#rm scenarios


Member: RM (BTS)

Genre: smut-ish?

could you please do a smut where you are married to namjoon but your kid/s wont let you have some alone time but when you finally do you do it… and maybe get caught by your son or someone of the band?  sorry if its long or anything but i really like you writings

aww thanks for liking our writing hun(lol i never use that word wtf) i made this a headcanon, i hope you dont mind though :D



-welp first things first

-your kinds need to be out of the house of course

-your two sons were at soccer practice and your daughter was at track practice

-which gave you and rm two hours to yourselves without one of the boys busting out crying cause of the other one

-as soon as rm came back from dropping them off he scooped you off your comfortable couch (rip)

-and plopped you on you guys bed giving you “The Look™”

-and that face only meant one thing

- mAx lEveL oF hOrnY

-he was talking about wanting another daughter ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

-okay ill be serious now

-you smirked after figuring out what he wanted

-and it made sense since he has been real busy with his national popularity

-”you dont know how much i’ve missed you sexy”

-you lean in for the kiss which starts out slow and sweet

-before it became sensual with both of you fighting for dominance as rm slipped his tongue into your mouth

-and of course, he won

-he would lower himself down to your area, pulling off your pants and panties all while smirking

-and you would just be there bubbling with the excitement you missed out on for months

-and RIGHT before his tongue met your swollen core

-bAM comes in jimin saying practice was canceled due to rain

-”hey guys no practice cause of rai- ohmygodimsorry”

-shoos away the kids and closes the door

-your face is just bright red

-cause your kids may or may not have seen something

-and then rms phone goes off with a text from jimin saying

-:im taking them out for ice cream enjoy the rest of your time”

-andddddd then stuff happened C:


hahaha im bad at this
