#rockstar fanfiction


Change the show

Miles Kane x reader

Summary: When Miles returned from tour and was ready for date night, he found you on the couch, knowing that your period came around the corner. Well if you couldn’t make it to date night, he would bring it to you.
Warnings: period cramps and being emotional
Words: 2,1K

Change the show

You laid down on the couch of your boyfriend, Miles Kane. He would come home today from his Europe tour and you both rearranged a date night for tonight but your period came around the corner, ruining everything. You hoped by laying down for a while that you would feel a little better for when Miles would come home. You knew he wouldn’t mind staying at home with you but you still felt guilty.

Your knees were tucked against you in hopes for a little bit of relieve even though it wasn’t really working. This pain was way worse than you’ve had in a very long time and it felt like your uterus was literally killing you right now and don’t get me started about the goddamn hormones. You sniffled your nose as the tears slipped. Let’s keep it on that you felt utterly miserable right now.

In some miracle you finally fell into a deep sleep. You didn’t hear the door opening and closing. Miles was very silent because he came home early as a surprise. He looked around, expecting you to be awake or getting ready. Miles loved to just watch you get ready and listen to some music while he watched you do your make-up. But instead he found you, curled up in a ball on the couch in some sweats.

Miles immediately knew something was wrong. He walked up to you and crouched down to wake you but stopped when he saw that you’ve been crying. He frowned and looked around the apartment for any clues. He saw the painkillers laying there on the counter, giving him some thoughts about what was going on and his suspicion was correct when he saw some pads in the bathroom. He looked back at you and got a sympathetic smile. He got his bag, keys and wallet before getting out of the house silently to go to the store.

You woke up from a delicious smell, fried chicken. You opened your eyes and blinked a couple of times. That’s when you got confused why you were smelling fried chicken and why there was some soft music playing in the background. You got up, expecting to see Miles but you got another attack of cramps. You groaned and crouched completely in a ball as tears started to form in the corner of your eyes. “Babe?” you heard the comforting voice of Miles besides you. You whimpered in response. You felt his hand on your side, going towards your back, slowly rubbing you for comfort. When the pain got a little less, you opened your eyes to see a worried Miles in front of you.

“Hi..” you said, not really knowing what else to say or where to begin. He chuckled softly and looked down before making eye contact with you again. “Hiya babe. Ya avin a bad month aren’t ya?” he asked you while stroking your hair. You nodded, your eyes filling with tears once again. “Yeah…. I’m sorry I ruined date night, and I’m sorry I wasn’t awake when you came back.” you rambled, clearly emotional.

Miles eyes got even softer if that was even possible. “Babe… Don’t ya worry about tha. We’ll go when ya feel better luv. I just want to take care of ya now.” he told you as he softly wiped away your tears with his slender thumbs and rested his hand on your cheek. His golden rings feeling cold against your skin. You sniffed your nose and got a little up to wrap your arms around Miles, who giggled a little in response. He let you wrap your arms around him before he sat down next to you on the couch to give you a proper hug.

“I’ve missed you so much Mi.” you told him, not wanting to let go. He stroked your hair again and let you hold him as long as you wanted to. “I’ve missed ya too babe. Ya ave no idea.” He told you, kissing your head multiple times. You got out of the hug and looked him in his deep brown eyes, which gave you the feeling that you were home. He smiled softly at you while cupping your cheek and bringing you close for a welcome home kiss. It was a loving and warm kiss, reminding you how much you actually missed him.

You both heard the chicken sputter in the oil and Miles quickly got up. “oi! Meh chicken!” you chuckled slightly at his response. He got them out of the oil and now you got a good glance at what he was wearing. You felt your heart fill with love as he looked so cute wearing an apron. He wore a striped blouse underneath and tucked it in his black trousers. You saw that he already made the table and lit some candles that were stuck in the bottle of wine.

Once Miles got the chicken out, he walked back to you. “Do ya think ya can stand? If not, I can bring the food to ya.” He asked you, his voice laced with some worry. “It’s okay, I think can walk to the table.” You told him. He nodded and handed you both of his hands to help you get up from the couch. You got up but crouched a little, hoping it would ease the pain. Miles helped you to the table and gave you a glass of wine.

“Thank you Mi.” you told him with a loving smile on your face. He got a grin and kissed your forehead before sitting opposite you. You looked at all the food he had cooked and your mouth already began to water at the sight. Miles smiled, knowing that look. “I figured ya wanted some comfort food.” You smiled “Yeah, thank you! it looks amazing as always.” You both began to dig in. Miles gave you the space you needed, if you wanted to but you were already asking questions about his tour. Miles began to talk about his tour and you listened with a smile on your face. You loved to see him so happy, energetic and excited.

After dinner he cleaned the table, forcing you to stay seated because you didn’t feel great and he wanted to take care of you. Once the table was clean, you rested your head on your arm against the back of the chair while you looked at Miles with a loving smile. He got a bag which was completely full. You frowned in curiosity. “What you got there Kane?” you asked with a smile. “Well, since ya asked..” he chuckled before continuing “Since we can’t go on date night, I thought I’ll bring date night here.” He told you with a smile that suggested he was proud. You chuckled and waited to see what was in the bag.

He got one snack out after the other. From sweet to sour to salty. Your favorite chocolate, candy, crisps, cookies, popcorn, ice cream but that was in the freezer and much more. You couldn’t wipe the smile off of your face. “Thank you Mi.” your voice soft as you felt yourself becoming emotional. The amount of love you felt for that man was just getting more and more. “I’ll go make ya a bath alright darlin?” he told you, kissing the top of your head and headed for the bathroom.

It didn’t took him long when he got back and helped you get up. You saw that he bought you a lot of things for the bathtub along with lotion, body spray and that he had lit some candles with some music in the background. You got undressed when Miles went back to the kitchen and came back with 2 glasses and another bottle of wine and a book. You were already seated in the bathtub while you rested your head on your arms on the side of the bathtub.

Miles gave you the wine glass and sat down on the toilet seat and opened the book. You loved Miles’s voice since it would calm you down a lot of the time, so liked it when he would read to you and that was exactly what he was going to do. You gazed lovingly at Miles, loving this intimate and loving moment he created for you, always trying to make you feel comfortable, loved and safe. The cramps got less because of the warm water while the smell of lavender filled your nose. The flames of the candles illuminating his face while he read to you.

After a while you got out with the help of Miles. He carefully rubbed you in with lotion in a caring way before putting his kimono on you. He cupped your cheeks and placed a loving kiss on your lips. You plopped down on the couch while Miles got some snacks for you and painkillers before sitting down next to you.

You watched some trash tv show as it was a secret pleasure of the both of you. You curled up against Miles, his arm around you and his head comfortably resting against yours, giving you now and then kisses on the top of your head. His hand softly massaged your scalp and you felt your whole body completely relax against him.

But obviously it wouldn’t take long before you got another attack of cramps kicking in. You whimpered, catching the attention of Miles while you pulled your knees up to your abdominal for comfort. Your arms against your stomach, trying to ease the pain. It sometimes helped to put some pressure on your stomach and Miles knew that so he got his hand and carefully placed it on your belly, placing a little bit of pressure on it.

“Does this help?” he asked you just to be sure. You nodded, feeling a little out of breath from the pain you just experienced. “I can rest me head on ya stomach if tha helps?” he suggested, which was a good idea. You nodded and he made you lay down just a bit so he could rest his head on your stomach while he laid on his side. “Bettah luv?” he asked you “Yeah, it damps the pain.” He smiled and you went with your fingers through his short hair, relaxing Miles along the way and you could hear him sigh in relaxation, making you smile.

“Ya know, this is all I need. I love date nights but I also needed this.” he told you while making eye contact with you. “good, makes me feel less guilty.” You chuckled softly. “Thank you for tonight Mi. This was really nice.” He smiled and you got your head a little down so you could kiss him. “Ya let me know if ya want to change positions or if ya want to go to bed doll.” You nodded “I’m very comfortable for now, thanks to you.” Miles drew circles on your leg and eating some popcorn in between.

After two hours of watching trash tv and cuddling you both were so relaxed and tired that you decided to go to bed. You freshened up while Miles put the lights and the candles out. You crawled into bed and waited for Miles to get in as well so you could cuddle. The window was slightly open, hearing the rain hitting the pavement and roof outside. The smell of rain softly blew into the room, making the curtains softly move in the wind, relaxing you even more.

Miles was done with freshening up and got in next to you. “ ’s realleh stormin outside innit?” he asked you in his thick scouse accent from the tiredness. “Yeah, it is. It’s relaxing though.” Miles opened his arms for you. You laid down on your side, your head on his chest while you drew circles on his abs. “ ’s perfect.” He told you while he looked at you, love radiating through his eyes. “This night was perfect.” You told him with a smile which he returned. He placed his hand on your stomach again for the cramps. “I had an amazin night, it was indeed perfect.” You smiled in response. Miles came closer to give you a kiss.

“I love you Mi. More than you could ever imagine.” He nuzzled your nose with his “I love ya more darlin. This all sounds a bit cheeseh innit?” he chuckled “But I do mean it. ya mean the world to meh love.” You wrapped your arms around his chest, wanting him to be as close as possible. “Goodnight Mi.” he kissed the top of your head. “Goodnight luv.”

It didn’t took long before sleep took over the both of you. As hard as it was storming outside it was as calming inside of Miles’s apartment and now yours too.
