#robert garcia


Upcoming cards for Valentine event, Valentine gacha, and SING SENG SONG collab gacha!

Kyo, Billy, Robert dakimakura. Kyo’s is sold out, while Billy’s and Robert’s will be on preorder from 31 Dec 2020 to 1 Jan 2021 on KOFG official store.

Christmas event with Rugal!

Meanwhile, the Christmas cards are:

Forgot to archive the Fighters Gakuen AU cards here…

SING SENG SONG (SSS) collaboration cards, gacha from 20 November. These collaboration cards are drawn by illustrators other than Kuren.

Kyo + Nagi by Komiya Kuniharu

Robert + Benimaru by Tsuyomaru

Billy + Joe by Takashi

Watch “【KOFG】Benimaru Nikaido & Robert Garcia- - Starlight Journey -(Official Video)” on YouTube

Artwork by Tsuyomaru-san!

SING SENG SONG (しんせんそんぐ) is the name of the project under which new KOFG songs and illustrations by various artists will be released.

Gacha starting 13 November


SR Robert

R Terry
