#robbie reyes x reader


Pairing: Robbie Reyes x Reader

Warnings: None.

Summary:Robbie had his brother away from danger but he quickly realises that there’s someone else he needs to keep safe.

“I can’t believe I’m on a secret agent ship!” Gabriel exclaimed as he wheeled his chair around to look at the interiors. Daisy smiled while Robbie forced a half-smile despite guilt eating away at his soul. Gabe turned back to his brother and grinned. 

“So, if I’m in protective custody why didn’t you bring in Y/n?” Gabe asked innocently. Daisy’s eyes sparked with intrigue at the mention of the name but Robbie frowned to cover up the way his heart wrenched at the mere mention of your name. 

“Gabe, why you bring them up?” After being together for years, Robbie had broken your heart to spare you from the truth and danger of the Ghost Rider. It had been months since that conversation took place and he hadn’t seen you since - apparently, Gabe had some secrets of his own.

“I bumped into Y/n a few days later on my way to school. I missed having them around so I invited Y/n to come by every few nights while you were away - just like old times. They were meant visit today.”

Robbie felt his heart leap into his throat as he reached into his pocket and snatched up his phone, instantly hitting the second contact on his speed dial: Mi Amor

So caught up in his emotion and keeping the monster within at bay, Robbie didn’t notice Gabe and Daisy smirk at the caller ID. 

Pacing as the call rang out, Robbie clenched and unclenched his fist repeatedly. Turning to Daisy, he gave one look and she understood what he meant. Nodding, Daisy sent a text to Mack to turn the plane around. 

Then suddenly - the call was answered. 

“Y/n?” Robbie asked. Hoping to the everything that you were fine. 

Robbie.” You replied in a thankful whisper. You were clutching your chest, back pressed against a wall in Gabe’s bedroom. “I couldn’t find Gabe at home. I’m worried they’ve-”

"Gabriel’s with me. He fine.” Robbie informed and began to grow nervous. You sounded like you had run a marathon. “Where are you?”

Gabriel’s bedroom.” You stopped for a minute and shuddered at the mere memory of what your eyes had seen. “I saw… there was a woman who walked through the wall. Robbie, she looked like a ghost." 

"Listen to me, miel - hide. Don’t look back and don’t go back to the…” There was a sharp gasp followed by an abrupt end to the call where the line went dead on your end. “Y/n?”

Still holding onto the phone like a lifeline, Robbie waited as if he’d hear your voice again until the reality settled and his rage bubbled to the surface causing the phone to melt into a puddle of metal and plastic. 

"What happened?” Gabe asked. Daisy stepped forward with the same question and Robbie looked at the pair of them. 

“They took Y/n." 

Masterlist here
