#ro writes



Rex was startled out of his thoughts by the feeling of something warm touching his upper lip and he instinctively swiped at his face, his fingers colliding with his bucket instead. He threw a look around and pulled off his helmet. Touching his lip, his gloves came away wet, and he shifted his hand into the beam of his spotlight to get a better look. It was blood, he realized with a frown, the fabric of his gloves stained red.

Next chapter of Deference for Darkness is up! We’re getting to the action parts, so after this chapter the rating will go up.

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Behold! The power of leaving comments on fics:

I just binged an unfinished 16 chapter fic I thought was abandoned. And I left little comments as I finished each chapter. AND THEN THE AUTHOR REPLIED AND SAID THAT THE COMMENTS MADE THEM REVISIT THE WORK AND NOW THEY WANT TO FINISH IT I AM JUST. THANK YOU FAN FIC GODS.

B just so you know you did this to BAON and WBIT and you are the reason I got out of my writer’s block.

See you on Sunday, lads.


Halo Ch. 5 Spoilers

“Here, I’ve got an idea.” Fives held out his hand. “Take my hand, and Quill’s too. For every three steps you take, Quill and I will swing you forward, yeah? Sound good?”

Kiran lit up. “Yeah!” He grabbed both men’s hands quickly, biting his lower lip in concentration. “One… Two… Free!”

EVERYONE LOOK AT THEM I’M CRYING. They could be a whole little family. <3

Thank you to @space-b33 for doing a fun art trade with me!

Probably one of the cutest things I’ve drawn! And this is how I will remember them bc nothing bad will ever happen. Ever.


Everything’s Alright


Ship:Hunter x F!Reader

Word Count: ~3k

Rating:Teen and up (Descriptions of injury, blood, some moderate innuendo)

A/N:This is my half of an art trade that I did with the lovely @space-b33​ ! I don’t often write for Hunter so this was fun to do. :) 

Also, as an aside, I unwhitewash the bad batch in my writing as I do not like how their animations have been portrayed, so the batch’s descriptions may seem a little different as I’ve tried to redesign them. Thanks!

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I enjoyed this. Very. Very much. *saves in archives as a precious comfort fic*
