#robert pattinson mpreg


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While taking a quick trip to the English beaches, Robert Pattinson and his family were Standup paddleboarding (SUP).  Robert found it relaxing since he had been trying to have fun on their vacation since his baby had been moving and kicking up a storm. But that didn’t stop Robert from trying to have some fun.  And as he would forget about his pregnancy the baby would give him a great reminder. Yet he did manage to have fun while SUPing even with his kid making his present known to Daddy Robert.

Don’t Steal My Work And Post It On Here Or Other Sites Without My Permission And Credit

Robert Pattinson and his girlfriend, Suki Waterhouse, were having a little bedtime fun when they interrupted by the contraction that Robert was having.  But thinking they were Braxton hicks contractions he just ignore the contractions as best as he could it was only when he felt his water break did he know that their sex fun would have to end early.  And that what he guest was their one and only child was coming, but it turned out they were have quats.
