#roger willigton



Connected to the “what if” scenario of Horrorartist23 where the Impossible God Roger got dragged to hell by the other 8 Gods, this is an idea of what Raven would do after waiting for some time for him to be forgiven and released.

Even if Raven is fully aware that what he did was very wrong and had to be punished for his mistakes, she had already forgave him, but now she had enough of waiting for him to come back. Since there is no definet answer to when he’s coming back, she decided to sneak all the items she needs to go to him herself. To make sure this works, she somehow borrowed a ritual book with enchantments, holy water and a cross for protection, and a couple of items that belonged to Roger. She even made a ring of salt to prevent any stray demons from getting out of the portal she drew on her wall.

There is a possibility she would try to bail him out, but a) she can be caught and thrown out of Hell or b) Roger himself would tell her to leave and let him be.

It’s a crazy move to go to Hell like that, but even if she won’t be able to get him back, she atleast would have seen him again one last time.

Roger The Impossible God belongs to @horrorartist23

Oh thats interesting its interly possible for Raven to visist Roger in hell and Victor would even go with her. If she has everything she needs the gate to hell (snake head) will open.

Its a dangerous move but Raven is brave
