#rohin x reader


welcome to the family || Damian Wayne


Damian and Reader are teenagers.

This work was requested over a couple months ago I think


“So, this is your girlfriend?” The one named Todd- Jason Todd- spoke up, he had his arms crossed across his chest as he stared at you with curious eyes, eyebrow raised before his attention shifted to your boyfriend who was standing in front of you.

You had your hand in Damian’s, he gave you a reassuring squeeze. This happened at your insistence, you had asked him if you could meet his family. While you had attended Bruce’s galas, you never seen his family because you’d always be with Damian, talking and hanging out with him at his family’s botany.

Your father almost got a heart attack when you told him you were dating Damian Wayne, your mother only smiled while your brother froze up for a moment before he hesitantly nodded. Your father went on rambling that you couldn’t date yet, that no you were still too young, Damian was a playboy and more lies to keep you with him.

Damian didn’t stop laughing when you told him about it, he continue teasing you until you shut him up with a kiss. THAT got him flustered and you just had to tease him back.

You were pulled away from your memories when another boy stepped into your line of view after he moved Damian aside, well, this one was more of a man if anything. His eyes were showing how intrigued he was with you.

“Grayson,” your boyfriend hissed, clawing at Grayson’s hand only to be blatantly ignored.

“Hmm,” the man hummed deeply, staring at you right in the eye as he flashed you that charming smile that got you to blush. “You’re so cute, how much did Damian pay you?”

“GRAYSON!” This time Damian was able to push him away, the push was hard enough to cause the oldest brother stumble back.

“I bet he used his lunch money,” another boy with similar dark hair and blue eyes but more cute looking pondered in, he was also looking at you with curiosity.

You sighed, rubbing your cooling cheek with your free palm. It was time for you to speak up. “Damian didn’t pay me, I’m not that desperate,” you gave the boys a charming smile, “I met him at the galas, he’s very sweet. We have been dating for almost a year now.”

It was Damian’s turn to blush, he looked away and clicked his tongue. “I’m not sweet.”

“Exactly,” said the cute blue-eyed boy, he was definitely older than Damian but younger than the other two.

Jason then added, “nobody wants to be with a brat like you, which is why we’re asking this poor girl who happens to be Oliver’s kid. So, did Daddy kick you out?”

Both you and your boyfriend glared up at him, Damian was ready to defend you and himself until a gentle voice interrupted. A couple pairs of footsteps were coming closer, one was heavy and calculated as the other was light and graceful.

“Now, don’t be like that boys,” when you turned around, you saw Mr and Mrs. Wayne walking towards you and the boys, Mrs. Wayne had her arm looped around Bruce’s. Both of them looked like a King and his Queen, they looked so absolutely perfect for each other. Mrs. Wayne’s eyes landed on you, the gentle smile on her face widened as she and her husband stopped in front of you. “Ms. Queen, it is very nice to finally able to meet you.”

“Ah! Yes, I’m honored to be able to meet you, ma'am,” you almost stammered.

You were a little surprised when she leaned down to kiss your forehead before she straightened up again like nothing had happened. Your eyes shifted towards your boyfriend to find him already looking at you, grinning as if saying, ‘we’re safe now.’

He was right.

“Call me mum, sweetheart, she dreamily rested her head on Bruce’s shoulder. She lifted up her free hand, palm up, at her husband, "Honey. Pay up please.”

Bruce only responded with a sigh as he pulled a stack of money out from his pocket, putting it on his wife’s open palm who accepted it with a gleeful kiss to his cheek.

“So much for being the greatest detective, dear husband,” Mrs. Wayne cooed, “who’s up for some seafood? My treat.”


There wasn’t much Damian/Reader going on… I’m sorry ><
