so ) ; “are you excited?”

turning to lay on her back, she stares at the ceiling with a small sigh.

“you’ll get merch, right?” she asks lightly, glancing at the other from where she had laid down ; snuggling deeper into the other’s comforter. it wasn’t like naeun needed any new clothes – but she had been looking at the black yak site earlier that day, and while naeun wasn’t an avid sports or outdoors person, the jackets had definitelycaught her eye. not that she had come into her member’s room to ask for anything like that.

( not really )

                THE FIRST FULL ALBUM RECORDING    ━     럭스 !   ∙


naeun has always enjoyed their recording days.

if she was being honest, she looked forward to them ( more than she did the days where they worked on choreography ). years later, and naeun still wasn’t the strongest dancer – while she could keep up with nayoung and seolhyun, it was obvious they were are two different playing fields when it came to skill. and naeun wasn’t one to challenge the likes of nature versus nurture. ( not that she nurtured her dancing skill all too well and it was fine, naeun wasn’t here to be the main dancer anyways )

she was the main vocal of her team and she enjoyed being the main vocal.

after months of doing something she wasn’t particularly skilled in – coming back to her roots like this was like a nice warm embrace. if she could call anything home – aside from the obvious things she would much rather call home – she would think the recording studio was a close second to anything else.

numberone was obvious in her eyes but that was a little secret only for her and her closest friends to know. it was such a shame, even if luxe’s dating ban was up ( at least most of luxe, it was unfortunate that nayoung and euijin still had to wait until their two years were done ), naeun didn’t want to risk mason’s contract again. he had done so once before – and this time, naeun didn’t want to be the cause again.

she couldn’t do that to him.

not when he seemed happier where he was now.

much like she, as she’s rustling through the papers that she had carefully nitpicked with her pink highlighter and purple gel pen – the notes, the carefully written corrections in her ugly scrawl of a handwriting all made naeun feel happier.safer? in a way – like this is where she had been waiting to be all year.

dramatic, yes – considering they had been in the recording studio if not just months prior for up & down, this was different.

this was their full album. after two years as an idol, a full album was a gift. something to show off their hard work for their fans – and naeun couldn’t wait to get started on working on it. while the title song wasn’t anything to slouch about – it had the same vein as ‘up & down’ and naeun didn’t seem to mind it. even if up & down had taken her a while to get used to, the vibe of the song wasn’t too bad. 

especially considering the slight backlash they had received from supposedly being too sexy for broadcast – she was glad that they wanted to continue to ride the success of up & down. it was a different type of virality that naeun hadn’t seen in her first two years, it was nice. more people were listening to luxe and it was a compliment, if anything – at least that was what the company liked to think.

ever the optimist

she can only wish for the same success for ah yeah

for now, as she slides the headphones onto her ears – naeun was fine with singing to her heart’s content. it had been months, anyway. 

( really, she missed this )
