
               [ ♦ ] ROYAL ENT @royalent • Oct 14               LUXE              THE FIRST FULL ALB

              [ ]ROYAL ENT @royalent • Oct 14
              THE FIRST FULL ALBUM

              2020.10.17 SAT 6PM

              #LUXE#럭스 #RUMOR #아예 #AHYEAH

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♡ ╎ @rkyena ;

yenaluxe wwoooww royal’s visual

lavieenrosenOooO not me, no visuals here 

guiding light.

rkyena​ .

seoyoung takes a deep breath. “yeah, i’m okay. i… i think.”

the variety show on tv had somewhat distracted her from the thoughts clouding up her mind. it’s funny to see these shows now that luxe has been on most of them, now that they’ve seen them from the other side. rather than just enjoying the comedy and the guests’ antics, now she can’t help but think of the fond memories they made there, the little things behind the camera that viewers never see. it was as good a distraction as any, until her worries become too loud to ignore.

{ tw: homophobia }

    ━━     it’s a reflex, but she feels her brows dip – furrowing further at the other’s words. understanding blooms slowly, she gulps before nodding. until seoyoung spoke again, naeun wasn’t sure what to think. she didn’t want to fear the worst – but she could feel that sinking feeling at the depths of her. a part of her scared to hear what seoyoung was to say – and the memories that came with the single mention of what happened the year prior is enough to confirm naeun’s fears.

then surprise sparks, her eyes alight with the emotion. seoyoung had talked to her parents? naeun, once more, isn’t sure what to think – a dozen or so thoughts racing in her mind. had it gone well – had it gone bad? from the sound of seoyoung’s voice, her actions, naeun could only assume the latter and she swallows harder, her hand moving quick to wrap itself around seoyoung’s to give her a light squeeze. 

“it isn’t right.” all she wanted to do was wrap the other in her arms, and give her that familial love that her family couldn’t. it hurt that they would go to such lengths to hurt the younger girl. “they’ve hurt you so much, they shouldn’t be allowed to call themselves parents.” they’re a disgrace, she wants to say but refrains. 

naeun closes her eyes at the confirmation – at the words that leave seoyoung’s lips ; it brings an anger, a frustration to naeun’s core. much like before, naeun feels disbelief at the audacity seoyoung’s parents had. how could they treat their daughter in such a way? it hurt naeun more, hearing that while seoyoung had taken the initiative to try – such efforts had been thrown back into her face, useless. she can feel her molars grind, her hand tightens around the other’s again. “you shouldn’t have to.” she says, shaking her head. naeun knew she was fortunate, her family would never treat her like seoyoung’s has – and it was that fact that made her all the more sympathetic to seoyoung. with a sigh, naeun levels her gaze with seoyoung’s. while afraid of what she may say, naeun asks her, softly; thumb rubbing the back of the other’s hand in comfort. “what are you going to do?”

  • US, TWO  ━━     ﹡  、

her shoes clatter in the entryway to announce her arrival. it’s odd to see it so empty – most of their members had gone home for the chuseok holiday, after all – leaving only naeun and seoyoung at the dorm. not that it was a bad thing, it left them time to spend with each other and as naeun had promised, she would never want to leave any of her members by themselves if she could help it. it was fortunate that naeun’s closest relatives were in seoul, anyways, so it saved on the crazy traffic it would take her to go back to busan and her penchant for unbroken promises. she makes it home by seven, having stopped by one of the rare restaurants that hadn’t closed down for the holiday to pick up some food for her and seoyoung ( a bundle of half and half chicken to go with the side dishes and songpyeon her grandmother had given her before she had left their picnic that afternoon ) .

“seoyoung-ah, are you here?” she tries to fix her shoes the best she can, not wanting their manager to come in and see the mess in the doorway in the morning, before making her way to the kitchen to set down the bags that were achingly weighing her arms down. ( she could already feel the spikes of numbness in her biceps ) she pats her hands clean on the dish towel by the sink before moving about to remove the containers from the bags. “have you eaten yet? i brought food like i promised!”



there’s been a lot weighing on seoyoung’s mind lately. no matter how many times the members have been there for her, all the struggles they’ve gotten through together, there’s still a small cloud of hesitation hanging over her. does she reallywant to burden them with her problems when they’re already working so hard? 

at the end of a long day, seoyoung sees the dark circles under her eyes in the mirror and remembers the much greater danger of keeping things bottled up. that brings everyone down. and she really can’t go on without someone to talk to. she’ll tell juyeon soon enough, but first she wants to talk to naeun. she’s nothing if not the perfect leader, always kind and strong, willing to listen. she’ll know what to do.

that’s how they find themselves in a cozy corner of the common area, seoyoung rubbing her palms hard over her face, trying to keep herself calm and composed. “i’m thinking…” she trails off, then huffs, frustrated that the words won’t come out easily. “i’m thinking of changing my name.”

﹡     ━━     finally she had time to catch up on her shows. on a casual night at home, she was happy to be watching some shows on late-night television with seoyoung. it had been months since they have properly seen each other in the dorm. it’s been a time naeun had missed. thankful for the time, she enjoys the quiet between them ; eyes trained on the show they were currently watching.

she hums at attention when she hears seoyoung’s voice over the comedic relief of the variety show they were watching; turning her full attention to seoyoung rather than watching the other carefully from the corner of her eye ( like she had been doing since seoyoung had joined her on the couch ). “oh?” her hand that had been nonchalantly holding the remote moves to lower the volume so she can hear seoyoung better. her words confuse naeun but rather than suddenly question it – naeun nods her head, allowing the other to continue. “did something happen for you to want to change it?” she asks at first, a tentative hand reaches out to carefully pat the other’s ; assuring her of her presence. 

it’s been a crazy few months – and naeun suddenly feels her own absence in the dorm. since she had been so busy filming her drama, she had lost sight of her other duties in her group. she wasn’t just a vocalist in luxe but also their leader – and for the most part, for naeun, that meant being the pillar they could lean on if they ever had anything that troubledthem. 

“are you okay?”
