#rmx vava


Happy Day!

More Vava posts cause I can!xD

So look at my man, he thinks he’s sexy.

I don’t think he can drink while lying down like that. He just thinks he’s cool.^^;;


“Don’t talk to me or my son ever again!”

Is Vava Jr. old enough to even drink!?

(I call them Vava Sr. and Vava Jr. Or Big and Smol Vava)

TF2 Heavy Voice: Little little man, you’re no match for me!

Well, X is not impressed.

(And no smol Zero figure to save him! Oh no!)

I had my booster shot the other day, and I brought him with me.

He feels he belongs with the rest of the purple stuff in my bag

The small Vava Shrine ia coming along quite well!

I haven’t included the X3 Manga cover and the Novel pics cause I was too lazy to take them out the box. But this waa quite pleasant to look at

A gift for a Vava lover friend in Twitter

The Long Vava Post

Here’s Vava threatening me helping out with my shots…

I’m his Ride Armor for the day!

New Rockman XDive Weapon!

The Lazer Shark ( ✧Д✧) カッ!!

Same color scheme as the Puto Bumbong, huh?

Banana for scale!

He’s irritated with X’s cute smile and he thinks X is cute too

Vava and Vava

My Sugar-free coffee and Vava and his bourbon

If anyone wants more of my updated arts and pics, remember that I’m more active on Twitter!

VAVA MK-II and XDiVE’s XMas Bit (St. Vajurila RV) Skin

Reminded me too much of Candy Cane so…

Another birthday special? But darker?

Just Vava being vile…


It’s his anniversary too! He deserves this!
